Feminist Fiber Art, touring in Boston!

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Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 9.57.39 PMWhen I started drawing and selling patches in my shop, I didn’t think anyone would really want one. I think the COOL patch and the lemon/tart patch have been the most popular (and like NOBODY wants a patch with grapes on it).  Anyway, a few months ago, a gal named Iris Nectar contacted me and asked if I’d want to contribute a patch to her touring show, Feminist Fiber Art, and I said sure! She was collecting patches to put on vests for the band Feral Jenny that would be opening the show. I sent her some Yummy You! pinbacks, and those made it on there, too. You can read more about the show and see more pics at her website. I really want that butter patch!

September Blog Sponsor Giveaway!

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September2015Hellooo!! It’s blog sponsor giveaway time! Thanks always to my wonderful sponsors for contributing! ONE lucky winner will receive:

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I snuck into Simply Crochet Magazine Issue 35 :)

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2015SimplyCrochet35smallYa might run into me in another craft mag this month: Simply Crochet Issue 35! A couple crocheters and I weigh in on the wonder that is foodie crochet!

New Crochet Pattern: Hot Dog Scarf in Homespun Magazine!

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2015HomespunSmallI’ve been dying to tell you guys about this pattern for the longest time, and now it is finally out! In the September special food issue of Homespun Magazine, you can find a crochet pattern for a Hot Dog Scarf by me! They specifically asked for this project, and I whipped it up just for them. The bonus is that the pattern is great for beginners!

If you are in Australia, you’ll be able to find the magazine at major retailers, but if you’re not, you can always download it digitally to your phone or device! Just hit up this link for info! (LINK. GET IT!?? HOT DOGS.)

While scanning in the pages, I flipped through the issue, and there are so many fun projects inside. Homespun is really an awesome craft magazine!

Cute & Crafty Back-To-School Giveaway with KiguKawaii and me!

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I know I’m like a giveaway-machine right now. Fall must be the season for it! Grab yer PSL (or in my case a matcha latte) and check out this fun giveaway I’m doing with KiguKawaii! They are based in my motherland: Hong Kong!

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One winner will receive a cute new bag of your choice plus a copy of my first crochet book to put in it! My book is essentially sold-out and out-of-print, and I only have a handful of copies left!

If I could choose a bag, I would pick this toasty guy!

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Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. Giveaway is open worldwide, for ages 18 & over, and will run for one week, ending next Tuesday night, September 15, 2015, at 6:00 pm Hong Kong Time (UTC +8). Winner will be chosen by KiguKawaii. No purchase necessary. Any customs or duty will still be your responsibility.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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