Category: Patterns & How-To’s
Crochet Pattern: Valentine’s Day Sugar Cookies!
/ | 23 Comments on Crochet Pattern: Valentine’s Day Sugar Cookies!EDIT: This crochet pattern is now available in my Etsy shop. Thank you! I’m posting the crochet pattern for my Valentine’s Day X’s, O’s, and Hearts Sugar Cookies (that you may have seen in Crochet Today magazine) for FREE all weekend! Then on Monday, I will remove the pattern from my blog and load it up to my Etsy shop. The heart cookie may look familiar since it’s one of the free patterns I put together for, but I felt like it would be weird to leave out of this set! You can turn these cookies into brooches and hair clips, and even patches and appliques. Big ol’ fridge magnets would be fun, too!
Read more »Free Crochet Pattern: Teddy Bear Ear Warmer for Dogs
| 27 Comments on Free Crochet Pattern: Teddy Bear Ear Warmer for DogsI saw the most adorable photo on Instagram posted by yayoichang of two French bulldogs in some cute headgear. I then knew it was my mission in life to crochet one for Bibi! I tried to leave the pattern pretty flexible so that you cam make one to fit your own pet. I don’t know that Bibi actually NEEDS something like this, as her body temp runs really warm, but you can’t say no to cute photo ops! I designed the head band to be double layered, because that’s how it looked to me in the photos. So the pattern is basically a tube (which is working both layers at the same time when you squish the tube flat) that you crochet until the length can fit around your pet’s head. Then you just stick some ears on top. Easy! p.s. I can’t vouch for whether these will actually stay on your pet’s head for any amount of time. One good shake and Bibi’s ears went flying! I guess I would call these more of a photo prop! I think I made mine too small and they were also jutting into my neck a bit…but they were definitely WARM.
Read more »Free Pattern: Conversation Heart Garland
/ | 71 Comments on Free Pattern: Conversation Heart GarlandI know you’re like, “It’s not even Christmas yet! Why are you posting a Valentine’s Day pattern?” Because the February issue of Crochet Today magazine is out today and includes a “Favorite Blogger” feature of me, plus a link to THIS free pattern! Hello! Okay, I was first told that I would be in the issue of Crochet Today that dropped in December, but as it turns out, I’m in the February/March issue which dropped in January! Sorry for the mix-up! I have a feature in the magazine titled “My Crochet Life.” If you’ve come here from Crochet Today: hello, new readers!! Here is your free crochet pattern for the Conversation Heart Garland! If you are familiar with working in the round, this pattern is pretty quick and easy, and you can make your garland as long or as short as you like, in whatever colors you like. Plus you can have lots of fun cutting out your own felt lettering for various messages!
Read more »New Pattern on Etsy: Cherry Pie Tissue Box Cozy!
/ | 7 Comments on New Pattern on Etsy: Cherry Pie Tissue Box Cozy!My Cherry Pie Tissue Box Cozy crochet pattern is now available on Etsy! I worked really hard to re-vamp the lattice pie crust on top so that it’s less clunky and less cumbersome. I’m really happy with this little makeover! The reason why I’m posting this pattern now, is for my charity project: the Tissue Box Bakery. I have posted about it on Facebook, but I don’t think I’ve blogged about it yet. I don’t have as many patterns on it yet as I plan to, but if you guys have any holiday-crafting time left before Renegade Craft Fair San Francisco, Dec 21-22, please consider making a fun tissue box cozy to send to me and donate to the cause! Check out the TBB site for more infos! I just received the first two cozies in the mail! So excited!
Read more »Free Crochet Pattern + Video Tutorial: Candy Garland or Candy Ornaments
/ | 19 Comments on Free Crochet Pattern + Video Tutorial: Candy Garland or Candy OrnamentsThis pattern is pretty much the easiest pattern ever: it’s a rectangle. The end. It’s great for beginners! Great for kids! Host a holiday crochet party where everyone makes one crocheted candy and then string them all together to create a group garland! Or, everyone can keep their own candy and string them as ornaments. I will probably glue pinbacks and hair clips to the backs so that I can wear them. There are a lot of possibilities with just one little crocheted rectangle! For more advanced beginners, you can get some great striping. You can alternate different colors every other row, and carry the unused yarn. Or, you can alternate colors ever 2 rows, and just drop the unused yarn and pick it up on the way back. Working a thin sparkle or sequin yarn with your regular yarn also and some subtle bling. Either way, all you need is a little bit of yarn and a styrofoam ball to get going! I also tried filming a video tutorial for this. People have been asking me to do videos, but they are quite a bit of work, so I haven’t really been super eager to get on that task, since I do everything 100% by myself. But since this project is SO EASY, I thought it would be a good ice breaker for me to film a video and for you to break out some crochet hooks!
Read more »National Cotton Candy Day! & Crochet Pattern! (oldie but goodie)
| 8 Comments on National Cotton Candy Day! & Crochet Pattern! (oldie but goodie)Well, I had no idea today was going to be National Cotton Candy Day until I saw a few people, like Pee Wee Herman, post about it! I just wanted to remind you guys that I have a free pattern for crocheting really cute cotton candy tree ornaments from last year!! Check it out again! 🙂 Cotton Candy Christmas Tree Ornament! This project works up in about an hour and only uses chains and single crochet (sc) stitches. What makes this project super fun is using a wire slicker dog brush to turn a regular crocheted project into a super fuzzy hairy crocheted beast! Naturally “hairy” yarns like wool, alpaca, and mohair work best, but I’ve seen people also do it with acrylic yarn, with slightly different results. I’ll be using wool for my cotton candy (Cascade 220), because that’s what I have on hand. Not only does this cotton candy buddy make a cute ornament, but you can also turn it into a pin for your sweater, a clip for your hair, or a necklace for your neck! Materials: – Pink worsted weight yarn (I am using wool, Cascade 220) – 9 mm safety eyes (2 of them) – 4 inch lollipop stick – small wire slicker brush for dogs – glue (hot glue or Tacky glue should do the trick) Not pictured: – H or I hook – Polyfill stuffing – tapestry needle – depending on what you want to make, you will need ribbon or invisible thread to create a hanging loop for your ornament, OR, a pinback for a brooch, OR, a hair clip of your choice, OR a jump ring and chain to make a necklace. Abbreviations: ch(s): chain(s) rnd(s): round(s) sc: single crochet sl st: slip stitch st: stitch ( ): work what’s inside the parentheses into the next st – e.g. (2 sc) = 2 sc into the next st [ ] : work what’s inside the brackets the number of times indicated Cotton Candy With pink yarn, make magic circle or ch 3 and sl st to 1st ch to form ring. Rnd 1: Ch 1 and work 6 sc into ring. Don’t join rounds. (6) Rnd 2: (2 sc) 6 times. (12) Rnd 3: [(2 sc), 1 sc] 6 times. (18) Rnd 4: [(2 sc), 2 sc] 6 times. (24) You may want to stick a marker in your work now, or use a scrap piece of yarn, to help count the following rnds. Rnds 5-14 (10 rnds): Work sc evenly around. (24) At this point, my project is about 3 inches long. Don’t break off yet. I prefer for the right side of my sts to show on the outside of my projects. Here comes the fun part. Get your wire brush and start brushing your project to make it fuzzy. Tamie from Roxycraft has a really great tutorial on how to do this here. The longer you brush it out, the fuzzier your project will get. It takes longer […]
Read more »Free Crochet Pattern at Snowflake Sugar Cookie Scarf
/ | 32 Comments on Free Crochet Pattern at Snowflake Sugar Cookie ScarfMy December pattern is up! It’s a brand new Snowflake Sugar Cookie Scarf, using Lion Brand Homespun, Lily Sugar n Cream, and Red Heart Shimmer. Edit, June 4, 2014: Please find the pattern here on my blog. is currently re-vamping their pattern/project section, and the above link is disabled for now. The subtle shimmer on the white yarn was hard for me to capture in photos, but this is a super sweet little decoration for yourself or someone special! My description at “I wanted to celebrate Holiday 2013 with a brand new pattern for one of my yummy food scarves, so I asked my Facebook fans for advice on which holiday pattern they’d like to see most. The winning votes went to this Snowflake Sugar Cookie Scarf, which I really love because it perfectly fits the season and has a sugary elegance without being too over the top. For a quicker project, you can work up a single snowflake sugar cookie and turn it into a brooch or hair-piece. Happy Holidays and a sweet New Year!” Here are some close-ups of the pattern photos since the ones on the Michaels site might be a bit small. Click on them to enlarge.
Read more »Free Crochet Pattern + WIWT: Bee and PuppyCat!
/ | 56 Comments on Free Crochet Pattern + WIWT: Bee and PuppyCat!A couple gals on Instagram have been talking about the cartoon Bee and PuppyCat on YouTube, so I had to go see what the hubbub was all about. It is kind of weird, but oddly intriguing. I believe “surreal” is the word that fans use. Created by Natasha Allegri, an artist for Adventure Time, Bee and PuppyCat is about a girl named Bee and her adventures in this world and in an alternate world with her cat/dog/youdontreallyknow PuppyCat. After watching the episode online, I really wanted to put together an outfit inspired by the one that Bee wears! Unfortunately, I didn’t notice until too late that my bee necklace had turned the wrong way, so you can’t really see its cute smile! Oh well! C’est la bee. I get really hot in long-sleeved sweaters, so I opted for a sweater vest. I also liked the idea of making the bee a necklace instead of an applique, so that each piece could be worn with other pieces. I then couldn’t decide if I wanted PuppyCat to be a hair piece or a plush, so I started with a plush! Then I started getting crazy. And then a bit crazier: BATTLEMODE! I think my new goal should be that all my outfit posts will involve really bad animated gifs! Anyway, I wrote down the crocchet pattern for the bee applique/necklace, the bows on my shoes, and….PuppyCat! (Or, just a regular cat, too, whatever you want!) I’ll do more specific photos for the bows in the next few days. I really like how those turned out! Shirt: French Toast (school uniform!), Vest: Liz Claiborne via Etsy, Shorts: Victoria’s Secret, Boots: Forever21
Read more »Free Crochet Pattern at Turkey Tissue Box Cozy with Roasted Veggies!
/ | 12 Comments on Free Crochet Pattern at Turkey Tissue Box Cozy with Roasted Veggies!I know some of you are still basking in the afterglow of your Halloween crafts, but already posted my free crochet pattern for November: Turkey Box Tissue Cozy! Edit, June 4, 2014: Please find the pattern here on my blog. is currently re-vamping their pattern/project section, and the above link is disabled for now. I got so excited about sharing this project and making it awesome, that I also included the patterns for the little veggies – baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and POTATOES – as well as the lettuce garnish underneath, which is actually a DISH CLOTH. You could turn the veggies into brooches, fridge magnets, or string them into a crazy necklace! This is going to sound a little weird, but I got really addicted to making tiny potatoes…! This is truly one of my most very favorite crochet projects ever, and I’m really proud of how all the components came together. I hope you guys love it, too, and have a lot of fun! I’ll be offering finished versions of this, as well as my infamous turkey hat, in my Etsy shop very very soon!
Read more »New Pattern in My Shop: Candy Corn Kitty Hat
/ | 3 Comments on New Pattern in My Shop: Candy Corn Kitty HatI just added the crochet pattern for the Candy Corn Kitty Hat to my Etsy shop, so I expect to see an army of candy corn kitties very shortly! I designed this hat to fit me, so keep in mind, this is not a pattern for the wee ones, but for a small adult or lady’s head. Don’t forget that finished Candy Corn Kitty Hats are also available here, and there’s also the Pumpkin/Jack o Lantern slouchy beret here, and also Jack o Lantern mitts here! I still have a few more Halloween surprises up my sleeve, even though the big day is coming up really quickly! I’m hoping to blog about the next one before Friday!
Read more »Free Crochet Pattern: How to turn a Yoplait cup into a cute, ghoulish ghost candy container!
/ | 12 Comments on Free Crochet Pattern: How to turn a Yoplait cup into a cute, ghoulish ghost candy container!I tried Yoplait’s “Boston Cream Pie” yogurt over the weekend…and it was unfortunately not a favorite. Too sweet for me, although I do love the idea of eating pie for breakfast! While rinsing out the yogurt cup, I took a few seconds to stop and think of a fun crochet project to save this cup from the recycling bin and give it an extra life in my house. In the spirit of the season, I whipped up a little ghost sweater for it! I think it could be a fun way to decorate a small table and store tiny trinkets or even candy corn or M&M’s! We took a ghost cozy to the pumpkin patch to make our little video, and a little girl ran up to it with extreme delight. I think this is a good sign.
Read more »Free Crochet Pattern at Candy Bar Clutches
| 27 Comments on Free Crochet Pattern at Candy Bar ClutchesMy new free crochet pattern for is now up: Candy Bar Clutches! They are just really simple zipper pouches with a touch of candy bar goodness. There is some sewing involved (which I am generally not a fan of myself), but I think it’s well worth the work! It’s really easy to interpret your favorite candy bar with a few simple colors and some fun felt fonts. My three samples are inspired by Snickers, Twix, and Reese’s peanut butter cups! I still want to make a Nestle Crunch, a Kit Kat, and maybe a Whatchamacallit! Do you guys have a favorite candy bar? Also, for those less crochet-inclined, I am working on a batch of finished candy bar clutches to put on Etsy. I just gotta finish writing the pattern for my December pattern ;).
Read more »Crochetin’ for Weenies: My Weiner Dog Plush Crochet Pattern
/ | 10 Comments on Crochetin’ for Weenies: My Weiner Dog Plush Crochet PatternSo, Tiffany’s weenie dog Pistol had to have a major back surgery recently, and I wanted to do something to help out with her giant vet bill a little. If you are interested in adopting one of these weenie dog plushes, follow the “Add to cart” buttons below! I’m also selling the pattern. All profit minus PayPal fees, from your purchases on my blog page, will go directly to them! (The pattern is now only available via my Etsy shop cuz Tiffany will yell at me if I keep sending her money. 😛 )
Read more »Free Crochet Pattern: Goldfish Cracker Pin!
/ | 53 Comments on Free Crochet Pattern: Goldfish Cracker Pin!Sorry for the blog-silence! I’ve been busy catching up with work, writing patterns, planning cool collabs for Yummy You! (p.s. our Ice Cream & Sunnies tee is now only $12.50!) and working on a few website updates (nothing big, just updating the Press section and the slideshow on the landing page!). I thought I would make it up to you guys by posting another free pattern here! It’s for the little Goldfish Crackers! You can use them as pins, hair clips, and someone mentioned wanting the pattern to make a mobile for her baby. Cute idea! I do not intend to sell anymore in my shop, so that is why I am sharing the pattern for free here.
Read more »Free Crochet Pattern: Marigold Triangle Shawl
/ | 17 Comments on Free Crochet Pattern: Marigold Triangle ShawlMy free crochet pattern for September is up at! Happy Saturday! I’m re-posting this pattern here on my blog, since re-vamped its entire site and scrubbed out a lot of patterns. It’s a Marigold Triangle Shawl! With Autumn just around the corner, I wanted to make something cozy and cheerful, and I couldn’t take my mind off granny-square afghans! I thought we could also celebrate the colors of the season with bright marigold blossoms, which I especially love because they are edible! Loops & Threads T-shirt yarn is a fun material for making pom-poms, since you get variegated colors in one ball with a cute, chunky look, and Candy Corn is absolutely perfect for our marigolds. So let’s get comfy with a classic granny-triangle shawl accented with fun pops of color! Kitsch-factor on maximum! The neat thing about this pattern is that once you get the hang of it, you can just keep going forever and ever and make the shawl as big or small as you like. My marigolds (which are edible flowers!) are made with Loops & Threads’ new tshirt yarn, which makes for nice and squishy pompoms. I hope you guys have fun cuddling and twirling with your new triangle shawls!
Read more »Free Pattern: Grumpy Octopus Coffee Cup Cozy
/ | 118 Comments on Free Pattern: Grumpy Octopus Coffee Cup CozyRemember when I made this grumpy octopus coffee cup cozy back in December? I finally made another one so that I could write down the pattern for you!
Read more »Gummy Shark Scarf! New pattern in my Etsy shop!
| 6 Comments on Gummy Shark Scarf! New pattern in my Etsy shop!Check out the new pattern I just posted in my Etsy shop! Gummy Shark Scarf! I had intended to post this up a few days earlier, during Shark Week, but I just started writing it and crocheting it on Monday night, and it took me longer than I thought it would to complete! Ah well! Now we’ll be extra prepared for next year! I hope to also eventually write the pattern for a gummy candy scarf, so this is a nice start! p.s. Sorry I didn’t feel like brushing my hair or putting on a cute outfit for this one……. it happens. How would you style your Gummy Shark scarf?
Read more »WIWT & Free Crochet Pattern: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
/ | 40 Comments on WIWT & Free Crochet Pattern: The Very Hungry CaterpillarWhen I saw this adorable dress by Freckles & Ginger, I had to have it! Not only is her work super cute and classy, but she also donates all proceeds to animal rescues. I gave her my measurements, and with some Freckles & Ginger magic, the dress fit like a glove. I will definitely be buying more from this lovely lady! I bought this apple belt from some random thift/vintage shop on Melrose, and it kind of went perfectly with the dress! I also knew immediately that I had to crochet a Very Hungry Caterpillar head piece to go with this outfit. Here is the pattern that I created, so you can make one, too! Please note that this pattern is for personal use only, and that the Very Hungry Caterpillar is copyright/trademarked by Eric Carle, the author and illustrator.
Read more »Free Crochet Pattern at Pepperoni Pizza Garland!
/ | 8 Comments on Free Crochet Pattern at Pepperoni Pizza Garland!Hey hey hey!!! Here’s August’s free crochet pattern from! For this month, I was asked to think of fun dorm-room or back-to-school projects. When I think of college and dorms, I definitely think of PIZZA. Obviously, you don’t have to be in college or live in a dorm room to to add some PIZZA-ZZ to your decor, so this is also for all of us pizza-lovers who are down to throw a pizza & pj’s slumber ANY time and ANYwhere! Click here for the pattern! Edit, June 4, 2014: Please find the pattern here on my blog. is currently re-vamping their pattern/project section, and the above link is disabled for now.
Read more »T-shirt DIY with Ice Cream & Sunnies Tee! (Part Two!)
| 1 Comment on T-shirt DIY with Ice Cream & Sunnies Tee! (Part Two!)Here’s the second installment of our cute t-shirt DIY by using our Yummy You! – Ice Cream & Sunnies Tshirt! This one is no-sew! It’s like business in the front and party in the back! Don’t forget we’re also running a Facebook contest with a chance to win a shirt! Go to the Yummy You page to see the rules!
Read more »T-shirt DIY with Ice Cream & Sunnies Tee! (Part One!)
/ | 8 Comments on T-shirt DIY with Ice Cream & Sunnies Tee! (Part One!)Have I got a treat for you! Our buddy Selina from has whipped up some majorly awesome DIY’s with Yummy You’s Ice Cream & Sunnies Tshirt! Here’s the first one!!! So cute, right!?
Read more »Free Pattern at Rainbow Sherbet Throw Pillow
/ | 32 Comments on Free Pattern at Rainbow Sherbet Throw PillowIf you know me, you know I have a deep relationship with triple scoop ice creams! 😉 In this free crochet pattern for, I was asked to create a summery project using Red Heart Gumdrop! And then the Rainbow Sherbet Throw Pillow was born! Edit, June 4, 2014: Please find the pattern here on my blog. is currently re-vamping their pattern/project section, and the above link is disabled for now. I already had the mint green Gumdrop (Smoothie) and was thrilled to find a project for it! The really fun part of this pattern is the mix and match aspect. You can make one scoop, two scoops, or three scoops, (or even 50 scoops if you are really adventurous) and you can use all your favorite colors and flavors… even on the cone! I’m starting to make a vanilla scoop with a hot pink cone :). I’ll also be writing the pattern for a soft-serve top and a sugar cone bottom for the ultimate mix n match ice cream throw pillow party! P.S. Here is the fix for Row 31 of the Sherbet Scoop! Row 31: (RS) Ch 1, turn. 1 sc, [1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 htr, 2 tr each in next 5 sts, 1 htr, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 5 sc] 5 times. 1 hdc, 1 dc, 1 htr, 2 tr in next 5 sts, 1 htr, 1 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc each in last 2 sts. Break off Cherry. (124)
Read more »Free Pattern at Blue Slushee Drawstring Bag
/ | 27 Comments on Free Pattern at Blue Slushee Drawstring BagHappy Monday! New free crochet pattern! asked me to use one of their new yarns, Loops & Threads Impeccable Brights, with a “Poolside” theme, so I designed this slushee-themed draw string bag to pop your essentials in while you cool off in the water! Yeah, that’s a real straw! Edit, June 4, 2014: Please find the pattern here on my blog. is currently re-vamping their pattern/project section, and the above link is disabled for now. To re-inforce the shape of this bag, I re-used a 32 oz. takeout soup container, like this one. I have also seen 32 oz. containers at Target. The bag will still hold its shape pretty well without a container inside as long as you don’t go putting 50 pounds of stuff in there! Have so much fun with this pattern! I plan to make them in 3 different flavors for Renegade Craft Fair SF next month!
Read more »New Pattern in my Etsy shop: Rocket Pop Brooch!
| 6 Comments on New Pattern in my Etsy shop: Rocket Pop Brooch!Just in time for 4th of July! Check out my crochet pattern for Rocket Pop Brooches/Hairclips here in my Etsy shop!
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