Category: Blog
Bibi’s True Origins
| 3 Comments on Bibi’s True OriginsReally, I think they are indistinguishable. Also, here is Bibi sneaking eats like a piggie at the trough. Manda is over and she is drawing naked ladies and I am crocheting my octopus tentacle/tako commission piece.
Read more »Reality Tv Twins: the Chairman Vs. The Bachelor
| 6 Comments on Reality Tv Twins: the Chairman Vs. The BachelorI don’t know why, but this season, I’ve started watching the Bachelor. I never wanted to be one of THOSE girls who watches the Bachelor. I recall living in Palo Alto with Renee and Patrick, and Patrick’s ladyfriend ran into the livingroom, turned on the Bachelor, and asked me who I wanted to win like it was the most urgent question ever. I was like, HUNH!?!?! I am mostly in awe that any of these girls could possibly believe they are falling in love with this dude in a matter of weeks. I think he should shag all of them, pick his top 3, and then let his kid pick the winner after a rousing game of UNO. (I choose UNO because I once tried to play this with a small child, and it was one of the most frustrating experiences in my life because 1) I don’t like playing with children and 2) she kept making up her own rules so that she would win. THAT’S NOT FAIRRRrrrrR!!) Every time I watch the show, all I can see is the Chairman from Iron Chef, which kind of makes the experience even better. Hairy does not see this resemblance. I think it’s pretty clear. In other news, Hairy and I watched Revolutionary Road tonight. He concludes: “What we learn from the 50s is: 1) drink lots of booze 2) smoke lots of cigarettes and 3) sex doesn’t last very long, no lady orgasms.” I think the moral of this entire entry is for you to GET IN THE KITCHEN.
Read more »IEATYuckyStuff meets VALENTINE’S DAY!!!!
| 6 Comments on IEATYuckyStuff meets VALENTINE’S DAY!!!!We had epic plans for the Horrid Romantic Comedy Marathon Tri-fecta for Valentine’s Day. Confessions of a Shopaholic, then He’s Just Not That Into You, and then coming home to watch Nights in Rodanthe on Pay Per View. We know how to do it up, right? Richard Gere FTW! I was actually really curious about what my mental state would be like after such abuse, but alas, we woke up a bit too late to execute this properly, since any SMART person should know that you can’t gp watch a romantic comedy on VDAY at 8pm without buying advance tix and getting there really early. AAANYWAY, we decided to go eat something instead. HOWEVER, a SMART person should also know that you basically shouldn’t leave the house on VDAY because there’s no parking anywhere and all the restaurants are packed. I tried to think of a place where NOBODY would go to eat. I picked: 37 (degrees Celsius) Dessert Cafe in the Sunset, a tiny hole in the wall Chinese dessert cafe where white people dare not tread. It’s probably the least classy and romantic place I could think of besides fast food. Hairy tried some epic Yucky eats this night. First up was his strange beverage: SALTY LEMON 7UP? WHAT??!?!?!?! We didn’t even have any idea what it was until it came. Apparently they put a pile of salty preserved lemon chunks at the bottom of the glass, and then you fill the glass with 7Up. Hairy said it was strange but not terrible, and a mix of salty and sweet. I declined a taste. I had tea and pork cutlet ramen. Hairy also got ramen but opted for the BACON-WRAPPED HOT DOG ROLLS ON TOP!! We finished with a baked tapioca pudding with a ribbon of red bean paste running through it, but I didn’t get a picture of that one, unfortch. All in all, it was my idea of the perfect Valentine’s Day…. i.e. it was just like any other day and not a big deal. And I still plan to experience the Horrid Romantic Comedy Marathon Tri-fecta at some point soon!
Read more »Fun Stuff Round Up
| 1 Comment on Fun Stuff Round UpI know this is really soon to have another one, but I’ve just been bumping into stuff to share lately! 1) Button Bubble Dress by Lynnsrags on Etsy. I love this dress! I would totally get it, but I don’t do well with the strapless get ups! It’s super cute, though. Bright, cheery, and simple! 2) Lulu Shoulder Bag in Mint by ErickaBasile on Etsy. This one is sold, but check out her other bags! 3) Pretty self-explanatory. I just added it to my blog reader thingie! Submit pics of your own disgustingly fattening snacks. I know you have some. 4) Zipper Pouch by kaylay7 on Etsy. I just really love the print on this fabric! 5) Boba Tea SOAP by DirtyAssSoaps on Etsy. I’ve seen a lot of foodie soaps in my day, but this is the first bubble tea soap I’ve ever seen! GENIUS!! Also, I love the smell of coconut, and I would totally order this drink (my other mainstay is the taro flavor!). 6) Nanette Lepore dress on I bookmarked it when I was looking or a dress for that charity ball. 7) Panda Wallet by fluesnapper on Etsy. There is just something kinda cute about this little guy! 8) Peacock Bubble Dress by Veronica Reis on Etsy. I really do love peacock colors, and if I had $450 to throw down like it ain’t no thing, I’d totally pick one up! It’s gorgeous.
Read more »“I wish we could stay like this….”
| 6 Comments on “I wish we could stay like this….”Movie 20 Originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN Music from All My Children + Me + Bibi =
Read more »WIWT & New Cookie Brooches!
| 6 Comments on WIWT & New Cookie Brooches!I bought these beads YEARS ago and never took the time to do anything with them. I finally started using them on my Pink Pastry Weepuls, but I was excited to put them on a sugar cookie brooch! The hand-sewing kind of took forever but was very mind-numbing and relaxing! I wish I could rock them on a scarf, but that would be WAY too scratchy. Anyway, I put this brooch and 4 other heart-shaped sugar cookie pins up on My Etsy shop a few minutes ago. I also wanted to share this sweet bag with you! I picked it up when we went to the Loyal Army sample sale. I haven’t worn it out yet because I’m lazy about switching out purses, but it’s really roomy and I can shove all kinds of crochet work in there, too! I love it! I kind of got tsk-tskd by my licensing agent when I met with him for coffee the other day because I was full on loaded up with Loyal Army gear. I am not in the mindset yet to see a brand like that as a competitor to me because….they have a store and a kajillion fans and what not, but then I got scared that I was a walking billboard for another brand. Is that bad? What are your thoughts on wearing your own brand? I know that band dudes don’t like to wear their own band tees, but what about wearing your own handmade? Your own screenprinted tees? Totally un-cool, or totally smart advertising? Discuss!
Read more »Fun Stuff Round Up!
| 8 Comments on Fun Stuff Round Up!Okay, I took forever to put this up, but I’m doing it anyway! 1) Kara’s Cupcakes – One thing that seems to shock people is that I don’t usually love to eat frosting! I find it often too sweet and sugary and I just wipe it off cake or cupcakes. But Kara’s Cupcakes are actually really tasty. There’s still a smidge too much frosting on there for me, but it’s really creamy! I tried the Lemony Lemon (thumbs up!) and the Peanut Butter Chocolate (on different days….). 2) This little dress sold by YeYe on is so cute!!! But it’s too small for me! 3) Irregular Choice – Um, sorry this link says out of stock now. Looks like I was too late in posting! But these were the most awesome little cherry shoes! 4) Sweet little floral jumper by Necessity is the Mother on! She has some other neat stuff, too. Check it out! 5) Twiggy Tunic by JAlvo on Etsy. Ok, this one is sold out, but she has one in blue i her shop. I don’t care for wearing white myself, but I loved the cut! 6) I’m pretty sure that most of you have already seen the Condom Animals clip, but just in case, have a gander at balloon animals going at it! 7) Cupcake Tote by Beanbun on Etsy. NOM NOM. 8) Lastly, as the Oscar’s are coming around the corner, take a moment to go see MILK. There is a lot of hubbub about Slumdog Millionaire, which was also good, but I thought MILK was a great little gem that deserves some attention!
Read more »Valentine Etsy Shop Update!
| 2 Comments on Valentine Etsy Shop Update!If you didn’t get a chance to nab goodies on eBay, come check out the last of my V-Day items on Etsy! Free upgrade to Priority Shipping within the US!
Read more »Pics from the Charity Ball!
| 11 Comments on Pics from the Charity Ball!Hairy and I attended my boss’ (or ex-boss’?) annual Valentine’s Day charity event to benefit the Stanford Cancer Center. This year’s theme seemed to be Disney/Fairy Tales, and her front gate turned into a castle, and her drive way was lined with giant fake lollipops!! By the front door, there was Cinderella’s carriage and it lit up! Inside was a Little Mermaid room and a naked lady ice statue whose boobies squirted out alcohol, a Princess Room where you could dress your own prince and take pics with these muscley men (but all the ladies apparently just left them in their boxers to take pictures), and the tent outside had a band and a giant fake tree like at Disneyland, and a ton of food and a dance floor. We didn’t take pics of everything, but I did get this snap of a dessert table! Hairy tried to get a pic of us: And finally, Hairy took a video clip, but it was kind dark in there so it’s hard to see much!
Read more »Handsewing Muscles Out of Shape!
| 2 Comments on Handsewing Muscles Out of Shape!So I am still applique-ing some cute-tility packs for an Etsy update, and my pointer and middle fingers are so sore!!! I tried using a thimble but the thing kept flying off. So I decided to try sticking moleskin onto my fingertips. I think it’s helping a little…. but Hairy also ordered a leather thimble for me. Sorry this is kind of an uninteresting entry. I’m knee-deep in felt and thread!
Read more »Valentine’s Day eBay Auctions up now!
| Leave a CommentI will also either do a shop update or post more items on Etsy, but the one on eBay were the more special or one-of-a-kind items!!
Read more »WIWT: The Claw is Our Master
| Leave a CommentThis is the tee that Hairy bought me at Disneyland! This weekend consisted of Manda’s yard sale, Goodwill adventuring, Thai food, the Loyal Army sample sale, eats at Cha Cha Cha, quick wander around the Haight, and a major Target run. Today: desperately trying to finish Valentine’s eBay auctions, trip to post office, must purchase printer, paper. My plan is to have the most-likely-to-be-one-of-a-kind Vday stuff on eBay, and then give myself a day or two to finish up other Vday items to be posted on my site or on etsy. Sorry I always get holiday stuff out so late. I’m tryin! 😉
Read more »WIWT (party dress!)
| 6 Comments on WIWT (party dress!)So there it is. It’s for my boss’ charity event, and she requests formal full-length gowns, but, I also wanted something I’d be able to wear more than once (I’m not really a full-length kinda gal). Any suggestions about accessorizing and styling are completely welcome. That’s just how I have my hair today, and then I threw on pearls at the last second but am not married to the idea. I don’t really want to buy new shoes, so I’ll just have to stick with what I have around the house! I am thinking I may try my clip-in hair extensions for this night, but I don’t know yet. I DO need to touch up my roots, tho! Wish I were brave enough to do that myself at home! Earlier this morning, I was doing this: And that’s what I’ll be doing more of right now, and maybe take a “break” to work on my taxes. I’m really into rosettes right now!
Read more »Cake Cowl, Deconstructed Scrambles, & Food Art!
| 3 Comments on Cake Cowl, Deconstructed Scrambles, & Food Art!This is a sketch for one of the Valentine’s Day scarves I’m working on. It’s a fluffy pink super thick cowl that looks like a cake! Here it is in progress. This yarn is AMAZING. It’s 100% wool, so it’s a teeny tiny bit scratchy, but it’s still really soft and fluffy and gorgeous. I am a big fan. I’ve had 4 balls of this for a couple years. I bought it to make a cotton candy scarf which I never made, but now I am really excited to be using it!!! YARNSQUEE! This is also the first time I’ve worked with cable stitches. It’s REALLY thick and bulky. I imagine that cable work with knitting is a lot more delicate. Sometimes I wish I could do both! I can sorta knit, but I’m really really super duper slow at it. Here are some pics of the breakfy that Hairy cooked over the weekend. He called it a Deconstructed Scramble: Finally, last week, I had coffee with a few friends, and also my first potential crochet student!! He brought this in a box: He is of course EDIBLE and was housed in a paper castle. Cool, eh? Anyway, I’m hustling to bring you a really cool shop and eBay update by Feb 1, but I also have to finish doing my taxes! Ew! Also, I’ve been signing my life away on paper to hopefully bring you some fun news in the not too distant future…… Now I have to go walk the dogs before we go to dinner with my family for New Year’s. Gung hay!
Read more »Sleeping on a Cloud?
| 6 Comments on Sleeping on a Cloud?Our new mattress arrived yesterday morning! I have been on a futon for about 10 years. I don’t like soft squishy beds, and I hate when you can feel someone else move on a springy mattress. But my futon was getting really uncomfortable, so it was time to graduate and get a grown-up bed. It’s a firm mattress with a pillow top. IT IS HUGE!!!!!!! Like really super big!!! The futon was really low-profile and this monster is SUPER TALL. Bibi can’t really get on and off of it, and I will miss my morning puppy snuggles until we figure out a new arrangement upstairs in the loft. Today we popped into a few stores to check out bed frames. We really liked some at this one store in our neighborhood, but they only came in queen sizes, and our mattress is a full. I hope hope HOPE we do not run into this problem over and over again. I really don’t like the look of plain wooden bed frames and I hope we still have choices! We’ll see!! Here’s a pic of my yarn stash that somebody requested. Of course, the stash is changing all the time, but there’s the general set up. Since this pic when I first moved into this loft last year, we’ve had to put a small fence around the yarn because Bibi has begun to pull it off shelves and mess with it. If you’ve ever seen the movie “The Ugly Dachshund and you recall the yarn scene…..our house has ended up that way a few times before we had to gate off the goods! Today I hope to finish up a Valentine’s day scarf and maybe go see Revolutionary Road.
Read more »Chocolate Hearts for Breakfast
| 7 Comments on Chocolate Hearts for BreakfastI don’t know where time goes these days. I get really depressed about not being productive and therefore having no money, and then I don’t feel like taking pictures or posting blog entries. I’ll try to turn all of that around! Gearing up for a Valentine’s-themed post has been fun, but sometimes I think that updating my shop becomes this huge boogie man!! Like I need to make a kabillion things before an update so I don’t waste anybody’s time. I have to work on fine-tuning my posting schedule! After V-Day, I look forward to making things with no holiday theme :P. I have many fun ideas, like waffle cowls, and spaghetti n meatball circle scarves! And making a bunch of cupcake berets for y’all! Here’s a shot of Bibi’s foot in Bunny’s face. Don’t forget to visit IEatYuckyStuff if you haven’t seen the latest video post: MUSHROOM PATE’ + VERY HARD BAGUETTE.
Read more »I’ll Pinch Yo Dumplinz
| 5 Comments on I’ll Pinch Yo DumplinzAbove is a picture of some dumpling things I helped pinch. Yeah. I’ll pinch yo dumplinz! Clearly I am not very good at it, but at least they kept the insides inside which is the point, right? Inside was mock duck, carrots, and some other Asiany Viet things that Hairy mixed up (I didn’t actually cook anything). I am a very lucky (and fat) girl. Hairy is classically trained in culinary kung fu. When I was little, I once asked my mom if she could teach me to cook, or if she would let me throw some shizz in a pan and and then eat it. She was always kind of hesitant (or maybe busy?), and I remember cooking something once (I think it was like lettuce, beef, and salt in a skillet) and I think that sort of set up my relationship with cooking, which is to say, I don’t have one. So as fate would have it, I now live with somebody who cooks everything under the sun, East, West, whatevs! I’m like, “I wanna eat blankety blank,” and then blankety blank is created in our very own kitchen. I have been hoarding my photos of Hairy’s food for a bit, and now I’m just going to unload. Enjoy! (You can also click on all the pics to make them bigger if you want!) Steak Sammiches Butternut (I think) Soup Lamb Chops Little Apple n Pear Pot Pies with Berry Goo Monk Fish
Read more »Turn Your Pet into a Pillow!
| 2 Comments on Turn Your Pet into a Pillow!scooter, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN. I am pretty sure I’ve blogged about PillowPillowPillow before, but I just got my Scooter in and had to share once more!!! Scooter is PillowPillowPillow creator Aaron’s super cute pup turned art pillow. I always wanted a weinerdog, and now I have one!!!! In my PPP package I also got news that our very own BIBI will be a pillow!!! YAY!!!! Aaron sent me a graphic of Bibi and it is SO CUTE YOU WILL DIE!!!! But I will save it as a surprise for whenever the pillow is actually available, and you too will be able to own a Bibi!!! Or, you can always send in a pic of your own pooch or kitty to be in the running for pillowfication!
Read more »VLOG: Warsh Your Genitals
| 5 Comments on VLOG: Warsh Your Genitals(p.s. for those in the medical profession, I did say “nitrates” instead of “nitrites. Oops. Doh.)
Read more »Horsepillz!
| 8 Comments on Horsepillz!Horsepillz!, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN. Help! I have pill-taking phobia. I don’t want to eat this.
Read more »Note to self…
| 6 Comments on Note to self…Photo 18, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN. 5/8″ curling iron is a bit toooooo small…… At first I was afraid, but then, I embraced it.
Read more »Today we love PINK!
| 4 Comments on Today we love PINK!pink pink, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN. I noticed that I was gathering photos of pink things, so I decided to purge a little! Today I’m Loyal-Army-ed-out. Pretzel tee and Pink Hoodie. The hoodie doesn’t look all that exciting in the pic, but it has cute buttons and a little yoke that are subtle touches but very sweet. Also shown is my new pink owl mug!! Go to Target and check out all their cute Valentine’s day housewares stuffs. I wanted to buy the entire display! And finally, I wanted to share with you my love for cranberry capsules. They are filled with cranberry juice concentrate powder. You can either just take the capsules, or open them and use the powder to make a tea! I hate taking pills, so I’ve been drinking the cranberry “tea” (3 capsules’ worth in a cup of hot water). You have to drink it while it’s hot. When it’s cold, it’s NASTY (powdery)!! I find that if I am starting to feel the early stages of a ….uhh…. UTI….(sorry, squeamish boys!)…. that I can fight it off without Cipro by drinking a LOT of water ALL the time and drinking 3 cups of cranberry tea a day with food. Obvs if you get worse or if it sticks around for a few days, please call your doctor! Don’t get a kidney infection! There’s your random bladder-related tip for the day ;).
Read more »Fun Stuff Round Up!
| 3 Comments on Fun Stuff Round Up!I decided to do occasional round ups of fun stuff to share cute or funny or weird stuff that I find and/or love! 1. Artist Nouar now has an etsy shop open where you can buy some prints! 2. Check out some of Jon Lajoie’s funny music videos on YouTube. Ganked from Gala Darling’s tweet. 3. Super cute Sweet Tooth Tunic at 4. Um, I canNOT believe this amazing dress is STILL available at I’mYourPresent. What’s wrong with you people!? 5. Totally amazing Chanel cake made by DebbieDoesCakes on Flickr. She is amazing! Go drool! 6. Cute green playsuit made by LooseTeeth on etsy! 7. Uh, have you seen anything CUTER?!!! Adorable plush box of Valentine’s chocolates from She only made 10 sets! 8. Check out really cute prints by primpedpaperie on etsy.
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