Pop Pop and Away!!!

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Popcorn hoodie 1

(click for bigger)

Here is an applique hoodie I worked on for a very cool kiddo down in LA. I had a ton of fun doing this! I used 100% wool, washable fabric glue, and hand stitched around everything. I used little beads for the popcorn eyeballs, but if/when I make another one, I think I want to use Swarovskis instead.

Next up is Cooking with Hairy: Chawan Mushi!

If you want the recipe, check out Hairy’s blog entry.

I also have the nutburger recipe for anyone interested.

In a Food Processor or Blender

Chop Equal Amounts

Peanuts, Almonds, Pecans, (Or any nut combo)

Sesame Seeds, Pine Nuts, Pumpkin Seeds (Whichever you prefer)

The above choices are optional and depend on your tastes


Garlic Cloves
Bread Crumbs or Panko
Coriander Powder (Optional)
Mustard Powder (Optional)
Paprika (Optional)
Fresh Sage (OPtional)
Basically any spice/ herb combo you like.

While chopping in Food Processor add a small amount of olive oil. This will help things bind. The nuts are oily as well so not too much.

When finished you should have a rough paste, not a liquid.

Form into, well, burger looking things.

On the stove. Heat a small amount of oil on a med-HI flame. Sear both sides until well browned. Drop the heat to a low flame to cook the inside.


Place burgers in an oven at 325 for about 5 -10 minute to cook the inside.


[[Sorry, I don’t know how to do the “read more” cuts here on WordPress. If you know, help a sista out!]]

Octo Scarf & Dogs who

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Tako Scarf“>

I finished my commission piece. Yay! (click for larger)

This was so much fun. I’m asking my customer if she is ok with me making more of these. It is my own pattern, but it is based on her original drawings, so if she says no, then I will not. Fear not, I will make more octo-themed scarves regardless, since I’ve had a different one brewing in my head for years! (I am thinking a seafood medley theme soon….fun!!! Shrimp brooches and crab packs. Woo!)

I have been working on another commission, a hoodie, but I can’t post it yet, in case the secret recipient reads my blog (I’m not sure?). When I get word that she’s already received it, I will post pics. It’s so cute!!!!

I have been sketching new t-shirt design ideas. I just had one printed on Spreadshirt to see what it would look like. I am kind of jazzed!

Also, here is a new video of Bibi and Bunny. I’ve noticed lately that Bibi has been stopping more on walks to munch on grass, one of her fav things to do when she runs wild in my parents’ yard. So Hairy bought some “pet grass” from Pet Food Express. Every time we bring it out, the dogs LOVE it. And they don’t puke or anything. I think Bibi just thinks it’s tasty?

NutBurgers & LovelyLittleDeers

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Lovely Becky from Lovely Little Deer and I made a crafty swap. I think my goodies to her are still en route to the UK, but she sent me some of her adorable handmade yumyums along with a box full of toys (like an ice cream cooking timer!!). She’s the bestest!

Up there is a pic of the cute necklace she made. She posted pics of it a little while ago and I had to have it!

Down below are some pics of one of her hair bows.

Also last night, Hairy made NUTBURGERS.

I’ve never had a nutburger before. He had prepped the nut mixture the night before. I’d have to say, it did not taste like I was eating a handful of nuts. It was really yummy and savory. It was kind of like falafel, except, I hate falafel. He also made a delicious spread for it from yogurt, garlic and some other stuffs. I always encourage him to post his recipes and pics of his foods and manly crafts, but, you know how it goes. We all have a billion ideas for a billion different blogs but manage to post in only one or two! Oh wells. Look out soon for his etsy shop, tho……It will be bursting with handmade manhood.

(oh p.s., here’s a plug for the company my brother works for: the t-shirt I am wearing was made on Zazzle.com. My bro got it for me for Xmas! Go make some shirts! And mugs! And stuff!)

Check out DELISH BEADS!!! They really are!! (delish…)

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Even though I’m really super poor right now, I could not help but buy some beads from new shop DELISH BEADS on Etsy (PanicDoll’s new biz). They are irresistibly yummy and I can’t wait to incorporate them into some of my items!

These green jello beads with glitter are too much!

In other news, I came home yesterday to find this in the kitchen sink:

Hairy/D-I-Guy clearly recommends using BACON TAPE for home projects.

And finally, here are your daily Snuggle Pics:

Poop, Barf, Barf, and Flooding

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Today is one of those days you eat oatmeal.

You wake up, and it’s been raining all night long, and you notice that the patio is flooding and that Bunny has pooped inside on the floor because she didn’t want to go for a swim. Then, Bibi barfs, and Hairy cleans it up. Then, Hairy goes outside with a toilet plunger to plunge the patio, and he’s squatting on the patio-umbrella stand and hanging onto the pole while plunging like he’s riding a little tiny sail boat. It makes for a funny picture ,but you don’t take one in case he finds it undignified to squat in his pj pants in a photo. You pick up the poo and clean the floor, and then for some reason, Bunny also barfs, half on the floor, half on the Snoozy, which interestingly already has old barf on it you never knew about. So you clean up the barf (which was really close to the poo), and throw the tainted Snoozy in the wash.

This happens after you went to bed at 7am doing all your accounting in order to meet with the accountant for dinner in about 2 hours.

Noice: You made your sales goal for 2008.
NotSoNoice: You spent more than half of it running your business.

Ah well. Yin and Yang. And Stuff.

Here’s an old picture of Bunny climbing Hairy.

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