Cake Cowl, Deconstructed Scrambles, & Food Art!

Cable Cake Cowl

This is a sketch for one of the Valentine’s Day scarves I’m working on. It’s a fluffy pink super thick cowl that looks like a cake!

Here it is in progress. This yarn is AMAZING. It’s 100% wool, so it’s a teeny tiny bit scratchy, but it’s still really soft and fluffy and gorgeous. I am a big fan. I’ve had 4 balls of this for a couple years. I bought it to make a cotton candy scarf which I never made, but now I am really excited to be using it!!! YARNSQUEE!

Bouton D'or

This is also the first time I’ve worked with cable stitches. It’s REALLY thick and bulky. I imagine that cable work with knitting is a lot more delicate. Sometimes I wish I could do both! I can sorta knit, but I’m really really super duper slow at it.

Here are some pics of the breakfy that Hairy cooked over the weekend. He called it a Deconstructed Scramble:

Deconstructed Scramble 2

Deconstructed Scramble 1

Finally, last week, I had coffee with a few friends, and also my first potential crochet student!! He brought this in a box:


He is of course EDIBLE and was housed in a paper castle. Cool, eh?

Anyway, I’m hustling to bring you a really cool shop and eBay update by Feb 1, but I also have to finish doing my taxes! Ew! Also, I’ve been signing my life away on paper to hopefully bring you some fun news in the not too distant future……

Now I have to go walk the dogs before we go to dinner with my family for New Year’s. Gung hay!

3 Comments on “Cake Cowl, Deconstructed Scrambles, & Food Art!”

  • Jackie


    That yarn is GORGEOUS!
    So fluffy and pretty.

    • It’s so fun to work with. They should make it in a kabillion colors!

  • Didi


    I have never wanted to eat yarn before. Wow. It looks sweet.

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