Baby Carrot and Cherry Tomater!

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Baby Carrot and Cherry Tomater, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.

Ok, I just fell in love with these guys, espesh the carrot!

They will be part of my Thanksgiving eBay auction, which I was hoping to post today, but since I felt super sick yesterday, and I didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped, there’s been a wee delay.

So it will go up tomorrow, for 5 days, and end next Monday, so there’s time for shipping before Turkey Day!

Bonk Bonk Gobble Gobble

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All I’m sayin’ is that you’re going to want to keep your eyes peeled for my new turkey-themed Thanksgiving auction in a few days.

There is one item in it that will be so totally ruling your brains will explode and then you’ll cry.


Puffy Eyes, Winky Kitties, and Snuggly Pups

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puffy eyes, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.

Ok, this is my first post using the blog-posting-thing via Flickr! We’ll see how it turns out!

It pretty much hurts to blink, and I’m not sure how much longer to let it go before seeing A DOCTOR. I’d rather not. So I’ll keep AN EYE ON IT for a bit. The pictures really don’t show ya much at all, but it kind of feels like a little headache inside the lower lid. It’s weird.

Also today I am sporting my kitty tee from EmAndSprout!

Hairy notes that it may be the only purple piece of clothing I own.

Finally, last night, while Bibi and Bunny were snuggling, Hairy took a short video clip, and then I was prompted to make a SNUGGLY PUPPIES MONTAGE OF CUTENESS!!! None of the snuggling is posed in these clips. However, I do not pretend that Bibi is truly in love with Bunny. Bibi just likes to rest her head on things, and if Bunny is nearby, well, snugglefest ensues. Enjoy!!!

I have no effing clue why my link to emandsprout is so janky. I keep looking at the code and getting frustrated! Hmmm.

(Um, ok, as soon as I edited the post with my note about being frustrated, the link fixed itself. I think my computer is alive and wants to embarrass me. VERY FUNNY, COMPUTER!)

WIWT // Plush You!

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WIWT 11.7.08

I have a really cute long fleece coat in pink that I will wear outside, but I forgot to snap pics of it!

On one hand, the concept of WIWT seems overly self-absorbed to me. But on the other, it gives me a little more incentive to wear more of my clothes, instead of going to jeans and t-shirts every day. Why have the clothes if you are not going to wear them?

I still need to get more sweater/lingerie bags, tho, to keep my cute handmade clothes in clean rotation!

Tonight we are going to this. If you are in SF, you should come out!

(I’m still tweaking that durned mitten pattern. I can’t let it go! AHHH!! I need to stop tinkering and move on! Anyway, hope to finish my favorite ones before the weekend is out.)

WIWT (what I wore today…and what I WORKED on today?)

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WIWT 11.06.08

Another day I didn’t wear pants!

I can’t remember where some of this stuff came from because I’ve had them forever. The Parker Posey Shirt and the belt I’ve had for ages. And the shoes, well, let’s not even talk about shoes because I only wear one pair everyday, basically!

Leggings: Macy’s
Popsicle Necklace: a boutique in Kowloon

I was up late last night trying to finally nail down my own pattern for mittens. There are some patterns that are like hand tubes, but I always like my mittens and fingerless mittens to also have some shape in the wrist. I will probably keep tweaking and keep tweaking (and thus driving Dorita crazy) but I am fairly happy with what I’ve come up with so far. I finished one whole one and then ran out of yarn. I basically live at Michael’s and they should just let me have a cot there for napping! I’ve a really really cute idea for a neat ice cream cone mitten! I’m so into things like mittens and fannypacks right now that it seems the scarves have fallen to the wayside, but I also have tons more cute ideas for scarf collections. I just need a thousand hands!


Here’s a peek into my pattern notebook. It’s a total mess. I then type them up later with cute Photoshop graphics (you know how I roll) and photos of finished objects, but nobody gets to see that except me, Dorita, and the copyright office (triad posse of 3, reprezent).

I am off to visit the office, mail something off to ShanaLogic, and also mail 3 scarves to my dad’s friend for her nieces on Thanksgiving!

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