All Around the Yummy You-niverse Photo Shoot: Day 2

More from the Yummy You! shoot with model Shannie Bee and photog Crazy Spork I Am! These were all shot on the same day as the other looks, but I’m calling it “Day 2” because it’s Day 2 on the blog! 😛


Powell’s Sweet Shoppe was really nice about us shooting inside and outside their store. I bought some gummy candy for me and Hairy!

Stay tuned for Look #3 tomorrow!

6 Comments on “All Around the Yummy You-niverse Photo Shoot: Day 2”

    • TwinkieChan


      Thanks, Renee! The girls did a great job!

  • Renee


    Sooooo cute!!

    • TwinkieChan



  • I’m in love with the slushee cup drawstring bag like OMG! I like to make cute little quirky handbags like that too 🙂 so creative and fun!

  • Ella


    Where did you find the dress?!?!?!?! I NEEEEEED ITTTTT!

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