AthinaLaBella x Yummy You! Candy Heart Necklaces!

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Necklace Banner


I’m super duper excited about this Yummy You! collaboration with one of my favorite jewelry makers: AthinaLaBella.

I have been one of Athina’s customers for some time now. All her pieces are so sweet and sparkly and decadent, and wouldn’t you know it, she is the sweetest as well!


When my business partner and I were chatting about potential collab collections, I immediately thought of Athina. We NEEDED some of her fabulous candy heart necklaces!



If you are at all interested in snagging one, I suggest you do it right now! We have a very limited number of these super special handmade treats. The necklaces come in three different styles – Pink Glitter, All Sprinkles, and Iridescent Glitter – but each is still one-of-a-kind, just like you!


Yummy You! booth at DesignerCon, November 9-10!

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Screen Shot 2013-11-04 at 3.21.17 PMHey, Southern California! I’m traveling down to hang out at the very first dedicated Yummy You! booth at DesignerCon! We are booth #424! I am going to try to bring some surprise/special goodies with me!

DesignerCon will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center, November 9-10, from 9-6 on Saturday and 9-5 on Sunday. Here’s the link to buy tickets! Just $5 for one day and $10 for both! See you there!

San Francisco Crochet Class: Crochet a Candy Garland!

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Ruth Tillman of the Enchanted Square and I will be teaching a new crochet class, and our project will be a super easy but super adorable wrapped candy! Just in time for the holidays! All you need to know is how to crochet a basic rectangle to turn your home (or yourself) into a sugary holiday wonderland!

Candy Garland 2

Our class will be on Thursday night, November 14th, from 7:00pm – 9:30pm, at Urban Bazaar in San Francisco, for $30.00. Check out the class listings here and mark your calendars! If you’ve always wanted to learn to crochet, this will be the most fun class ever to do so :).

Free Crochet Pattern + WIWT: Bee and PuppyCat!

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A couple gals on Instagram have been talking about the cartoon Bee and PuppyCat on YouTube, so I had to go see what the hubbub was all about.

It is kind of weird, but oddly intriguing. I believe “surreal” is the word that fans use. Created by Natasha Allegri, an artist for Adventure Time, Bee and PuppyCat is about a girl named Bee and her adventures in this world and in an alternate world with her cat/dog/youdontreallyknow PuppyCat.  After watching the episode online, I really wanted to put together an outfit inspired by the one that Bee wears! Unfortunately, I didn’t notice until too late that my bee necklace had turned the wrong way, so you can’t really see its cute smile! Oh well! C’est la bee.


I get really hot in long-sleeved sweaters, so I opted for a sweater vest. I also liked the idea of making the bee a necklace instead of an applique, so that each piece could be worn with other pieces. I then couldn’t decide if I wanted PuppyCat to be a hair piece or a plush, so I started with a plush!


Then I started getting crazy.



And then a bit crazier: BATTLEMODE!



I think my new goal should be that all my outfit posts will involve really bad animated gifs!

Anyway, I wrote down the crocchet pattern for the bee applique/necklace, the bows on my shoes, and….PuppyCat! (Or, just a regular cat, too, whatever you want!)  I’ll do more specific photos for the bows in the next few days. I really like how those turned out!

Shirt: French Toast (school uniform!), Vest: Liz Claiborne via Etsy, Shorts: Victoria’s Secret, Boots: Forever21

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All Around the Yummy You-niverse Photo Shoot: Day 5

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Here is our last look / Day 5 from the Yummy You! shoot with model Shannie Bee and photog Crazy Spork I Am! Thanks so much for going on this photo adventure with us!


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