What Happens AFTER shooting photos.

Movie 5

Originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN

Help. I need help!

(Yes, that is Martha Stewart in the background talking to some fella named Q-Tip? Yeah, I dunno. I’m not very cool and don’t know who that is.)

3 Comments on “What Happens AFTER shooting photos.”

  • Courtney


    OH NOES! I hate it when i get barrettes or bobby pins stuck in my hair, i always end up pulling my hair out!

    (side note) Q-tip was in the 90’s hip hop group ‘Arrested Developement’ and now he’s just doin’ solo albums.

    • ahhhhhh doesn’t it still seem weird he was on MARTHA!!?

  • brandy


    no q-tip was with a tribe called quest…bonita applebum

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