WIWT – post-Novocaine

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WIWT 3.11.09

I snapped these after I came home from my deep dental cleaning: I finished 2 out of 4 quadrants and have another lined up for next Wednesday!

Tee: Loyal Army

Skirt: Heidi Seeker

Necklace: AppleNoggin

Belt: I dunno…..maybe Naughty Secretary’s Club but I have no clue!

Just in case anybody was wondering….

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To Do  FAIL!

I didn’t make it. I went to bed at 5:30am at least. Sigh.

I was hoping that public shame would help me out, and it did a little, but not enough!!!

I don’t think it’s that I really have “insomnia,” it’s just that even if I wake up at 7:30am, I can still be awake and feeling like I want to be productive until 4 or 5am, and then I just wake up late again the next day. I think what I lack is determination? I dunno. Trying again tonight. Because on Thursday morning I have to be ready by 7:30 am to entertain the plumber….

Some Pics from ShanaLogic.com Box o Goodies

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On and off this week, I’ve been setting up the lights and snapping pics of product for ShanaLogic.com. Here are a few of my personal favs. I don’t know if they will be used or not, but I sent off a bunch. You already saw some of Hairy’s ………. and I also shot some of my BFF Manda in hats, because, I LOOK TERRIBLE IN HATS!! Or, conversely, I make hats look terrible. Thank god Manda has a normal-shaped head!!!!


Im fulla bambooz!
I'm fulla bambooz!

Guess whats in my purse!
Guess what's in my purse!

I’m a Night-Owl Rehab Drop Out

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To Do

I KNOW. I know. I know that everyone wakes up early to be at work a 9am (or earlier) and that being alive in the morning is a perfectly NORMAL and DO-ABLE phenomenon.

However, I have the tendency to work until, like, 4 or 5 in the morning, which makes a 9am work-time the next day to be, simply, impossible at this age!

I would really like to shift my schedule back to something a bit more … diurnal, rather than nocturnal. So I decided to follow my own oft-given advice: MAKE A LIST.

I am posting up my proposed schedule for tomorrow. It’s not too crazy. It’s just a start! Baby steps! Cross your fingers for me!!! I’ll probably be updating my progress on this to-do list on Twitter. I have to start by NOT going to bed at 5am tonight!

What Happens AFTER shooting photos.

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Movie 5

Originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN

Help. I need help!

(Yes, that is Martha Stewart in the background talking to some fella named Q-Tip? Yeah, I dunno. I’m not very cool and don’t know who that is.)

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