My Crochet Tips in Homemaker Magazine, Issue 14!

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Check out Issue 14 of Homemaker Magazine out of the U.K.!

They contacted me a few months ago to offer a few crochet tips for beginners and chat about yarn a little bit, and it’s out now!  I ordered a  hardcopy, but I also just purchased a softcopy on my iPhone with the free Homemaker Magazine app. The rest of the magazine has a wide variety of tips and articles, from sewing to knitting to organizing your home!

Guess who’s in Crochet Today Magazine?

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YAY! I’m in the current February/March 2014 issue of Crochet Today magazine! I’m pretty excited! I have already gotten a bunch of messages and emails about it!

Pick up a copy and check out the “My Crochet Life” feature with me! The link to the free pattern for the Conversation Heart Garland is here! There are also tons of cute patterns in the magazine. It’s a good issue!

My new favorite thing to bake: Gingerbread Men!

| 10 Comments on My new favorite thing to bake: Gingerbread Men!

So I discovered something about myself around Christmas: I LOVE BAKING GINGERBREAD MEN. I have baked a lot of ginger snaps in my time, but there was something about smushing out the dough and using the cookie-cutters that I found really satisfying!

Screen shot 2014-01-07 at 5.04.34 AMI used this recipe from Martha Stewart via Java Cupcake. Next time I would try to make the dough even more spicy, like maybe with some grated fresh ginger as well as black pepper. Making big dough balls made me feel like Dr. Sattler going elbow-deep in a pile of dino droppings. (fast forward to 2:15 if you don’t remember this scene!) This made me giggle a lot to myself because I’m five years old.

Screen shot 2014-01-07 at 5.04.01 AMYou chill the dough before you roll out, and you also chill the men before you bake them. They don’t spread very much at all, and they come out perfectly shaped! If you roll them out thick at 1/4 inch, you will have chewy cookies. If you roll them out thinner, you will have crispy cookies. I did both and still can’t decide which I prefer….!

Screen shot 2014-01-07 at 5.28.28 AMI didn’t have time before my parents’ Christmas shindig to decorate the cookies with icing, but icing is usually not my favorite to eat anyway. So my little ginger dudes were not as cute or charismatic…. but they were still yummy, which is great, because, I’m also LAZY.

I’m already craving them again. I just have to buy more flour!

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What happens when you watch too much “Alias” and “Chuck”?

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You go on a spy mish! As I yelled at Hairy in the car, “I’m not an asset! I’m OPERATIONAL!” (And then a discussion about whether those are mutually exclusive.)

Screen shot 2014-01-05 at 8.43.05 PMWe have a history of joking about and even executing silly missions. One day, I will tell the tale of how 10 of us kidnapped a friend, stuffed him in a limo blindfolded, and took him to Vegas about ten years ago, with lots of planning and meetings and spy suits and reconnaissance and dossiers and fake moustaches and underwear-stealing.

But on Sunday, my mish was pretty simple: spy on Manda and her coffee date. We had joked about it the night before, and Manda said that I would have to wear a wig to hide my pink hair. I have a few dark wigs from when I had to cover my hair for a very important family event in a foreign country, so I went with the one that looked the least beat up and gross, yet, still gross in its own wonderful way. I felt really self-conscious because I knew I looked like a  crazy lunatic in a wig, pretending to be a normal person, but Hairy said that I looked no less crazy than a person with pink hair…..

Screen shot 2014-01-05 at 8.42.55 PMAs you can tell from all the annoying texts I sent Manda while drinking an Arnold Palmer and eating the brie plate, she and her date had canceled their plans. I first sent a text an hour before their alleged meet-up, but SHE WAS ASLEEEEEEEEEEEP/NAPPPING.

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At least there was cheese.



My Mood Board (sorta) (not really) (just kinda)

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A lot of people make and post their inspiration or mood boards for the season, and while I am not in the habit of this at all (my likes don’t change seasonally for the most part … I’m pretty predictable), I was just asked to “send stuff that you like” by someone I am working with for Yummy You!, so I sent her this mish-mash of things:

StuffILike(You can click on it to make it bigger.)

I didn’t put a lot of thought or time into it, but in that sense, I think it’s a real gut-reaction true-blue representation of stuff that I’m drawn to. Colors, sweets, and friends!



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