Category: Blog
Retro Futurism of the 80’s!
| 5 Comments on Retro Futurism of the 80’s!Sorry these are pictures taken on my phone of my tv… hehe….but I had to share with you this awesome fluffy polka dot dress that Juliette Lewis wears in this little funky movie called Meet the Hollowheads. I was working while it was playing on TV so I didn’t fully pay attention to the plot, but what caught my eye was the cool aesthetic of the whole thing. It was shot in 1989, but it was supposed to be futuristic, so the clothes are TOTALLY BOSS. Today, I’ve been working on a cute mini-book/zine of short patterns to put in my book signing gift bags. Think about 3 inches x 4 inches. I’ve never made one before, so we’ll see if I number the pages correctly and am able to print them out cute-ly! I’m excited if they actually work, and I will probably sell them for like $3.00 on Etsy if they turn out ok!
Read more »Today’s Workspace: prepping goodie bags for my booksigning!
| 22 Comments on Today’s Workspace: prepping goodie bags for my booksigning!I’m making mini yarn balls out of delicious handspun yarn to put in my goodie bags for my book signing on Tuesday at Booksmith in the Haight! Please come check it out at 7:30pm! Not only will I have goodie bags for everyone while supplies last, but I’ll have a mini slide show, a rare Yummy You pop-up shop if you want to purchase Yummy You goods, and also we’ll be raffling off three different Yummy You scarves! I think you will get a free raffle ticket with a purchase of my book from Booksmith. We’ll have lots and lots of fun! Come say hi! The next morning, Hairy and I will be driving to L.A. where I’ll have a signing on Wednesdsay in L.A. at Urban Craft Center on their Etsy night! And then Friday night I’ll be signing at Stories Cafe, also in L.A. Remember for all my book tour dates, please check out!
Read more »Free Pattern/Tutorial at !
/ | 9 Comments on Free Pattern/Tutorial at !Elsie kindly asked if I might contribute to her “Tricks and Treats” guest-blogging series on her site, and of course I jumped at the chance to do anything having to do with that little lady! Check out TWO tutorials I created over at her blog! Sorry I posted it so late here. I’ve been out all day! At first I wanted to make Mummy Mitts… but then I thought it might be too complicated for crochet beginners, so then I wrote up a Daisy Headband project, and then I couldn’t decide between the two, so I sent both to Emma, and both got posted so you get double the fun! 🙂 Here are two extra mummyriffic photos: The flower head band looks like this and is SUPER EASY to make! I have actually been wearing it a lot, but I didn’t want to post any photos until the tutorial went up! Instead of doing anything Halloweeny today, my cousin, his bestie, Hairy, and I drove to Napa Valley to go sparkling wine tasting at Domaine Carneros and to eat dinner at Ubuntu, with a spontaneous stop at Chandon. It was a pretty delicious and decadent day. Hairy and I were going to see Saw 3D, and the boys were going to go clubbing, but everyone ended up kinda sleepy and there wasn’t a late enough movie for us to catch. Oh wells!
Read more »Oh the things this kitty has seen.
| 4 Comments on Oh the things this kitty has seen.You know me. I’m really more of a dog person… Heheh, hope you guys had a good Halloween! I went to dinner with my family (non-Halloween related) and then out with my cuzcuz, his bestie, my bestie, and Hairy to the Castro, had some champagne, bopped to some music, saw lots of guys in their underwear, saw some other more Rated X Stuff, ate more food. Successful evening!
Read more »Craft stash & Rainbows
| 42 Comments on Craft stash & RainbowsI snapped a Photobooth pic of my yarn wall earlier today. My craft room is still totally not where I want it to be yet. This is a long process!! I need to buy more shelves. I have too much STUFF, but I need it and use it and can’t be rid of it! Also, I painted my nails rainbow today. I rarely take the time to paint them as evidenced by what my friend Kera calls my “crack ho nails,” always chipped and in a horrible state. I feel like when you work with your hands, it’s hard to sit down and take a moment to wait there for your nails to dry. Anyway, a few ladies were talking about rainbow nails on Twitter, so I had to give it a try!! I was bummed that my beloved Orly “Blue Collar” blue nail polish seems to be different now. The formula seems thinner, and the color is much darker :(. The yellow “Spark” is AWFUL. SO uneven even after three coats. The pink is still uneven, too. Time to find a new favorite blue nail polish.
Read more »It’s a Good Thing
| 2 Comments on It’s a Good ThingI feel like if I hosted my own TV craft show, I would wear outfits like this: DollyBeast had an online garage sale, and I snagged this kitty top and giant glasses from her. I think I have to lose 10 lbs to fit in the sweater properly. All my stuff is hanging out the bottom! AHAHAH. She’s donating money from her sales to a non-profit, so check some shizz out!
Read more »And the winner is …
| 4 Comments on And the winner is …I drew the winner on! Thank you so much everyone! I always feel so badly when I see all my friends enter and there can only be one winner. I will super duper try to have more giveaways!
Read more »QUICK 12 hour Halloween Blog Giveaway, 2am to 2pm!
| 283 Comments on QUICK 12 hour Halloween Blog Giveaway, 2am to 2pm!GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to those who participated 🙂 🙂 Click the pic for a slightly larger version. Sorry this is so last minute! I’ve been swamped with secret projects and custom orders and trying to put regular items back in the Etsy shop! I’m making this a quickie 12-hour giveaway so that I can try to mail this out by Tuesday so the winner can have it by Halloween! Eep! This giveaway is for a super duper cute pumpkin playsuit by I’m Your Present and pumpkin/jack-o-lantern fingerless mitts made by me! I would say the playsuit is a size medium, 36/37″, bust28/29″, waist38/39″ hips. I’m a bit big in the hips, so while this mostly fits me, it’s a bit big on the top. I bought it in 2008 and wore it once to take product photos, and it has been hiding sadly in my drawer ever since! Please give it some love! It is a very cute light-orange/peach color. I made the mitts to go with the playsuit, so while it’s not a perfect color match and the mitts are slightly darker than the playsuit, the mitts are definitely still a lighter, peachier orange. The mitts are made of a soft wool/acrylic blend, with a wool stem. The face is 100% wool felt, that I adhered with washable permanent fabric glue and also stitched around in black thread for security. These two make a super cute set! To enter: just leave a comment in my blog, telling me what your favorite Halloween treat is! For an extra chance to win, link to my giveaway on Twitter or your own blog, and leave a separate comment in my blog (so that I can count two of your comments). At 2pm on Tuesday, October 26, California time (PST), I will draw a random winner through! Have fun!! Enter quickly!! Tick tock!!
Read more »A community for young women to inspire each other!
| 2 Comments on A community for young women to inspire each other!So I got this invite in my email the other day to join Levi’s Shape What’s to Come. I was like huh? What is this thing!? I was in the throes of prepping my second book promo video (by the way, I also revamped to include tour info) so I did not really explore it. Then, I read about Elsie being an ambassador for this site, so I was really prompted to check it out! Ladies, you should come check it out with me! It looks to be a community for like-minded women to help mentor and inspire each other in areas from fashion to youth advocacy. It’s still in beta testing right now, and I can’t wait to see how the community grows! I just made my profile last night!
Read more »Remember that time I tried to crochet a GRILL!?
| 8 Comments on Remember that time I tried to crochet a GRILL!?It’s pretty tough, amirite!? The “bling teeth” photo I stole from Shrinkle. Also she recently posted her blog entry about Comic Con, which included my all-time favorite photo of the two of us. Happy Friday!
Read more »A different kind of burger phone.
| 20 Comments on A different kind of burger phone.I’m working on that Etsy update, but I also have to make more of my secret project scarves!! And plan out my talk for my book events. And maybe try to crochet something fun for me to wear at book events. And think of what fun goodies I can include in gift bags for book event attendees!! Workaworkaworka!
Read more »All Things Cupcake
| 2 Comments on All Things CupcakeThank you, All Things Cupcake for the blog interview!!!
Read more »Stuff for your dog!
| 3 Comments on Stuff for your dog!Okay, I am a little re-miss in blogging about some of this stuff, sorry Erika!!!! Anyway last year, Erika sent me some really cute dog collars for Bibi and Bunny. I got cherries for Bibi and leopard print for Bunny. They don’t wear collars around the house (cuz Bibi has sensitive, stinky hound dog skin) and they wear harnesses of various sorts on walks since they are both pullers, so getting a photo of the collars has taken me….well…. since never cuz I SUCK!! AHHHH!! But anyway, now Erika’s Etsy Shop only has a (very cute) Poptart iphone cozy in it…but maybe if you stay tuned, more cute stuff will appear!! Also, my very faithful reader Sylvette Marie makes cute things for your pooch as well! Like leashes and costumes. Check out her etsy shop! Aaaaaand I will share again where I buy Bunny’s sweaters. You get A LOT of choices, and it’s not too expensive. Way better quality than the sweaters I’ve bought at Petco AND everything is custom sized to your dog. They are amazing and I will never buy a doggie sweater from anybody else!!!! RoyalFifi is where it’s at!
Read more »I need to organize my stuff!
| 21 Comments on I need to organize my stuff!That is just one shelf in the craft room. I really need to channel the organizational gods to make my space look prettier. I don’t even want to show you my small craft table yet. It is literally holding a PILE of important papers, random office supplies, my crocheted cookie blanket, and I don’t even know what!!! Life has felt very cupcake-oriented the past few days. That can’t be bad, right? This weekend I am finishing The Secret Project, and then next week I am going to focus on getting my Etsy shop open and stuffed with goodies! I want to see a movie this weekend!! Have you seen one recently that you really liked? We were thinking about the Virginity Hit and the Joaquin Phoenix fake documentary.
Read more »Christmas: I’m READY!!
| 7 Comments on Christmas: I’m READY!!I met up with the BFF for a late lunch, and we ended up looking at luggage in Macy’s in Union Square. The luggage is on the same floor as THE CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS!!!!!!!!! Photo ops!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the trees was covered in butterflies, flowers, and birds, that were mounted on clips, so I started putting them in Manda’s hair! S’good, right? You can decorate your tree, and then use them as hair doodads for the rest of the year! I think I want to get a tree this year. I’ve never really felt like getting one before.
Read more »Carla Carrotcake Does It Again
| 15 Comments on Carla Carrotcake Does It AgainSeriously, how could I not get me one of these?!?! Seriously?
Read more »Office Space
| 28 Comments on Office SpaceI sit on the floor to print out stuff!! Very professional office environment! 🙂 Today, I was printing out a letter to include in a press request I had for scarf samples. Fingers crossed! 🙂 I gotta put a hold on Today’s Workspace since I am knee-deep in my secret project… to be revealed in November! 🙂
Read more »Today’s Workspace
| 23 Comments on Today’s WorkspaceI have a zillion things to SPRINKLE!! The thingies inside my sprinkle tray are these deliciously yummy candy cabs that I tried to make rings out of, but I seem to not have much luck with E6000!
Read more »Pool Tradeshow, Las Vegas – video & photos!
| 21 Comments on Pool Tradeshow, Las Vegas – video & photos!Ever wonder what it would be like to hang out with me in Las Vegas at the Yummy You! Pooltradeshow booth? Check out the video! My BFF Manda accompanied me to Las Vegas in August to help me promote Yummy You! at the Pool Tradeshow. It was A LOT OF WORK, but a lot of fun. Here’s me and Manda in the booth! Becky, Manda, and me in the booth! Becky helped out as a booth babe, as well! Here’s me and Manda hard at work, fillin’ orders! Here’s me, Audrey, Ali, and Jamie up in my booth! Later on, we all visited Audrey and Ali in their suite, in which they were showcasing all their clothing lines. I had me a vegan cupcake! Manda and I went out on our last night in Vegas. Her big brother happened to be in town, so we hung out with him and his buddies. Ladieez kept coming up and talking to me. I’m a ladykiller! Okay, I’m just kidding. I think they just thought I was a novelty. Anyway, I thought there were more funny photos, but…I can’t locate them, and it was already super difficult for me to get hold of Manda’s photoz for various technological reasons :P.
Read more »J-Pop Summit & L.A. comes for a visit!
| 33 Comments on J-Pop Summit & L.A. comes for a visit!A bunch of girls from L.A. who were involved with Sweet Streets 2 & 6%DOKIDOKI fashion show cruised up to S.F. for relaxationz, more 6%DOKIDOKI events, and the J-pop Summit Festival in Japantown. Above pics are me and iamchubbybunny, and I stole the following photos from her! I had brunch on Friday with her and Shrinkle and Kevin and Caro and Emi. Then they (sans Shrinkle and Kevin) came over to my casa to meet my pups! On Saturday, Hairy and I hit up the J-Pop Summit at Japantown. I only had an hour to check stuff out cuz I had another family event to go to in the southbay. photo taken by CalAnime quick outfit rundown: shoes by EmAndSprout, dress by NicoleLindner, necklaces by 6%DOKIDOKI and CicelyMargo, hair ice creamz by me! Bazaar Bizarre was there, and I got to visit with Heidi of MyPaperCrane which is always a treat! I also got to see her book!! I just put it in my shopping cart! It’s adorable. I don’t even have kids, and I want the book anyway! I also got this poster from her: click if you want to buy! and a suuuper cute, quilted zipper pouch. Then we popped over really quick to watch the POCKY EATING CONTEST!!!!! Contestants tried to eat 10 boxes of Pocky as fast as they could to win a year’s supply of Pocky! Here’s a one minute clip! The host was so funny. He reminded me of Ruby Rhod in the Fifth Element. Finally, we ran into the New People building, and I bought some sparkly hair bows from 6%DOKIDOKI, pondered buying more of their cute clothing but restrained myself, said hi to Shrinkle and iamchubbybunny and Bei, and then had to hop in the car for family fun times. Here’s me and Bei. I was very hot and sweaty by this point. Isn’t she so super cute?!!!? In house news: I really want to get me a papasan chair. I’ve wanted one for a long long time, but they kinda take up space, and I never had that space to spare before. I think we have that space now, but Hairy thinks papasan chairs are way lame!??!! What do you think???!? I think they are so super comfy! p.s. when I was at my family function, someone commented that she keeps up with me via Facebook/my blog entries. I think this is really funny because I started blogging like 10 years ago so that my pals who started moving away for college or jobs or whatever could keep up with my life, but nobody I actually knew in real life ever wanted to read my stupid blog! Hahaha. I’m glad it worked out, after a decade! 😛
Read more »Kalamari Kastle & In Favor of Fuzz!
| 2 Comments on Kalamari Kastle & In Favor of Fuzz!Hey hey! I just wanted to share a few fun links with you! My buddies at just posted some photos and a cute video about JapanLA, and their footage includes some video of Yummy You! items. Check it out! Also, the fiber blog In Favor of Fuzz recently featured me, and while I was not familiar with the blog beforehand, I started reading previous posts, and it is really cool! Thanks, ladies!
Read more »Today’s Workspace
| 6 Comments on Today’s WorkspaceThought I would share my work from today before I have to stop showing you guys for a bit. I have to work on a top secret surprise project next, and the pieces are way too recognizable to show you peeks! I needed to use my mint green yarn for the cupcake bottoms, but I had half a mint-chip ice cream scoop still in the works, so I decided to just finish the ice cream scoop before using the yarn for the cupcakes! So those are two separate projects kinda smushed together. The cupcake scarf is for a video (or two) that I will be shooting in the next few days. Fun fun fun!
Read more »Today’s Workspace
| 21 Comments on Today’s WorkspaceI have a super big project to start crocheting, and I finished my planning sketches last night, but today I took a moment to make myself some cute hair doodads for my weekend in L.A.! More pics later! Oh, p.s.! I found out today that Spoiled Brat in the UK now carries Yummy You! 🙂 Also in the UK, I have a mention in October’s issue of “Let’s Knit!” If anyone over there wants to send me a copy, I will totally pay for it and the postage!
Read more »Love, from Vegas.
| 5 Comments on Love, from Vegas.After dinner on the last night we were in Vegas. Salsa, chips, margaritas, silliness! I am so happy to have shared this experience with my BFF. It was more hard work than I had prepared for. We were flying by the seats of our bloomers! Manda is the bestest for supporting me in every way. I have a lot of fun photos and video for you guys from the tradeshow! But we are actually moving out of our old place and into our new home TODAY. So that fun blog will have to wait! Hope you guys are having a great weekend!
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