WIWT: Pink, Ruffles, & Unicorns. EW!


wiwt 5.10.11
(click for bigger)


I almost put jeans on again today. Then I tried a little harder. It seemed too cold for tights, so I opted for leggings, then since I was wearing leggings, I decided to cover my butt with a skirt, then I decided to sort of match the girliness of the skirt with a unicorn tshirt, and then I felt too girlie girl so I put on Doc Martens. I wore the earrings for fun, but due to laziness I haven’t worn an earring in my right ear for ever, so it was really sore, and I took the earrings off after the photos. Earlier, I’d tried to put my hair up on a top knot, but it’s kind of tricky since I find it’s pretty easy to see the beads/bonds that hold my weave on, and nobody wants to see that! It’s kinda disturbing, like seeing the holes that doll hair comes out of. I’ll have to keep experimenting.


Last night was the first time I washed my hair with the extensions in. These things take FOREVER to dry. I have to remember to shower earlier on hair-wash days, since you’re supposed to try to let it air dry as often as possible.

Today, I ran a bunch of errands, stocked up on yarn to make berry pie tissue cozies (sorry about the delay on posting those to Etsy…I’m still ironing out some kinks in the pattern so that it can be produced more efficiently i.e. not as expensively), and hung out at the art opening at Hairy’s gallery, and ate dinner at Luna Park. I have to go to Las Vegas next week for the big licensing show where I’ll be taking a bunch of meetings, so I have to try to update YummyYouClothing.com and also make sketches and notes for my meetings before the weekend is out. I wandered around Joanne’s today, feeling very inspired, with lots of new ideas for some exciting stuff. We’ll see how these meetings shake out!

So my Etsy update probably won’t happen until the following week. Sorry about that!! But the Vegas trip is the last travel I have planned until August, I think… soo… phew!

Tee: Vintage Vantage, Skirt: Betsey Johnson, Earrings: I’m Your Present, Shoes: Doc Marten

21 Comments on “WIWT: Pink, Ruffles, & Unicorns. EW!”

  • brandy


    I meant to ask you if my care package made a safe a arrival to your house?

    • I have no idea why I keep spacing on getting back to you! I am like the worst person ever! YES THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! It arrived and everything is super cute as usual πŸ™‚ :). Your hair doodads are so much fun!

      • brandy


        no problem, so glad you are enjoying, yay!

  • BABY D


    ur earingz are adorablee!! do u mind me asking u were u scooped those qtz up?

  • Manami


    hi there:) love the shirt:) i love looking at your creations on etsy and on your web site:) and i love your style:)

    have a great day Twinkie:)

  • zambicandy


    I just adore your new hair *_* This whole outfit is so adorableeeeeee. Its just SO ADORABLE.

  • Quinn


    Hi, I’ve been following your blog for a LONG time but I just started my own so now I can comment :3 Your weave looks great! And your outfits are always good (:

  • Reb


    I was wondering when your at Joanne’s, do people follow you around or come up & tell you how much your work is loved! I so would if I ran into you! (my that sounds stalk-ish…sorry :)lol!)

    • Twinkie Chan


      Nope! πŸ™‚ A lot of times, it happens on the street, at the grocery store, etc, but not at craft stores specifically πŸ™‚

  • Sylvette Marie


    You look sooo cute and pretty with this earings….This look rocks!!

  • As always ‘delightful’
    I had no idea you had extensions – whoever does them rocks it! Great Job! XO

    • Twinkie Chan


      I have only had them for one week! πŸ™‚

  • Nekoyumi


    Hi Twinkie Chan!
    I have been stalkin’ your blog for a while, and I absolutely adore your crochet work. I crochet as well, and you super duper inspire me all the time!

    I was wondering if I could ask you, how do you affix your felt backs onto your brooches? I have tried both sewing and gluing them when I make brooches, but I can’t decide which is better.

    If you don’t want to tell me, I understand! Trade secrets and all c:

    P.S. I am super jealous of your earrings! I’m always too poor for I’m Your Present’s stuff, though :/

    • I use a craft glue because I like how the glue helps to make the brooch a bit stiffer and not so floppy.

      I guess ideally I would be sewing on a felt backing with some kind of stiff canvas or plastic webbing or something in between, but I have never really researched the materials before, plus I think it would increase the cost of the item due to more materials and labor, so there’s always lots of factors to consider when I sell an item πŸ™‚

      • Nekoyumi


        Hm. That is a lot to think about.

        To be honest, I don’t always like sewing, because it changes the shape of my brooches if I’m not careful.. But I might try plastic webbing now, thank you for the insight.

        Thank you so much for responding!

  • Jai Storm


    OMG I found your blog by accident and I think I love you! You do so many amazing things…I’m jealous, but hey thats part of fandom right?

    Muah muah


  • Peach


    You look very yummy and you are still looking younger by the year, what is your secret? xxxxxxx

    • Hi lovie I have seen you answer the same thing as I will: Photoshop πŸ˜‰

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