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Heeeelllooooo!!, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.

Right now I am drinking tea out of a big bowl, because all the mugs are in the dishwasher!!!!

Today, Hairy and I tried to use our Banana Republic gift certs, but we just couldn’t see anything in there that either of us liked.

We want to sell them to my brother or his wife. And then go to Urban Outfitters. Hahah.

Also, we went to Sports Authority AND Sports Basement to do some research for warm, snow clothes, since we are going to Tahoe for NYE.

We didn’t end up buying any snow stuff, but we did come home with a whole box of LUNA bars in our favorite S’mores flavor.

2009 is going to be Year of the Fattie.

“You look like Dawn Weiner’s little sister.”

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I hope everyone had a great Christmas Day! Hairy and I went to my parents’ place. At first they had no electricity for hours, and my mom was cooking turkey down the hill at our old piano teacher’s house! They almost had to move the party to my bro bro’s house, but ultimately the power came back and all was good. We had lots of food and our typical white elephant exchange among family friends! Hairy and I came home with free movie tickets, which we will probably use this weekend, and also, a french press coffee kit (which I will NEVER use, but hopefully Hairy will!). I really enjoyed all the guys ending up with scented soaps or samplers of fancy fruit-scented lotions in tiny jars. One older dude said to a younger dude, joking, “If you first wash with THIS soap (white jasmine) and then put on THOSE lotions, NO GIRL WILL RESIST YOU!”

“Aw, mango? Hey, I LOVE mango!”

On Xmas Eve, we had a nice dinner with the immediate fam, and then when we got home, I wondered what the most UNchristmassy movie we could watch would be. My first thought was Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, which I do have, but we ended up watching…..MY OLD BALLET VIDEO!!!!

From when I was 4-8 years old, my mother forced me to take ballet lessons (and tap, and tumbling, and rhythmic gymnastics). I HATED IT! I hated putting on tights especially. Every year, the studio I took classes at would put on “Twas the Night Before Christmas” for the holidays, so we’d practice and then do several local performances a year. I was different characters in the ballet over the years, and my dad spliced my appearances into one video. Hairy was a trooper and watched the whole thing. I recorded some spots for you. 1) I’m the red bow in the wreath. 2) I’m a shooting star. 3) I’m Little Santa. Enjoy!

Today’s WIWT, and some other shopping stuffs.

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Tonight, Hairy and I joined my mom, dad, and brother for dinner at The Village Pub. Afterward, as is our family tradition, we went back to my parents’ house to open family presents and Jaci joined us, too. I think I will do an xmas prezzie photo round up tomorrow. Tonight, I am still crocheting a present for my mom! Also, I plan to bake two more batches of cookies, except, we ran out of powdered sugar and there is no store open right now!!! Doh!!!

Anyway, here is a pic of some stuff I acquired recently (mostly from Disneyland).

From left to right:

1) Polka dot fleece throw from a store called Libby Lu in Downtown Disney. I LOVE THIS STORE!!! It’s so pink and princessy and pretentious. It’s every little girl’s pink polka dot dream!!

2) Pop Sugar glitter tank top from Libby Lu. Okay, so this store is for like, little girls, right? So, I’m not really assuming I can fit into any of the clothing, but a grown up can can have pink polka dot dreams, too?! I picked up this awesome tank top for what I thought was going to be $9.99 on sale, but when she rang me up, it was TWO DOLLARS AND NINETY EIGHT CENTS!!! SCORE!!!!!!!!!!! Unscore: I tried it on at home and it’s hideous because it’s boxy/wide and too short. I just can’t pull off the short tops anymore, as my lady-sized muffin tops are quite abundant at the moment…. I suppose it would make for a good gym shirt, if I went to the gym (which I should!!!!).

3) Awesome teddy bear neckwarmer made by Rosaleen Dhu. She makes all kinds of animal scarves, so check out her shop!

4) Alien t-shirt which was a prezzie from Hairy after we got off the Buzz Lightyear ride at Disneyland. It’s also a weird boy sized boxy shirt which I have not dared to try on yet……now that I think about it, I should make a blog post for all my new ill-fitting children’s clothing!!! :/

5) Awesome pink top from I’m Your Present. The shiny bow is TO DIE. I wore it tonight with my black jumper. Also it kinda perfectly matches my hair color. Also I got a haircut today to mow down some of my hair weeds. When I used to put some styling wax in it, Pickle said it looked like I had twigs growing out of my hair. Man, I miss my twigs!

Hope you all have a very safe and warm Xmas! I can’t wait to eat!!!!!

Twinkie & Hairy Go To Disneyland!!

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So on Friday night, Hairy and I drove down to Anaheim to go to Disneyland. We were supposed to meet up with a bunch of peeps in Tacky/Ugly Xmas Sweaters, but due to unforseen circumstances, we ended up being the only ones who went! We still wore out sweaters anyway. Initially I bought a really ugly red knit vest thing to decorate, but then I thought I would be cold in a vest (weather.com predicted 40 degrees in the evening) so I opted instead for a spare hoodie and turned it into a horrible gingerbread house about 15 minutes before we hit the road. I was quite proud of my creation of ugliness (the lady at the churro stand thought it was pretty….heheh), and Hairy said it was even still “cool” because it was American Apparel. This is why we are going to market Ugly Xmas Hoodies for Scenesters next year. HAH.

So before we entered Disneyland, we got some breakfy (um, at like 2 pm) at a bakery. This is when we started experimenting with our new camera, which has, SMILE RECOGNITION!!!

And then Hairy spilled OJ on his crotchal regions.

Here is Hairy doing his Fashionable Male pose in his ugly Xmas cardigan. He fell in love instantly with this gem on eBay while I kept struggling with being able to find something perfectly distasteful.

The one thing we ALWAYS do upon first entering the park, is to eat a corn dog from the best corn dog stand EVER!!!!!! (yes, I know we had just eaten breakfy, but we cannot deny the power of the corn dog, plus we share, so it’s not SO bad, right?)

Unnecessary close up:

I ate that doughy nub! I showed it the business!! But there are no pics of that because I am a lady.

Here’s us around Thunder Mountain Railroad. There is actually video of us on the ride, but I seem to have lost all the video files somewhere……ooops.

Fast forward to night time:

One fun thing we did was take pics in a photo booth that puts different hair on your head.

This is Hairy waiting for his magical pics to print out.

And then I went, too:

Hairy’s turned out REALLLLLLY GOOD!!!! He would make a beautiful bride for some lucky man. I had to coach him a little during the picture-taking process. I was like, “Now you’re MAD! Now you’re DISGUSTED!”

Mine turned out lame, because I’m a ree-ree and put my face too close to the camera.

After going to Disneyland, we went to Canter’s Deli. Every time I go to a Jewish deli, I order the stuffed cabbage. I <3 CABBAGES!!! I also got a small bowl of matzah ball soup, and Hairy got a reuben. I didn't really take pics because I was too embarrassed to appear touristy.... The next day, we tooled around L.A. for a little bit before driving home. We had brunch at Mani’s Bakery which is supposed to be all healthy and stuff. I bought these GIANT sandwich cookies that reminded me of hamburgers. Apparently they don’t use any refined sugar at the bakery, and only alternatives like cane syrup or fruit juice reductions. We’re healthy fatties!

Afterward, Hairy decided we should stop at the La Brea Tarpits since we were right there. I’ve driven by this MANY times while in LA and have never stopped before! The tar is really bubbly and farty.

I wanted to take a picture with both of us AND the fake floating elephant and we didn’t do very well….

Then we drove to Melrose. We visited Jamie at Japan La and bought SOMEONE a little sumthin sumthin (think I’m saving it as a bday present), stopped by Munky King, and also checked out Tarina Tarantino, Johnny Cupcakes, and Paul Frank.

Before leaving LA, we stopped by Pink Berry. I always get an original tart with strawberries. We have been going to various other self-serve fro yo places like Yogurt World and Yogurt Land, but, after re-visiting the Pink Berry, I have to say that Pink Berry still rules supreme in the Flavor War. It’s really creamy. End of story.

Now it’s time to finish up making Xmas presents!!!! I am making a cool tissue cozy for my mom, and also making and baking some goodies tonight and tomorrow!

Santa Comes Early

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So Hairy and I decided that our Xmas present to each other would be to buy a new point and shoot digital camera. My Olympus D-40 is completely dead and his Sony is also on its last legs.

So today we picked up this Sony Cybershot.

We basically wanted something compact, so that we’d be more likely to take it with us. I also wanted something with the ability to zoom while shooting video. The dude at Best Buy told us that 1) it had gotten less than stellar reviews for low-light image quality and 2) he didn’t personally prefer the touch screen technology. We were comparing it with some Canon Elph PowerShot. We kept flipping and flopping, and ultimately, I said that we were here to get something really portable and easy to carry around, so we went with the Sony.

I need to bang out a Christmas commission tonight in order to ship it by tomorrow, so I can’t take the new camera out of the box to play with it yet!

However, I just saw online that the same camera comes in pink….and also lime green!! Uh oh!!! Hmmmm……

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