Housekeeping, so to speak.

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Oh gosh. Sorry I haven’t blogged for a bit. I have been busy doing a bunch of stuff that doesn’t make for very interesting blogging or photos since it all kinda has to stay under wraps for now.

Some secret stuff:

– I just submitted fresh new art for Yummy You! 2013-2014 school planners. Stay tuned for that! I’m hoping we can stock them in our online shop!

– I just agreed to contribute a new pattern a super top secret book project with a deadline before the end of January. I gotta get crackin’ on that after I…

– Finish and submit my TWO new patterns for February for

– There are also some super top secret exciting Yummy You! collaborations I have in the works with other fun brands.

– I’m taking a quick trip to L.A. next week for a dream meeting. I hope one day I’ll be able to announce something from that.

So the only visual I can share right this second is this:

Screen shot 2013-01-06 at 3.05.42 AM

Manda and Hairy’s birthdays are a day apart and this week! Manda chose an afternoon of archery for her bday activity, and Hairy chose bowling. Are we so old and nerdy or what!!!

Anyway, it was clearly important for me to carefully and thoughtfully create some professional-looking graphics to accompany their Facebook events.

I know you didn’t want to miss out on this work of photoshop genius.


Giveaway on Yummy You! Facebook page, ends Wednesday!

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Start off 2013 on the right foot! You can win the entire range of super-soft, super-toasty, and super-cute socks from Yummy You! All you have to do to enter is go to our Facebook page, “like” the newest post with the same image as below, comment with your favorite Yummy You product off our web site, and “share” this post on Facebook! The winner will be chosen on Wednesday Jan. 9th. Good luck and stay yummy!

Screen shot 2013-01-07 at 12.36.23 PM


New Twinkie Chan Patterns available monthly at

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I have a fun tidbit of news for you guys!

For all of 2013, I will be writing one (and sometimes two) free crochet pattern for the Yarn and Needle Crafts project section of

The first two are already up! A Birthday Candle scarf for all new beginnings and celebrations, and a super cute Strawberry Cake binder cozy for any of you back-to-school-ers or binder-lovers (I know you’re out there, binder-lovers, cuz Manda is one of you).

Here are some photos I took of the projects here at home:

Big binder 1small

Big binder 4

Big Binder 5

Bday Candle worn

I’m actually right now in the middle of working on the next two patterns for February!

Happy Yummy You! Year :)

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YY lucky 2013

From now until this Friday, January 4, use discount code LUCKY2013 in the Yummy You! shop and get 15% off your order! xo

Highlights of 2012

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January: I felt really lucky to have my items available for sale at Kat Von D’s Wonderland Gallery.

February: Celebrating Cuppy and Moofs wedding at Disneyland and finally meeting Lindsay!

March: So honored to be part of Nara and Liz’s engagement, even if from a million miles away!

April: Manda and I went to NYC to vend at the Bust Craftacular and had an amazingly fun trip that I still need to edit a video for!!!

May: Wow, I only blogged 3 times during the month of May! But that was also the month that I redesigned this blog and website and said goodbye to the animated refrigerator!

June: My eyeball exploded and I also wrote one of my my most commented-on blogs about the price of handmade, a “rant” as some might say.

July: July was kinda busy! I tried to blog regularly about Craft Wars (and still need to recap a few more episodes….!), I watched the U.S. Olympic Gymnastic Trials in person, I crocheted some Pocky paintings for  one of the shows at Hairy’s art gallery, and I had my epic sleep dep battle to make a crazy booth display with Manda for Renegade Craft Fair.

August: My toast scarf pattern was the cover story for Molly Makes magazine, I turned 36 and we had a cute picnic in the park.

September: I made banana nut bread.

October: I made pieces for Plush You and we went to Seattle for the show, but I have since failed to upload pics/video from that trip, my dad turned 60, I had fun times at the pumpkin patch with Manda and made a fun video, and I actually dressed up for Halloween.

November: We launched the Yummy You! online store and were also featured on!

December: My free pattern for Gummy Bears was published on Lion Brand’s website, I had so much fun building a holiday booth with my mom for Renegade SF Holiday Market, and Hairy got me an ALF PHONE for Christmas!! Now I need to figure out a way to add a desk to my craft room so I can properly use and display said phone.

I hope you guys have a fun and safe New Year! My resolution: self care. I worked a LOT in 2012. I will also work a lot in 2013, but I need to learn to make time for more sleep, proper eating, exercise, and personal projects. We’ll see how that goes…..!!!

Thanks for following me on my crafty adventures. Your messages and support really mean a lot to me and keep my businesses going through all the frustrating times I want to call it quits and work at a bank. I love you!

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