Pics from the Charity Ball!

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Hairy and I attended my boss’ (or ex-boss’?) annual Valentine’s Day charity event to benefit the Stanford Cancer Center. This year’s theme seemed to be Disney/Fairy Tales, and her front gate turned into a castle, and her drive way was lined with giant fake lollipops!!

By the front door, there was Cinderella’s carriage and it lit up!

Inside was a Little Mermaid room and a naked lady ice statue whose boobies squirted out alcohol, a Princess Room where you could dress your own prince and take pics with these muscley men (but all the ladies apparently just left them in their boxers to take pictures), and the tent outside had a band and a giant fake tree like at Disneyland, and a ton of food and a dance floor. We didn’t take pics of everything, but I did get this snap of a dessert table!

Hairy tried to get a pic of us:

And finally, Hairy took a video clip, but it was kind dark in there so it’s hard to see much!

Handsewing Muscles Out of Shape!

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So I am still applique-ing some cute-tility packs for an Etsy update, and my pointer and middle fingers are so sore!!! I tried using a thimble but the thing kept flying off. So I decided to try sticking moleskin onto my fingertips. I think it’s helping a little…. but Hairy also ordered a leather thimble for me.

Sorry this is kind of an uninteresting entry. I’m knee-deep in felt and thread!

Valentine’s Day eBay Auctions up now!

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I will also either do a shop update or post more items on Etsy, but the one on eBay were the more special or one-of-a-kind items!!

WIWT: The Claw is Our Master

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WIWT 2.2.09

This is the tee that Hairy bought me at Disneyland!

This weekend consisted of Manda’s yard sale, Goodwill adventuring, Thai food, the Loyal Army sample sale, eats at Cha Cha Cha, quick wander around the Haight, and a major Target run.

Today: desperately trying to finish Valentine’s eBay auctions, trip to post office, must purchase printer, paper.

My plan is to have the most-likely-to-be-one-of-a-kind Vday stuff on eBay, and then give myself a day or two to finish up other Vday items to be posted on my site or on etsy. Sorry I always get holiday stuff out so late. I’m tryin! 😉

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