We’re looking for a PR assistant!

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Hey, gang!

We are looking for a PR assistant for Yummy You!

If you have PR/social media experience, take a look at my spiel below. Please don’t leave me links to your website or resume here at my blog. Direct your correspondence to the email listed below. Serious inquiries only! I know I play it fairly loose and casual most times, but this is a legit position, and we need someone amazing and professional (and fun!) for our team!

Thank you!

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Yummy You! Online Store is Now Open!!

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EEEEERRRRMAGERRRRRD! Our Yummy You! store is finally up! Check it out now!

This is the first time I’ve ever attempted building this kind of online shop, so please let me know if there are any weird glitches or problems! I owe a kabillion thank-yous to my brother, who has been working closely with me over the past few weeks to make this shop happen! There is a wink to him in one of the items in the store…

My favorite new non-crochet items are the glittery Cupcake Hard Case Wallet and the Cupcake Ankle Sock 2-Pack. I actually do use the hard case wallet everyday!



Patchwork Indie Art & Craft Festival

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We are gonna check out the Patchwork Art & Craft Festival today. It is at the Jack London Square Pavilion from 11-5. If you are in the area, you should come check it out, too!

(p.s. We are hoping to launch the Yummy You! online store on Monday….. so far it looks like it will really really happen! Eep!)

Twinkie Chan’s Guide to Survival: POWER NAPS

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I know a lot of people who say, “I can’t nap.” They can’t fall asleep, or they sleep too long, or they feel gross coming out the nap and never recover.

If I couldn’t nap, or if I refused to nap, I would DIE.

I feel like I’m still paying my dues, work-wise, and I still work a million hours a day. On deadline days, this leaves little time to sleep.

Last night, I slept from about 7:30am to 8:30am because I had a 9:30am meeting outside of the house. I had a deadline to finish a project and send it via UPS (4pm) anyway, so I was ok with this. But at about 1pm, I really needed a nap. So off I napped on the couch, from 1pm-2pm. Then, more work! Then I had a long-overdue crafty/pizza/chickflick hangout with Vivs. Then, I think I had a 45 minute nap around midnight. Then I was back up for more work. I feel pretty good, but I also had two cups of strong tea! VROOM VROOM!

Ok, clearly this is not a lifestyle, this is not good for you, and I wouldn’t do it everyday, (plus don’t tell your mom cuz she’ll yell at you) but I’m thankful I can function this way, because I really needed those extra hours of work. Thank you, body!

On a similar theme, here is a short video of Bibi snoring. I love how you can see her nose parts go in and out. She used to snore all the time as a puppy, and ten times more loudly. It used to worry me, but I looked up online that Shar Pei puppies may snore a lot when they are young, and then as their face parts grow out a bit, the snoring lessens, which was true for Bibi’s case. I find her snoring very comforting, though!

TV Wisdom: Grey’s Anatomy.

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Ok, so I watch a lot of TV. A LOT OF TV. I watch it when I crochet at night, for hours on end. I watch a lot of crap TV because I usually don’t want to pay full attention to the screen.  But I think there are sometimes some gems on TV that are worth mentioning. I only really felt compelled to share this anecdote because it came up in a conversation I had with Manda this weekend.

These lines are from the most recent episode of Grey’s Anatomy. If you haven’t watched it yet, I’ll try not to spoiler anything important. If you don’t watch the show, I’ll just set it up by saying that Dr. Cristina Yang has befriended and sort of been mentored by Dr. Thomas (aka Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World). Dr. Thomas is super old, and his hospital doesn’t really respect him anymore and is waiting for the chance to give him the boot. But Dr. Yang really likes him and feels he has a lot to teach her still, even though he is all ancient and curmudgeon-y. During a surgery, he has a bunch of super nice stuff to randomly say to her.

I’m kind of paraphrasing. If you want to watch the scene, here’s a link, but here are my favorite parts:

Dr. Thomas, “You will be the surgeon of your generation. People will try to diminish you, as they did me, and they will fail. Mediocre surgeons will see you and feel themselves wilting in your shadow. Do not shrink to console them.”

While he phrases his thoughts in almost a negative way, I felt very uplifted by them! Basically, ignore the haters, and just be awesome.

Manda and I were talking about someone she knows, and how he said he was kind of afraid to succeed because his friends might look at him differently or feel bad about themselves or feel jealous or something like that. I told her to tell him to watch this episode of Grey’s and to take Dr. Thomas’ advice. If you have the will and the capacity to be excellent, why would you rob yourself of being excellent? Manda also made a good point. By being excellent, you can uplift and motivate others around you. They can make that choice, in their head, whether seeing your success will inspire their own negativity or positivity.

So, like, go be excellent and stuff! No shrinking! Happy Monday!

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