My Life in an Egg Shell

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I’ve been knee-deep in beads for the past few days. I really love hand-sewing them to EVERYTHING, but it’s so time-consuming and probably not the best use of the time/money equation…but I have to follow my heart and just blow 4 days sewing beads if I want to! All for you guys, all for you!!!! 😉 I just took product photos of everything and am now editing them. Tomorrow will be shooting the modeling photos (I may drag Manda into this if she comes over) and posting the listings!! One more exciting thing that’s been happening is the collaborations I’m doing with other designers so that I can have products that I don’t necessarily know how to make, like clothing and jewelry. I horribly photoshopped this horribly lit photo of a skirt collab with Poppy’s Wicked Garden along with one of my Princess Girly Girl Cake Clutches. They looked pretty cool together in person!!! I could easily walk out of the house decked out in Twinkie Chan garb and not feel embarassed about it! 😛 In fact, I wore this skirt to the MAGIC tradeshow. So comfy and so cute!! I will be offering 4 custom-sized tutu skirts in custom Twinkie Chan fabric. I’m not sure if I’ll ever make more because custom fabric is so expensive, so, I suggest thinking about snatching one up while they exist! p.s this particular clutch (with inside pocket, magnetic clasp, and optional gold shoulder chain) will not be posted up in the next update. I forgot to think ahead and order purse chain, so I want to wait for that to come in first. Also, I tested my gluing technique for attaching the sprinkle beads to the purse, and I was not satisfied, so I might either keep this one for myself, or post it later at a reduced price. This is why I started sewing them on! 😛 OK, back to editing photos!

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Powered by Vitasoy!!!

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I’m being so Asian right now!!! I grew up on this stuff! I want a photo one day of me, passed out on the floor, covered in empty Vitasoy boxes! For those not in the know, it’s a soy drink….basicallly soy beans, water, and sugar. It’s soy-riffic. If any Vitasoy reps out there want to sponsor me, I would be honored to wear your Vitasoy merchandise. May I suggest an insulated Vitasoy fanny pack to keep your favorite beverage cool while you are out and about? The first idea’s free…. Okay, now, I go and shoot product photos for Etsy update! I need to come up with fun names for my felted bows, like LuvBerry Cheesecake!

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Sneaka Peeka!

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I’m making a handful of one-of-a-kind decorated bows. You’ll get to decide if the one you buy gets sent as a hairclip or giant pin (I wore mine as a giant pin on my skirt when I ran around the tradeshow). There will be all sorts of flavors and styles!! Once I get the bows decorated, I will get pics of EVERYTHING (bows, scarflets, necklaces, skirts, one-of-a-kind tees) and update the store! Almost there!!! In other news, this was fun to read outloud: My Immortal. I know a lot of you probably already knew about this, but I am a complete stranger to the fan fic world, and this just about blew my top off! Enjoy!

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Me Make Monster!

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Hey, Gang! Okay, so I know this is not an Etsy update post…but I’m working on it!! I’ve decided to do a ton of handsewn beading, so now it’s taking forever!!! AHHHH!! Anyway, this post is about Jenny Harada’s book she is working on for F+W, called Me Make Monster! I will be contributing a pattern to it!! And if you go to her blog, it appears she is still looking for some mons-tributions! I am not known for being a monster-maker, but I sort of combined my foodie tendencies with some creature features to come up with a fun (and hopefully not too confusing) project! Here’s a sneakity peakity: Sorry I never got a chance to take a decent picture of it!!! I concocted it and made samples of it in a hurry to ship it off!! Last night, we unexpectedly ate dinner at Dessert Republic and then somehow ended up BOWLING!!! I only had my phone to take a video snip, so here are a few seconds of Rock n Bowl for ya! Um, I rule. That’s me with 2 strikes in a row. Unfortch, I didn’t make the turkey! I leave you with a cute picture of Bibi….being … cute. Hairy had piled up some pillows for himself on the couch, and Bibi helped herself to them!

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Shit, son! It’s ON!!!!!!

| 5 Comments on Shit, son! It’s ON!!!!!!

Ok, this blog entry of Hairy’s is funny to me, because I have been taking pics of him and Bibi napping together since Bibi was wee. I’ve been holding onto this gem for some time. Perfect moment to bust it out:

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Fun Stuff Round Up + Las Vegas Wrap Up!

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1. Pink Girlie Mirror by DestinationDesign 2. The Alexis Smith Dress by Thrush (saw this shop in Elsie’s blog 3. Cute Bumblebee Brooch from RedVelvetArt 4. “Ice Cream Cone Donuts from KawaiiNails. 5. Paisely Peacock Tulle Flower Headband by Tarina Tarantino. 6. Red Vintage Peep Toe Sandals from thelasthurrah. 7. Pattern for Felted Cow Bag! by sonicka. 8. Cream Colored Strapped Ankle Boots by thecrumpetcloset On Tuesday, I flew to Las Vegas for the day to attend the MAGIC tradeshow. I wouldn’t normally go just for kicks, but my reps and I had a meeting with a company re: Twinkie Chan business, and they were kind enough to provide badges for us to attend. We walked the floor quite a bit and checked out a bunch of brands. I ran into Susan of and also saw Ted from Poketo. Those were probably the only 2 peeps I actually knew there! I thought I saw Jamie from JapanLa, but she was talking to a bunch of girls and I didn’t manage to make eyecontact with her while we were walking by. I was there for about 6 hours and really didn’t get to see everything! Maybe if I get the chance to go again (it happens twice a year), I will plan to spend a little more time and bring a pal! After my meeting, which started a bit late, there was no time for dinner. I had to get back to the airport! The line for a cab was REAAALLLY long, like won’t-make-your-flight long. This one guy kept yelling that there was no line for a limo. When asked how much the limo ride was, he said $60. Split 4 ways with some other ladies from the tradeshow meant a mere $15, which was basically what I paid to take a cab earlier in the morning. SOLD!!! Smooth ride. No wait. Awesome tunes. What’s not to love? My diet for the day consisted of a Starbuck’s blueberry scone, french fries around 3pm, and then 2 Mrs. Field’s cookies around 7:00. When I got home, Hairy made yummy Thai Food and we ate dinner at about 11:00. It was a carbtastic, long day! I leave you with a sweet video clip of the limo party. I was actually nothing like a party, which made the setting even more funny. (OK it’s really fuzzy and pixelated and basically looks like a sonogram. Sorry. It’s all I got.) I hope my next blog update will be all about new stuff on ETSY!! I still need to finish some items and shoot photos of them all tomorrow! Oh, P.S., here’s a photo that Hairy snapped of me when I got home from Vegas…..TIREDZ!!!! My head is on Bibi’s butt, and her head is on my knee. Nap snuggling!

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Some Pics of the Cake Clutch in Progress!

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I wanted to take some progress pics of the cake clutch while the sun was still out. It’s not done yet. It still needs the zipper installed (which also has the cherry zipper danglies) and possibly a purse snap for the flap. The pom poms and button are just laying on top, un-attached. Here was the sketch: Here’s the real deal: There’s a pocket inside, too. You can also see the D-rings to optionally snap on a chain. It actually came out a bit smaller than I had planned! But it’s still pretty cute. I carried a mohair blend with gold sparklies along with my Cascade 220 in the white layer cake. Pink + gold =

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Quickie WIWT + Random Photoshop stuff!

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This is the first time I asked Hairy really quick to take my WIWT pic before we jumped into the truck to deliver a big pile of dirt to my mom (long story). It’s kinda fuzzy cuz he used his iPhone! Dress: “Audrey”, a purchase on sale from a little boutique in Little Osaka on our L.A. trip Necklace: Twinkie Chan/Faeriesmak collab! (will be posted to Etsy some time next week!) Shoes: Em&Sprout So now I have my new dream hair picture. I saw it while looking at somebody’s MySpace page: I have ‘fro envy. I know that’s really weird. I would actually give up pink hair if I could have a perm, but I’d have to grow out my color before perming my hair, and I don’t think I have that kind of patience!! Okay, so Zwzzy twittered that she wish she were a friend of lions. So I photoshopped this delight in like 2 seconds: I think she appears to be at home in the Savannah with her pride. So joyous!! Also, I was on the hunt for some hair accessories to wear as maid of honor in my friend Margaret’s wedding in October. She asked me to find something peach-colored, so I made this collage for her to help me pick: She picked 3 or 4. I’m picking 4 because the red picks up the color of the dresses (I know, primary red and peach are really weird colors…..there is a story behind that… plus I think I might dye my hair red for that to keep the number of strange colors down!!). Lots of people on Flickr seemed to like 3 because of the sproingy feathers, but I’ve never worn feathers in my hair before! On Friday night, Hairy, Manda and I had Thai food in Mountain View and then saw Inglorious Basterds. It was good times. See it! I especially enjoyed the Italian hand gestures. I’m a bit crazed right now, because I’m going to Vegas on Tuesday, just for the day, to check out the MAGIC tradeshow and to take a meeting with a company my peeps have been talking to. It was suggested that I bring some samples. But you guys know me. I don’t usually have much stock laying around, so I’ve been trying to make some purses and maybe a grapefruit scarf to bring. The clock is ticking. I best get back to work!

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It’s not a real trip til ya get 2 parking tickets! (video and pics!)

| 26 Comments on It’s not a real trip til ya get 2 parking tickets! (video and pics!)

Soooo, our quickie whirlwind trip to Disneyland/L.A. was everything an all-American McDonald’s advertisement will have you believe: FOOD, FOLKS, and FUN. Galore. Times infinity. Plus more food. Here’s the four of us at Disneyland. This might be my favorite pic from the trip: me and the little lady on the beach at Santa Monica Pier!!! It was a reference to the fact that I feel weird about witnessing people putting their hands in someone’s butt pocket in public! I would like to state for the record that Manda started it. She’s a cheeky little monkey. Pun intended. But clearly she was too afraid to commit to the whole hand. Look at me, digging for gluteus gold! Here’s my most genius video montage. Trust me. 6 minutes seems like a long video, but if you can make it to at least about 3:57, you’ll be greatly rewarded!! Disneyland / LA TRIP! from Twinkie Chan on Vimeo. All the other awesome pics are behind the cut!!!

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We are off to L.A.!

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Re-freshed my hair color, took the dogs to my parents’, and now packing like mad. I would like to get into L.A. before 3 a.m. but perhaps this is a pipe dream!! Hairy wants to go to Canter’s as soon as we arrive. He is cray cray!!! Hopefully I will have lots of fun pics of the weekend. Let’s hope it’s not too devastatingly HOT! We are going to Disneyland on Saturday, and probably bumming around LA/Hollywood on Sunday. And hopefully having lunch with Renee on Monday. Seeing a good handful of old and new friends! Here is a quick sketch of a felted cake clutch I am going to try to make for you guys. I need to re-fill my Etsy shop SOON!!! That’s next week’s goal!! Corn Dogs & Funnel Cakes,

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Fun Stuff Round UP! & Bibi Videos!

| 18 Comments on Fun Stuff Round UP! & Bibi Videos!

1. Vintage Scottie Bookends 2. Vintage 40s-50s Record Collection 3. custom Golden Barbie dance dress by PinkZombies. 4. The Maraschino Dress from 5. Teal Jumper by 123LaLaLovely. 6. custom JEM bikini! by MySugarDoll. 7. Vintage Ice Cream Dress 8. Honey Bear Print. I love honeybears. When I have time, I will make a honeybear scarf! I recorded myself clipping Bibi’s nails once and never posted it. I just think she manages to be a really good girl about her nails. They are REALLY BIG GIANT BASSETY HOUND TOENAILS!!!! And the quicks have always been long, so I can never really chop off a lot, so I end up clipping them almost more than once a week in the attempt to get them shorter, but I’m also so scared to hurt her! I should take her to a groomer, but, I don’t want them to chop into her quicks, either. I am sure that is just par for the course, but I can’t bear the thought of it! The process is usually two-part. 1) I use the doggie guillotine clipper to get off the big chunks. 2) I use a human nail clipper to clean up the jaggedy weird ends that the doggie clipper leaves. She prefers the human clipper portion, so I have to try to remember to get a toenail cutter and see if I can do most of the damage with that! I am sure this is only interesting to dog-people, and perhaps even then, only vaguely interesting…. As a side note, Bunny actually prefers the Pet Dremel to sand down her nails! But I don’t think Bibi was ever able to get used to it. Plus Bibi’s nails are so dense and so big, that it takes FOREVER to get anywhere with it. Also, I had this weird plan to make a collection of short clips of Bibi squeaking various toys. I think I got tired of this idea and gave up quickly, but here is what I had so far. Obviously it’s been a while. She’s a lot bulkier now!!! BibiSqueaki from Twinkie Chan on Vimeo. Click the image to go to Vimeo if the movies doesn’t work here! And finally, I ran into this cute gem while I was clicking thru my video folder!! BABY BIBI!!

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Anonymous Hate Mail! I feel so special!

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I’m actually surprised I don’t get more hate mail from bored internet trolls! It’s not very exciting hate mail, but whatever. In other news, here’s a very ugly and annoying picture of me and Marissa by SFStation. If you want to see more pics from the event, check out this Shrinkle blog entry.

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Hairspray Wars!!! L’Oreal Elnett vs. Bed Head Hard Head

| 15 Comments on Hairspray Wars!!! L’Oreal Elnett vs. Bed Head Hard Head

I’d heard that many people were excited that Elnett Hairspray would be available again. Apparently it was banned in the United States for 20 years because it killed the ozone layer, so people would smuggle it back to the states from Europe. The hold was supposed to be incredible, and every superstar’s secret for giant hair. It is now available at Target. The formula is not exactly the same as before, and apparently it is a bit heavier due to a higher water content, but people still seem to be pumped that this hairspray is back. I wanted to buy a small can to see how it compared with my all-time favorite: Bed Head Hard Head. Now, I am probably looking for hairsprays with WAY MORE hold than most people need on a daily basis. My hair is really coarse, and heavy, and just wants to lay flat and straight. I damage it to kingdom come and put all kinds of product in it, just so I can get it big and fluffy and messy. And I need a powerful hold to keep all that messiness up, or else it will fall down flat in 30 minutes again. Most sprays that say they have super hold just make my hair crispy, but still flat. I think the water contents are too high to keep my hair fluffy. Aqua Net is pretty good, and not watery, but the hold is still not enough to last me through the day. Bed Head Hard Head seriously does the trick. I can break crackers with my hair, the hold is so good. (Ahaha, actually I did this yesterday when I accidentally bumped my cracker through my hair and crumbs started falling into my lap.) But it also feels pretty dry when it sprays on, so it doesn’t weigh my hair back down. I was zazzed when my Safeway was carrying it for a hot minute, but now I have to track it down again at various beauty supply stores. Ultimately, my thoughts on Elnett are: the hold IS good! It’s an excellent alternative to my Hard Head. HOWEVER, IT IS STEEENKY!!!!!! I was suffocating myself (and Bibi) while getting it in my hair. I figured this smell would fade out after the spray dried, but I still feel like I can smell a heavy, perfumey, yucky stench around my head. I am not digging that. I will be sticking with my Bed Head Hard Head. Sorry, Ellnet!

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Candy Hearts & Sammiches

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Today, a couple of us went over to Manda’s for a mellow Sunday afternoon. I decided I would bring little PB&J sandwiches cut into hearts!! I also sported my new not-so-top-secret-anymore project: a collaboration with Faeriesmak. After drawing the Sweet Toof tee, I REEEAAALLY wanted an actual necklace that looked like a heart-shaped candy cane. So I teamed up with Teiva, mistress of Faeriesmak, to make my dream come true! I really love it!!! We are still tweaking some final things, but two versions of the candy cane heart necklace will be available sooner rather than later in my Etsy shop. YAY! I’m really bad at keeping secrets and creating surprises…. Yesterday, Hairy and I went to the Harajuku Kawaii Experience/opening for the New People Center thingie on Sunday. I did not take very many pictures, because I feel weird about taking pics of other people I don’t know! Also, I tried to take some video of the 6%DOKIDOKI Makeover Contest, but I think we were too far away, and it would have been really hard to see. Here is one video clip of the top 5 finalists when asked to do some sort of cute dance together: Go here for a SLIDE SHOW on When Hairy and I first got there, we bumped into Marissa and Josh pretty quick and all decided to eat. Everywhere was really packed, so we went to On the Bridge. Out in the crowd, we also ran into Amy Shrinkle. She gave me a sample of her new eyeshadow line, Sugarpill, and later, she molested my buttcheeks on the first/toy floor of the new building, so I poked hers back repeatedly, like testing if your cupcakes are done yet. There was a GIANT line to actually get into the stores, so I just figured we wouldn’t try getting in that day. We live in SF after all and can go any time. But to my surprise, Marissa, who had been a top 15 semi-finalist for the contest, grabbed my arm and started to guide me toward the building. She said that the contestants were getting into the stores without waiting in line, and that they could bring friends!! But they were bringing in a lot of friends, and I couldn’t quite tell if it was all on the up and up, so I was all scared that I was going to get yelled at!! It was really hot inside, we got interviewed on film, and Marissa bought two ADORABLE dresses from 6%DOKIDOKI. I am really not a lolita nor into lolita fashion on my own person, so the lolita stuff was kind of not imperative for me to see. If I go back, I will probably mostly browse in the 6%DOKIDOKI area. It was really sparse when we got in there, so I hope it gets bulked up so I can see more! Afterward, we went to Target to buy toilet paper and other exciting stuff. We also saw District 9, which I […]

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Harauku Kawaii Experience this Saturday afternoon!

| 4 Comments on Harauku Kawaii Experience this Saturday afternoon!

We’re going to this tomorrow!!! We’ll see how early we can get there. We usually don’t even wake up until noon!!! Or way after noon!! Marissa had mentioned that new lolita shops were opening up and her friends were driving up for it, but I didn’t know it was a part of this whole “summit” thing until Amy berated me for not having Azn pride. I’m so curious about how crowded Japantown will end up being!

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The Doctor…IS IN.

| 9 Comments on The Doctor…IS IN.

Thanks for stopping by, Chuck, and giving me the opportunity to assess you. But as it turns out, I’m a total scam artist, and you’re just a cartoon, so thanks for the nonrefundable payment. Have a nice day! I’m not really a doctor, I just play one in bad photoshop cartoons. This really cute doctor tee is by Get one at a great promo price!!

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A whole new world. A dazzling place I never kneeeewww.

| 16 Comments on A whole new world. A dazzling place I never kneeeewww.

I wondered earlier where our closest Ranch 99 was. Usually, if we ever make it to Ranch 99, we’re in Milpitas or Cupertino, and I was sure there was one closer to SF. Hairy looked it up, and the next thing we knew, we were at the Ranch 99 in Daly City. This Ranch 99 is in the middle of an Asian strip mall, filled to the brim with new hole-in-the-wall places to eat at! Like The Porridge King, Teaven (Like heaven, except, with TEA), and SPICY ELEMENTS (now with NEW elements!). Here are some of the weird things we picked up at Ranch 99. Thousand year old eggs!!! Take that, Fear Factor! (I like them. I’m Chinese. It happens. You put them in porridge, or squirt soy sauce on them and eat them right out of the shell!) I grabbed this random can of spicy and sour greens for Hairy. He’ll have to report back on them. I kinda stuck this in the cart before even caring what it actually contained, simply because I liked the name: HELLO BOSS!!!!! I do like canned vegetables…canned corn….canned spinach….canned peas. Why not canned snow cabbage? I don’t even know what snow cabbage is. When we were traveling in Italy, we noticed that Pringles were EVERYWHERE!! SO RANDOM!! I had to buy some more. Okay, I’m basically the only person I know in real life who LIKES ikura. Everyone thinks they are disgusting. And finally, the reason we went to Ranch 99 in the first place: my favorite instant milk tea, second best only to the Lipton 3-in-1 we got in Hong Kong. I am certain that some of these will re-appear again as posts!

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Interview on Shut Up Magazine’s Blog

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Click on the image to check out the little Q&A I did for Shut Up Magazine’s blog: Thanks, Sahar!

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WIWT and some Dog Butts

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Shirt: All-Mighty, ON SALE!! GET ONE!! Necklace: KidPirate Hair bow: Tarina Tarantino Denim capris: Forever 21 Sometimes I just don’t even know what face to make anymore. And sometimes, you just wear bunny slippers for the day. I leave you with this picture of my dogs’ bums. It made me giggle!

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| 3 Comments on Jewels

Bunny gets very cold during the cooler months here in SF. I don’t really like to put clothes on my dogs, but for Bunny, it is kind of a must. I also don’t love the idea of spending money on my dogs’ wardrobe, but again, as a good doggie-mommy, this is part of what I must do!! I was on Etsy today, and I ordered one hoodie and one custom-made sweater. For the sweater, I didn’t know what measurements to send, so I got this email in response. It made me giggle a little: Dear Twinkie Chan, Thank you very much for your order .: hand knitted sweater ” at sea side ” The measurement i need are .: CIRCUMFERENCE AROUND TH NECK ( IN INCHES OR CM ) CIRCUMFERENCE AROUND THE BODY ( MEASURED AROUND THE CHEST ) BODY LENGTH = MEASURED FROM THE NECK TO BEGINING OF TAIL AND ALSO , IF YOUR DOG IS A BOY OR A GIRL ( BECAUSE FOR A BOY WE HAVE TO LEAVE SPACE OPEN FOR HIS JEWELS ) I’ll take pics when it arrives. Surprise! p.s. Beyonce’s “Put a Ring On It” video is on. It’s scaring me.

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Fun Stuff Round Up!

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1. Pink and Gold go go dress from PierogiPicnic. 2. Bear Apple Tea Coaster by SugarElf. 3. Pink Marie Antoinette Heels by zebracakes. 4. Ms. Rabbit Jewelry Box by thelovelyteaspoon. 5. Eden Purse by recycled rings. 6.Bacon Soap at FredFlare. 7. Knitted Panda Shorts from Monikapolitan. Sadly sold out! 8. Vintage Camera tee from Forever21/Heritage1981

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Finally! Pics & Vids from Europe! Part 1!

| 15 Comments on Finally! Pics & Vids from Europe! Part 1!

I finally got took some time to sift thru the videos and pics from the vacation I took with some of my family and Hairy this June. We went to Florence and Paris. This first installment is from Florence! Here is the video montage! I didn’t edit it very much or put music over it. For some reason, I felt like it was best to leave it as natural as possible! Florence 09! from Twinkie Chan on Vimeo. Tons more pics behind the cut! (Oh, p.s. if the video says you can’t see it on this site, just click on it, and you will be taken to Vimeo!)

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WIWT Bday Edition + Other Tasty Goodies

| 25 Comments on WIWT Bday Edition + Other Tasty Goodies

So this is what I wore on my bday! Minus the Koala Hat. I made that for Esther since I didn’t see her on her birthday! It matches her Koala Scarf! Out fit run down: Dress by Dainty June Miss Pandy Necklace by KidPirate Leggings: F21 Shoes: Stonebridge (bought in Toronto) I also made a present for Elysse. She had always loved the little radish scarves, and she also commented at the Renegade Fair about how neat neckwarmers were for people who rode bikes (and didn’t want to deal with the long flappy ends of a scarf). So I put two and two together and whipped up this! Finally, here is a pic of my fabooo bday cake made by Debbie Does Cakes!. It was super amazing and a huge surprise that Hairy and Manda concocted!!!! It’s a cake modeled after my Layer Cake Tissue Cozy….so it’s a real cake that’s supposed to look like a fake cake. It’s awesome. Apparently, at Aziza, there is no shortage of sparklers to put on bday desserts!! The food was ridiculously good at Aziza. There was SOOOO much of it, too. We got a fixed 4-course menu for over 8 people, and we were bursting at the seams….and there was SO much variety!! So cray-cray!! I started to take pics of the food, and then I sort of got lazy and forgot. It was really good, though. Big thumbs up! Plus, the cocktails were yummy. I got a nectarine something or other with prosecco and it was delish. We did hop over to 1984 for a second. It was already almost 1am when Hairy and I arrived, but it was a nice hour of people-watching. My favorite bartender bought me a bday drink, so that was nice, too. All in all, excellent bday!!!!! Wait till I show you the DVDs I got. They were all kind of a joke, but I am dubbing them my Self Improvement Dvds…including something by Deepak Chopra. I plan to watch them all (even guitar lessons by Esteban) and do a review for each. Good Friends & Good Food,

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