Our Pizza Scarf on Hello Giggles!
/ | 8 Comments on Our Pizza Scarf on Hello Giggles!So pumped that Marie from Agent Lover wrote about the Yummy You! Pizza Scarf as “Item of the Day” over at HelloGiggles!!!
Snack Confessional: Pumpkin Pie Pop Tarts
| 18 Comments on Snack Confessional: Pumpkin Pie Pop TartsI have a Snack Confession: I LOVE PUMPKIN PIE POP TARTS.
I didn’t want to. I really didn’t . I know that Pop Tarts are really bad for you. They’re like cardboard and plastic injected with fat and covered in sugar. BUT. I. LOVE. THEM.
This is my second box. I’ve been buying them at Target. That they are limited edition makes me want to buy them more.
Upon the rare occasion that I actually purchase Pop Tarts, I always opt for the non-frosted kind, so I was afraid that the Pumpkin Pie version would be too sweet for me, but it’s not. It’s perfect. Marry me, Pumpkin Pie Pop Tarts.
There seems to be this joke on the internet about who exactly likes the Pumpkin Spice Latte and all the season’s pumpkin spice whatchamahoozits, and if there’s any truth to that joke, then I guess my spirit animal is a white girl in Uggs listening to Lorde, eating Pumpkin Pie Pop Tarts.
Yummy You! Pizza Scarf is at HotTopic.com AND on sale!
/ | 7 Comments on Yummy You! Pizza Scarf is at HotTopic.com AND on sale!The Yummy You! Pizza scarf is available at HotTopic.com, and the whole site is actually on sale right now!
“Crochet Goodies” book is back in my Etsy shop until I run out again!
| 12 Comments on “Crochet Goodies” book is back in my Etsy shop until I run out again!My crochet book is back in my Etsy shop while my new supply lasts! I just received them today. When I hauled in two superheavy boxes, I was like, “What did I buy??! I don’t remember buying anything heavy!?” And I got scared, cuz, shopaholic amnesia brain damage. BUT, then I looked at the return address label, and saw that it was my book distributor!
As some of my newer blog readers may have noticed, my book has been difficult to find, or really expensive. This is due to the fact that my book sold out of its print run and will not be re-printed by my publisher, as they are no longer publishing craft books. My plan is to get the rights back to re-print/re-pub it, but that can take some time. I read on my latest royalty statement that my publisher actually had more books back in stock (this happens when stores return books), so I asked if I could buy them all for you guys and put them on Etsy!
So if you’ve been looking for my book in the U.S., here’s your chance to get it! (Sorry for the long rambly story, but I don’t think I ever blogged about it before, and I thought some of you might want to know what the situation was with the book.)
Also, it’s my plan to start writing Book #2 in November after I’m finished with Renegade Craft Fair, so…. hold on tight!
October Blog Sponsor Giveaway
/ | 97 Comments on October Blog Sponsor GiveawayHi! It’s the 15th of the month, so it’s time to launch a new blog sponsor giveaway!
Thanks so much to my generous sponsors for offering us these wonderful goodies!
PLEASE NOTE, we are changing things up a bit this month and trying something new. We have THIRTEEN awesome prizes for October, and I will be drawing THREE winners. The FIRST winner can choose his/her favorite 6 prizes. The SECOND winner can choose his/her favorite 4 prizes. And the THIRD winner will win the remaining 3 prizes. I am open to feedback on how you all feel about this, but an initial Facebook survey seemed to tell me that you guys like to share, which is great! 🙂