Above is a picture of some dumpling things I helped pinch. Yeah. I’ll pinch yo dumplinz! Clearly I am not very good at it, but at least they kept the insides inside which is the point, right? Inside was mock duck, carrots, and some other Asiany Viet things that Hairy mixed up (I didn’t actually cook anything).
I am a very lucky (and fat) girl. Hairy is classically trained in culinary kung fu. When I was little, I once asked my mom if she could teach me to cook, or if she would let me throw some shizz in a pan and and then eat it. She was always kind of hesitant (or maybe busy?), and I remember cooking something once (I think it was like lettuce, beef, and salt in a skillet) and I think that sort of set up my relationship with cooking, which is to say, I don’t have one.
So as fate would have it, I now live with somebody who cooks everything under the sun, East, West, whatevs! I’m like, “I wanna eat blankety blank,” and then blankety blank is created in our very own kitchen.
I have been hoarding my photos of Hairy’s food for a bit, and now I’m just going to unload. Enjoy!
(You can also click on all the pics to make them bigger if you want!)