New eBay auctions // also a shop update!

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5 day auction of cuteness! Go go!!

Also, I just updated my shop with more fingerless mitts and also matching hats, and new Butter Buddy buttons, AND a pear scarf! The mitts are already sold out, but there are still some hats!

WIWT & Lessons from 90210

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So, every day, at 2pm and 3pm, if I am home, I watch re-runs of Beverly Hills, 90210.

I have learned many important lessons from 90210, such as, if you are being held in your room by a rapist, and somebody comes to visit randomly, and the rapist tells you to make the person go away, you say through the closed door, “I have a migraine! I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Matty!!!!” And then that person will know to grab the baseball bat by the front door, barge into your bedroom, and put the smash down on your rapist. How did the person know? Because you never call him MATTY. Thank you, Donna Martin!

Today’s lesson was in controlling dramas and violence. Don’t let someone talk you into a fight. You are bigger than that. How do you let them know? YOU “SQUASH IT.” This is how it is done.

End of confrontation! And you still look “cool,” so don’t worry…..

Okay, and today’s WIWT is from taking photos for new choco chip cookie mitts to go up on Black Friday.

WIWT 11.26.08

Kitty tank top: from a shop in Hong Kong
Mini skirt:
Leggings: I think from Urban Outfitters a few years ago
Socks: I have no idea!
Cookie Mitts: ME!
Shoes: Marc Jacobs

Business in the Morning, Party in the Afternoon: it’s the career mullet.

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eating at work

I’ve been down at the office earlier than usual, and I clearly kind of panic over what to bring to eat.


Activia Yogurt: Seems kind of runny and thin.
Nature Valley Oats n Honey granola bar: One of my fav bar-shaped foods!
Fuji Apple: from our order
Ferrero Rocher: Fine Hazelnut chocolates from Hairy! I told him during a commercial that I was into horrible holiday chocolates, e.g. ALMOND ROCA!!!!!!!!!!

But now it’s freezing in the office and I seem to be craving hot, oily, bad pizza a la Domino’s.


(also posted at

Also, because of aforementioned freezing office, I moved my space heater to the desk I was covering for our admin/asst, and I blew a fuse. I heard the powering-down sound of electronic equipment dying, but I had no idea what I’d killed.

When the receptionist came in at noon, she said, “Oh no, my computer won’t turn on!” And then I told her why……

We had to go bug the dudes and dudettes in an office downstairs to help us open the electrical closet. Then we realized I’d killed the copy and fax machine, too.

No more space heaters! They make the office explode.

Now I’m back at home. Last night I finished some chocolate chip cookie hats (they are cute! but i don’t know if i can model them because i look really bad in hats) and right now I’m working on a scarf to go with the gingerbread fanny packs. I was going to post an update to the shop this week, but maybe that’s not the greatest idea if people are prepping their turkeys!

Peppermint Steak Cake Cookie Man

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This weekend I prepped a lot of chocolate chip cookie appliques for mitts and hats! I am tweaking my hat pattern, so we’ll see how it turns out in the next few days.

Some time last week or the week before, I went to a yarn shop in Los Altos to look for Cascade 220 wool for making felted gingerbreadboy cute-tility packs. Unfortch, they did not have the right color there, but of course I still walked out with some yarn!


It’s Rowan DK, and 100% wool. I’m really sensitive to animal fibers, so I hardly use wool for scrves unless it’s very soft merino. I plan to use this wool for mittens! I chose colors for cupcake fingerless mitts, and T-Bone steak Meat-tens, but then realized that all three of these colors looked yummy and pepperminty together, so I want to make a peppermint twist scarflette, too! I was also inspired to make double scoop ice cream cone mittens with the buttoned removal top for convertible fingerless mitt action. So many plans!!! So many patterns to devise!!!

Also, I sketched this (very quickly, clearly!) for Beth/JusSharDesigns, but I think I want to try to make my own version, too! I probs won’t have time, but it’d be neat to squeeze it in.

Ginger Bolero

Back to work on the choco chip cookie hats! I hope to update the shop next week with hats and mittens, and I’ve also been working on re-filling scarves for ShanaLogic. Stay tuned!

WIWT – Approved by nice older ladies in Palo Alto

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I am getting a heck of a lot of use out of my black jumper! And again, it’s my cute kitty tee by Em and Sprout.

I got dressed doublequickstyle today because I had to race to the office to meet with a potential intern.

Then, I had to go to the post office, so I took a break to get brown rice sushi and Odwalla carrot juice and to drop off some of my TurkeyDay/eBay packages.

While walking back to my car, someone approached me, and this is how it all went down. I call this scene, “The Back-handed Compliment.”

Lady: Your look is so cute!

Me: Thanks!

Lady: It looks like you work really hard to look that way!

Me: Uh…well…you kind of just start accumulating some things here and there … and the next thing you know, you look like THIS.

Lady: You and I look better than aaaaaall these people out on the street. Some people leave the house in sweat shirts and sweat pants! Where’s the femininity?

Me: (opening car door) Well, it’s nice to be comfortable, too. OK BYE!

Please to visualize this woman with very curly permy hair, a fur vest, and a wrist brace which I thought at first was a wrist warmer which would have been awesome.

When I am an old lady, I will wear fur vests.

It did make me wonder, tho, if I have become too vain or concerned with my physical appearance.

When I was in fourth or fifth grade, I went to my friend Kate’s house, and she and her other friend Erin were going to go shopping at the mall. I was not really into shopping or clothes at this point, but I went anyway to hang out. Erin asked, “Did your mom give you money to shop?” And 9 year old me was like, “Heck yeah! I have forty dollars!” and Erin was like, “Forty dollars? For clothes!?” I felt very weird hanging out at that point. What loser only brings $40 to the mall to go clothes shopping! I’ll take one sock from Banana Republic please! THX!

Today, I still do not like browsing racks at malls, although I am an INSANE online shopper. But I wonder if I care too much how I look when I leave the house. I will NOT leave the house without eyeliner. I look like a 60 year old alien without eyeliner. Trust me. This is a service that I do for you. But the clothes and the hairclips and the purses? I guess that’s for me, and I’m okay with that. If it makes me feel happy and cute and okay with the world, that ain’t such a bad thing.

Oh yeah, here are Hairy and Bibi. She looks really evil.

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