I’ve been up to my ears in SWEETS!

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Cuppycake pins:


Custom sugar cookie pin:


New felted cupcake belt/fanny pack:


I need to take better pics. These were taken at night! I made this on Friday on a whim. Now I’m working on a newer version with a more ridgey yellow cake area. I have fun calling the cherry on top The Extra Hairy Cherry.

Speaking of hairy, Hairy installed a new version of Photoshop on my Mac the other night, but I still have the muted-color problem once I upload images anywhere. It’s really weird. I have no idea what these images look like on your computers! Yucky and pale? They were nice and vibrant in Photoshop. I’ll check on ’em at work on my PC, too.

Me in Inked Magazine.

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I have no idea if the new issue of Inked Mag is in stores yet, but go pick one up!


Also, for a LIMITED TIME, I can offer you a discount code to subscribe to the magazine: 10 issues for $19.95. It’s a great deal for such a beautiful publication! Just go to inkedmag.com and follow the directions to subscribe. Your discount code is “twinkie.” Go go go! (My issue, the May issue, won’t be included in the subscription yet, so you’ll have to grab that one at the bookstore!)


Shop update!

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I just put some things up on the site, Shop!

There isn’t anything terribly new, but it’s all still pretty cute: cookie pins, berry pins, fried egg pins, the last of my t-shirts, the last of my button packs. You’ll notice two new items, though, SWEETpants and SWEETshirt hoodies! You’ll see! They are very silly.

Tried to upload a photo of Bibi in a relaxing green tea bath, but photobucket is being really weird….more Bibi updates soon! She is not feeling very well right now (butt soup) so she might go to the doc tomorrow.

Damn Good Pickles

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This is a video demonstrating my current regimen to cure The Cough From Hell:

Also snapped some photos today of some stuffs (you’ll see I’m wearing the same thing in all of the vids/pics from today!).

Beth from Jus Shar Designs worked on a little sweater with/for me and it’s really really cute!


Here is a peek at one of the things I’m putting together for a boutique/website in Boston.


Yellow cake with chocolate frosting is not only Renee’s favorite, but Hairy’s, too!

I must now return to editing images for a good website update. Hopefully next week I will finally post up the sweetshirts/sweetpants, some pins/brooches, and some felted ipod cozies. Yay! Ok back to work.

Cupcakes for Cousins

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This is the cupcake scarf I whipped up this week for my cousin in Hong Kong:


It’ll probably get cut off at twinkiechan.com. I’m trying to figure out how to link Flickr to Word Press so I can just upload these to Flickr and post them here. I think I got Flickr and Word Press to talk to each other, but all I ended up posting was a “<" symbol! Also, recently, the very cute site PillowPillowPillow contacted me. He is friends with Jenny Harada and asked me to submit a pic of Bibi to the site, which I did. People submit pics of their pets to his site, and then he makes pillows out of them. They are really cute! Check it out! I really love Scooter the Basset Hound! I would grab a pic to post but his site is in Flash and I am too lazy to screencap. Go Go!

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