WIWT – Approved by nice older ladies in Palo Alto

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I am getting a heck of a lot of use out of my black jumper! And again, it’s my cute kitty tee by Em and Sprout. I got dressed doublequickstyle today because I had to race to the office to meet with a potential intern. Then, I had to go to the post office, so I took a break to get brown rice sushi and Odwalla carrot juice and to drop off some of my TurkeyDay/eBay packages. While walking back to my car, someone approached me, and this is how it all went down. I call this scene, “The Back-handed Compliment.” Lady: Your look is so cute! Me: Thanks! Lady: It looks like you work really hard to look that way! Me: Uh…well…you kind of just start accumulating some things here and there … and the next thing you know, you look like THIS. Lady: You and I look better than aaaaaall these people out on the street. Some people leave the house in sweat shirts and sweat pants! Where’s the femininity? Me: (opening car door) Well, it’s nice to be comfortable, too. OK BYE! Please to visualize this woman with very curly permy hair, a fur vest, and a wrist brace which I thought at first was a wrist warmer which would have been awesome. When I am an old lady, I will wear fur vests. It did make me wonder, tho, if I have become too vain or concerned with my physical appearance. When I was in fourth or fifth grade, I went to my friend Kate’s house, and she and her other friend Erin were going to go shopping at the mall. I was not really into shopping or clothes at this point, but I went anyway to hang out. Erin asked, “Did your mom give you money to shop?” And 9 year old me was like, “Heck yeah! I have forty dollars!” and Erin was like, “Forty dollars? For clothes!?” I felt very weird hanging out at that point. What loser only brings $40 to the mall to go clothes shopping! I’ll take one sock from Banana Republic please! THX! Today, I still do not like browsing racks at malls, although I am an INSANE online shopper. But I wonder if I care too much how I look when I leave the house. I will NOT leave the house without eyeliner. I look like a 60 year old alien without eyeliner. Trust me. This is a service that I do for you. But the clothes and the hairclips and the purses? I guess that’s for me, and I’m okay with that. If it makes me feel happy and cute and okay with the world, that ain’t such a bad thing. Oh yeah, here are Hairy and Bibi. She looks really evil.

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Special Derivery

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…, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN. Today I got out of bed to a knock at my door, and it was the Fed Ex Man. I’d ordered some shirts from my girl over at SuperGoodForYou and they finally arrived! Yay! Along with some macademia-nut-related goodies because that’s all they eat in Hawaii :P. And also along with a few pages of this Shojo Beat ad I was in for ShanaLogic. This was so nice of her! And also very well-timed, since some of my homework right now is to get all my press together in one place, both for my own work as well as stuff for other peeps. Also, I have to write a Manifesto!

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Dress by MissDandy Don’t you love how much care and precision I put into cutting myself out and pasting myself in? People should pay me for this! Also, only one day left for my TurkeyTastic eBay auctions!

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Gingerbread Cutie

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OMG. And other holiday-themed goodies at imyourpresent.etsy.com I hope to be posting my gingerbread goodies in time before Xmas!!!

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WIWT // Twinkie’s Tips for Youthful Living

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When life gives you playsuits……… ………………………………….. you should make with the PLAYING! And if all else fails……. ………..back that ass up. (Yes, it’s the same 17 second clip over and over again in reverse and slo mo and super fast. HAHAHAH. I will single-handedly bring back SOUL TRAIN!) Today’s playsuit brought to you by I’m Your Present.

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Thanksgiving eBay Auction up now!

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I wish I could express to you how awesome the turkey tissue cozy is. It is so funny!

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Baby Carrot and Cherry Tomater!

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Baby Carrot and Cherry Tomater, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN. Ok, I just fell in love with these guys, espesh the carrot! They will be part of my Thanksgiving eBay auction, which I was hoping to post today, but since I felt super sick yesterday, and I didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped, there’s been a wee delay. So it will go up tomorrow, for 5 days, and end next Monday, so there’s time for shipping before Turkey Day!

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Bonk Bonk Gobble Gobble

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All I’m sayin’ is that you’re going to want to keep your eyes peeled for my new turkey-themed Thanksgiving auction in a few days. There is one item in it that will be so totally ruling your brains will explode and then you’ll cry.

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Puffy Eyes, Winky Kitties, and Snuggly Pups

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puffy eyes, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN. Ok, this is my first post using the blog-posting-thing via Flickr! We’ll see how it turns out! It pretty much hurts to blink, and I’m not sure how much longer to let it go before seeing A DOCTOR. I’d rather not. So I’ll keep AN EYE ON IT for a bit. The pictures really don’t show ya much at all, but it kind of feels like a little headache inside the lower lid. It’s weird. Also today I am sporting my kitty tee from EmAndSprout! Hairy notes that it may be the only purple piece of clothing I own. Finally, last night, while Bibi and Bunny were snuggling, Hairy took a short video clip, and then I was prompted to make a SNUGGLY PUPPIES MONTAGE OF CUTENESS!!! None of the snuggling is posed in these clips. However, I do not pretend that Bibi is truly in love with Bunny. Bibi just likes to rest her head on things, and if Bunny is nearby, well, snugglefest ensues. Enjoy!!! I have no effing clue why my link to emandsprout is so janky. I keep looking at the code and getting frustrated! Hmmm. (Um, ok, as soon as I edited the post with my note about being frustrated, the link fixed itself. I think my computer is alive and wants to embarrass me. VERY FUNNY, COMPUTER!)

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WIWT // Plush You!

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I have a really cute long fleece coat in pink that I will wear outside, but I forgot to snap pics of it! On one hand, the concept of WIWT seems overly self-absorbed to me. But on the other, it gives me a little more incentive to wear more of my clothes, instead of going to jeans and t-shirts every day. Why have the clothes if you are not going to wear them? I still need to get more sweater/lingerie bags, tho, to keep my cute handmade clothes in clean rotation! Tonight we are going to this. If you are in SF, you should come out! (I’m still tweaking that durned mitten pattern. I can’t let it go! AHHH!! I need to stop tinkering and move on! Anyway, hope to finish my favorite ones before the weekend is out.)

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WIWT (what I wore today…and what I WORKED on today?)

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Another day I didn’t wear pants! I can’t remember where some of this stuff came from because I’ve had them forever. The Parker Posey Shirt and the belt I’ve had for ages. And the shoes, well, let’s not even talk about shoes because I only wear one pair everyday, basically! Skirt: www.HeidiSeeker.com Leggings: Macy’s Socks: www.sock-dreams.com Popsicle Necklace: a boutique in Kowloon I was up late last night trying to finally nail down my own pattern for mittens. There are some patterns that are like hand tubes, but I always like my mittens and fingerless mittens to also have some shape in the wrist. I will probably keep tweaking and keep tweaking (and thus driving Dorita crazy) but I am fairly happy with what I’ve come up with so far. I finished one whole one and then ran out of yarn. I basically live at Michael’s and they should just let me have a cot there for napping! I’ve a really really cute idea for a neat ice cream cone mitten! I’m so into things like mittens and fannypacks right now that it seems the scarves have fallen to the wayside, but I also have tons more cute ideas for scarf collections. I just need a thousand hands! Here’s a peek into my pattern notebook. It’s a total mess. I then type them up later with cute Photoshop graphics (you know how I roll) and photos of finished objects, but nobody gets to see that except me, Dorita, and the copyright office (triad posse of 3, reprezent). I am off to visit the office, mail something off to ShanaLogic, and also mail 3 scarves to my dad’s friend for her nieces on Thanksgiving!

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Charity eBay Auctions and now selling scarves at ShanaLogic.com

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To see all of the other wonderful auctions, please click on the banner below: I also now have scarves over at ShanaLogic.com! Please click the banner to go to her site and find me! 🙂 xoxo

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Big Beefy Plans

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So I wasn’t feeling super hot and didn’t go out for Halloween or dress up. This means that I have to have a super crazy Halloween 09. Tonight, I just conceived of this group costume: I think Halloween 09 should be about Teamwork! Go Team Weiner! Now with 16.67% more Obama! Also Paris will totally be in the posse by Halloween 09, as I will be her new BFF.

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Couple Random Things…oh yeah, Happy Halloween!!!

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1. I finally ordered a sample booklet for felt colors. I have discovered (rather late in the game) the awesomeness (and strength!) of 100% wool felt, and I have to order it online. Apparently, from this site, there are 61 colors, and color never shows up the same on computer monitors, so now I have a handy dandy sample guide to order felt properly! 2. This is how I discovered Bibi last night. Sometimes she sleeps on the couch like a person, on the throw pillows. Too funny. 3. I re-ordered some Butter Buddy button packs which I need to post at some point, and I have all this extra packaging!! I’m starting to use them as little note cards! This is a card I wrote to Vic when sending him Obama stickers. 4. This one is fairly self-explanatory…pink chocolate chip cookie mitts! Be safe tonight, everyone! I don’t really decorate or give out candy or go all out for Halloween, so I don’t have any nifty cool Halloween-themed pics :(. Maybe if I dress up a little tonight and take pics, I will have some tomorrow.

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Fall is the time for turkeys and sweaters. WIWT 10.28.08

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I do not have a strong history with sweaters of anywhere near Cosby-proportions. I get hot really easily and prefer layering over my tees with cardigans that don’t need to be pulled over my head (anyone with high maintenance hair will understand!). But I got this little green 3/4 sleeve from Forever 21 and I think it’s about the cutest thing ever. It’s a little short on me, but, what’s a little muffin-top time on a 30+ year old woman, eh? Oh about them turkeys, I will be whipping up a turkey-themed auction before T-Day. Gobble Gobble.

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Here’s a pic of everything together: Woo woo!

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Good Mail Day!

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Yesterday I received two fun packages in the mail. 1) Yarn from Barbe She generously donated this to a scarflet I will be making for a charity eBay auction together with a group called Boutique Angels. I will let you all know when that is up. I believe the charity we are donating to is Children of Fallen Soldiers. The auctions start in early November, and they hold charity auctions every quarter and vote on a different charity and theme each time. The theme for this November is Friendship Warms the Heart, with the idea that everyone would team up with a pal to create something. 2) Random package from Cousin Vic! He is a sweetheart. His n Hers magnetic ice cream pens!!!!

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Knee deep in work. Just say hi to The Bibi!

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No bells n whistles. Just Bibi! Almost done with my big order (big for me). YAY! And then to some quick Halloween surprises for the shop! Trying hard to get better at time management and personal production deadlines. This Saturday was entirely eaten up by fleas, unfortunately. At least the house is really clean :P.

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Laptops and Leggings and Pears… oh my!

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I’m truly a t-shirt and jeans girl. It’s comfy. It’s practical. It’s easy. But today was a rare day I decided to sport a jumper and leggings. Documented! Last night, Hairy mentioned the term “WIWT” which isn’t fully in my vocabulary, so I guess this is a WIWT post. T-shirt: www.All-Mighty.net Jumper: www.Forever21.com Leggings: www.urbn.com Shoes: www.amazon.com (Demonias) My Trusty Necklace: www.KidPirate.com Also documented: the messy state of the coffeetable/workspace today. Tonight, I believe, we are eating hot pot and frozen yogurt. Yums!

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Hoo Hoo!

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Oh yeah! I kept forgetting to post a pic of the wedding present I got for my bro and his lady. Bro greenlit this present, even though he probably won’t get any mileage out of it… Yes, it’s true. I don’t really like to make animal-themed stuff as a regular rule, but I do make them sometimes for special occasions! Also, here is one of the first photos I took of myself with my new light kit! I’d be pretty jazzed if I could get all of them to come out this clean. I still don’t know much about the technical aspects lighting and photography, so sometimes I just cross my fingers and hold my breath!! This was taken for www.ShanaLogic.com, along with a bunch of other photos that I just sent to her for the site.

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Sleeping In.

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Sometimes I like to marvel at how sucky my drawing skills are, but it’s still very helpful to me as I lay out new projects and make certain decisions. We went to Whole Foods the other night to buy vitamins and supplements for the dogs (haha and not for us!) and I also got a box of these: At first I wasn’t sure about them, but now I can’t stop eating them! The green tea flavor is very subtle, so don’t be afraid. I’ve almost eaten the whole box! On Saturday night, Hairy and I went to Cabaret Lunatique not knowing what to expect. We ate a delightful cheese plate, had a drink, and enjoyed the show. Even though I am not a super burlesque/vaudeville kinda gal, I did think it was a good amount of entertainment for $20. I told Hairy that of all the people we knew, that we were kinda the last people to end up at a show like this, and the he said it was like a Nick and Norah moment, and that we should just pretend we ended up there on accident. Also our light kit arrived, and Hairy has been experimenting with them. I have been a bit lazy/unmotivated/intimidated about playing with them myself, but I plan to during the week. We got continuous fluorescent lighting, which I know sounds kind of weird, but there were many factors about it that I liked, so I hope it doesn’t turn out too weird lookin! I woke up rather late both on Saturday and today, and then I get depressed about wasting the day, so I hope this week revs up a bit! I have a lot of fun stuff planned. A Halloween surprise, a Thanksgiving surprise, and other random new things. ‘Kay, back to eating cookies and making cupcake scarves! xx

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Peachy Peachy Matchy Matchy

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Cool mosaic on Flickr made by JennyTheArtist2

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I can’t really be splurging on something that basically has one-day wearability, but I LOVE THIS PLAYSUIT by the goddess Kelly Eident of Im Your Present. Somebody please buy one and take pics so I can hate you and be jealous!

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Pink, Blue, and MOOOOO!

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I just got my first set of Moo cards today. I love that you can pick a different image for all 50 cards. That’s pretty cool! Here is a small sample. They all have the same bright blue back with my infos on it. I kind of love them, and the card stock is nice and thick, tho I don’t know that I’d use them as my regular business card. I got my first batch of new biz cards the other day….and….I kinda screwed up the color. It’s all washed out and too light. I’m trying again! Today I got my hair done for free, because I’m helping with a photo shoot for my salon on Sunday. She used two different pinks in my hair, Atomic Pink, and some other pastel pink that I had in my hair before for my bro’s wedding. I really like the two different shades in there, and my photo doesn’t really capture it so great, but oh well! While I was buying hairspray the other day (Bedhead Hard Head) I also saw some blue nail polish by Orly. It’s called “Blue Collar” and it’s totally like my favorite Sephora blue. The Sephora chips in about two minutes, so let’s see how long this stuff lasts! I also bought some glitter nailpolish from Orly, and mebbe I’ll put that on me toes. I don’t presume that anyone reads my blog straight off www.twinkiechan.com….but if you do, there will be a new layout soon so that your eyes won’t explode and you won’t want to kill me every time I post a pic or a video. YAY! Working very hard right now to stock some online boutiques with cute goodies and also update my own shop. Gimme two weeks and some magic will happen!

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