Girl is Poison!

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The lovely Lux behind Girl Is Poison (limited edition and one of a kind clothing) has a new online zine, and there is a little blurb about Twinkie Chan! Also check out her cool project tutorials and future product reviews!

Click here to go directly the Indie Designer Crush piece on me!

Poppin’ the Purikura Cherry!

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Today, Manda came over and we had brunch at the Pork Store in the Mission.

Then, it was off to Japan Center/Japantown to buy a Shojo Beat (um, I guess I bought the wrong one because I didn’t find the ad I was in! Does anyone have a scan of that page by any chance…?) and to try the purikura booth for the first time!

It was a rough start, but I think we’ll have a better handle on it next time! We always take too long to do everything! Oops!


Once Manda got her self sticking out of the washing machine, for some reason, Hairy and I both wanted to stick our butts in her face.


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Please vote for one of my favorite crafty ladies, Heidi Kenney of My Paper Crane, for Craftiest Bastard!


Scene 360 Interview + Double Strawberry Action!

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Jenny, one of my friendly and talented customers, also contributes to the art & film site She asked if I’d do an interview and I said of course!!! It’s really beautifully laid out and you can listen to me ramble on an on about stuff.

Also I snapped a photo of this kleenex box cozy inspired by a picture of a cake that the baker called a “strawberry basket.” Mine didn’t end up looking as much like a basket of berries, but it is still pretty delectable nonetheless!


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Here’s another fun shout out to

I got a genero msg from UberHQ telling me that they put my yucky blog in their Index Magazine, and lo and behold, there I am sandwiched between a hair blog about Audrina Partridge and Linda Strawberry.

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