Crocheted Bento Box #4: Hambearger and Fries

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This is my fourth and final bento box lunch that I made for the JapanLA 10th Anniversary party and Super Kawaii Food Art Show! (Box #1, Box #2, Box #3) I actually had something different planned for my fourth box, but I wanted all the boxes to look cute together as a group, and my initial idea had too much white in it, and I had already made the boiled egg chicks. So the bear hamburger was born! Burger Bear with Fries. Or Hambearger. (Which name do you like better?) I was trying to make the burger as thin as possible, but his face is still pretty smushed up against the window. He has a top bun, a meat patty, and a bottom bun. It actually took me a while to decide on fries. At first I wanted to do tater tots! But I wasn’t sure they’d read well due to not really having a yarn color I loved. I also thought that fruit salad would be cute as a color contrast, but in the end, classic french fries won, and I think they turned out cute!

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Crocheted Bento Box #2: Shrimp Tempura

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Here’s Box #2 from my Bento Box series for the JapanLA art show. (Box #1) This is shrimp tempura with strawberries and lemon slices. The little soy sauce bottles have real soy sauce in them, and the caps are super-glued on. Manda helped with those! I had a time deciding what color to actually make the shrimps. I feel like tempura batter is actually quite light in color, like pale yellow, but this darker color also screamed FRIED FOOD at me. Hairy happened to be dropping off the dogs while I was in the throes of color selection, and I was like THISONEORTHATONE and he picked this one, so it was! I love that green yarn I used for the lettuce SO MUCH. It’s Madeline Tosh Merino DK. But I didn’t save the ball band and I have no idea what color this is :(, and I think it’s discontinued (is it Tanenbaum?! Moorland? Mill Pond?! JADE?!). It’s spendy, and I don’t think I would use it for selling finished projects in my Etsy shop, but it would’ve been nice to have known what it was. I’ve been looking for a less expensive alternative, but it’s hard to find that perfect, vegetabley, variegated green. If you have any tips, let me know!

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Crocheted Bento Box #1: Hot Dog Octopus

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I sent in my four pieces for the JapanLA Anniversary and Art Show, and I thought I would share photos of each one every day this week. I’ve always been dying to crochet some bento boxes, and this art show was really the perfect opportunity for it, since the theme is Super Kawaii Food Art. Kind of a weird thing happened while I was crocheting these boxes. At first I really liked the idea of the food looking back at you, faces and bodies pressed against a plastic window. Then the process became less an aesthetic experience and a little bit more of an emotional one. I kind of joked about it with Manda. I was like, “This is like putting together lunches for my unborn children.” I’m generally pretty sarcastic and I’ve never been much of a kid-person, but the joke came from some place inside me a little bit real. I’m potentially having a lil solo show in September in LA (dates and details and everything are still in the works), and I’ve become obsessed with working on an entire Box Lunch theme, based on lunches I would make for people I love. We’ll see. I’m not usually that sentimental when it comes to my crocheting, but, I really really REALLY loved the experience of making my bentos! I’m usually into creating patterns and pieces that have a function and that don’t just sit around on a shelf, but these were definitely made to simply hang on a wall (even though all the food pieces are all still loose and removable inside) and have no actual use besides cuteness. I suppose a person could turn them into keychains, hair clips, pins, etc, if they felt like it, but I decided to leave them as is. So here’s the first one. I already showed you guys this one in my blog entry for the art show, but here are more photos of it and more close-ups to start off the week. HOT DOG OCTOPUS on rice. With broccoli and cherry tomatoes.

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Bento Buddies now in my Etsy shop!

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I finally put my crocheted bento box buddies in my Etsy shop, and they even have their own shop category! If you recall, I created these for Renegade Craft Fair in July (photos of the bento bar here). Now you guys can create your own bento boxes online! Or, if you don’t want to put together an entire box, you can buy a buddy or two and turn him into a pin or a magnet. Lots of options! Some people already put in their orders and have assembled full boxes, and I can’t wait to put them together and take photos! I’m excited! And yes, for those asking, I am planning on releasing patterns for these. I think I will have 2 different options for electronic/pdf patterns: 1) the meats/proteins and 2) the fruits/veggies. I’m playing with the idea of printing mini books that carry all of the patterns, but I’m still pricing that out and seeing if that’s a smart move for me or not. Regardless, you will have them electronically! I just need time to take a lot of step-out photos and make samples! Until then, shop away! I also added some ready-to-ship tissue box cozies, scarves, a tv dinner tablet cozy, and I’m working on editing photos for garlands :).

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