WIWT (party dress!)

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WIWT 1.28.09

So there it is. It’s for my boss’ charity event, and she requests formal full-length gowns, but, I also wanted something I’d be able to wear more than once (I’m not really a full-length kinda gal).

Any suggestions about accessorizing and styling are completely welcome. That’s just how I have my hair today, and then I threw on pearls at the last second but am not married to the idea. I don’t really want to buy new shoes, so I’ll just have to stick with what I have around the house! I am thinking I may try my clip-in hair extensions for this night, but I don’t know yet. I DO need to touch up my roots, tho! Wish I were brave enough to do that myself at home!

Earlier this morning, I was doing this:

And that’s what I’ll be doing more of right now, and maybe take a “break” to work on my taxes.

I’m really into rosettes right now!


Cake Cowl, Deconstructed Scrambles, & Food Art!

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Cable Cake Cowl

This is a sketch for one of the Valentine’s Day scarves I’m working on. It’s a fluffy pink super thick cowl that looks like a cake!

Here it is in progress. This yarn is AMAZING. It’s 100% wool, so it’s a teeny tiny bit scratchy, but it’s still really soft and fluffy and gorgeous. I am a big fan. I’ve had 4 balls of this for a couple years. I bought it to make a cotton candy scarf which I never made, but now I am really excited to be using it!!! YARNSQUEE!

Bouton D'or

This is also the first time I’ve worked with cable stitches. It’s REALLY thick and bulky. I imagine that cable work with knitting is a lot more delicate. Sometimes I wish I could do both! I can sorta knit, but I’m really really super duper slow at it.

Here are some pics of the breakfy that Hairy cooked over the weekend. He called it a Deconstructed Scramble:

Deconstructed Scramble 2

Deconstructed Scramble 1

Finally, last week, I had coffee with a few friends, and also my first potential crochet student!! He brought this in a box:


He is of course EDIBLE and was housed in a paper castle. Cool, eh?

Anyway, I’m hustling to bring you a really cool shop and eBay update by Feb 1, but I also have to finish doing my taxes! Ew! Also, I’ve been signing my life away on paper to hopefully bring you some fun news in the not too distant future……

Now I have to go walk the dogs before we go to dinner with my family for New Year’s. Gung hay!

Sleeping on a Cloud?

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Our new mattress arrived yesterday morning!

I have been on a futon for about 10 years. I don’t like soft squishy beds, and I hate when you can feel someone else move on a springy mattress. But my futon was getting really uncomfortable, so it was time to graduate and get a grown-up bed.

It’s a firm mattress with a pillow top. IT IS HUGE!!!!!!! Like really super big!!! The futon was really low-profile and this monster is SUPER TALL. Bibi can’t really get on and off of it, and I will miss my morning puppy snuggles until we figure out a new arrangement upstairs in the loft.

Today we popped into a few stores to check out bed frames. We really liked some at this one store in our neighborhood, but they only came in queen sizes, and our mattress is a full. I hope hope HOPE we do not run into this problem over and over again. I really don’t like the look of plain wooden bed frames and I hope we still have choices! We’ll see!!

Yarn Stash

Here’s a pic of my yarn stash that somebody requested. Of course, the stash is changing all the time, but there’s the general set up.

Since this pic when I first moved into this loft last year, we’ve had to put a small fence around the yarn because Bibi has begun to pull it off shelves and mess with it. If you’ve ever seen the movie “The Ugly Dachshund and you recall the yarn scene…..our house has ended up that way a few times before we had to gate off the goods!

Today I hope to finish up a Valentine’s day scarf and maybe go see Revolutionary Road.

Chocolate Hearts for Breakfast

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Photo 21

I don’t know where time goes these days. I get really depressed about not being productive and therefore having no money, and then I don’t feel like taking pictures or posting blog entries. I’ll try to turn all of that around!

Gearing up for a Valentine’s-themed post has been fun, but sometimes I think that updating my shop becomes this huge boogie man!! Like I need to make a kabillion things before an update so I don’t waste anybody’s time. I have to work on fine-tuning my posting schedule! After V-Day, I look forward to making things with no holiday theme :P. I have many fun ideas, like waffle cowls, and spaghetti n meatball circle scarves! And making a bunch of cupcake berets for y’all!

Living room mess!

Here’s a shot of Bibi’s foot in Bunny’s face.

Foot in Face

Don’t forget to visit IEatYuckyStuff if you haven’t seen the latest video post: MUSHROOM PATE’ + VERY HARD BAGUETTE.

Photo 20

I’ll Pinch Yo Dumplinz

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Above is a picture of some dumpling things I helped pinch. Yeah. I’ll pinch yo dumplinz! Clearly I am not very good at it, but at least they kept the insides inside which is the point, right? Inside was mock duck, carrots, and some other Asiany Viet things that Hairy mixed up (I didn’t actually cook anything).

I am a very lucky (and fat) girl. Hairy is classically trained in culinary kung fu. When I was little, I once asked my mom if she could teach me to cook, or if she would let me throw some shizz in a pan and and then eat it. She was always kind of hesitant (or maybe busy?), and I remember cooking something once (I think it was like lettuce, beef, and salt in a skillet) and I think that sort of set up my relationship with cooking, which is to say, I don’t have one.

So as fate would have it, I now live with somebody who cooks everything under the sun, East, West, whatevs! I’m like, “I wanna eat blankety blank,” and then blankety blank is created in our very own kitchen.

I have been hoarding my photos of Hairy’s food for a bit, and now I’m just going to unload. Enjoy!

(You can also click on all the pics to make them bigger if you want!)

Steak Sammiches
hairy cooks steak sammies

Butternut (I think) Soup
Butternut Soup

Lamb Chops
Lamb Chops

Little Apple n Pear Pot Pies with Berry Goo
Apple thingie

Monk Fish
MOnk FIsh 2


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