All Around the Yummy You-niverse Photo Shoot: Day 3

Sushi Scarf! Here is Day 3 from the Yummy You! shoot with model Shannie Bee and photog Crazy Spork I Am! Sorry I posted these so late! We went to a haunted house tonight!

outfit5d outfit5w outfit5z outfit5t outfit5r

3 Comments on “All Around the Yummy You-niverse Photo Shoot: Day 3”

  • Fiona


    Ahh I’ve been loving the styling in these shoots you guys are uber clever 🙂 The pictures are crazy good!

  • Cherie


    These photos are just too cute!
    Its way too hot for my sanrio scarf in Australia, but I’m taking it to Japan with me in 2 weeks and I’m gonna rep it over there for you!

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