I’m just gonna pick up some yarn…

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Buttons gingerbread, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.

Sooo after my sewing date with Manda this morning, I headed back up to the city and stopped by ImagiKnit for some yarn for mittens. I also needed two black buttons for eyes on a brooch, and then I found myself staring and drooling over all the little tubes of colorful buttons. Seriously, kid, candy store, that’s what it was like.

I did buy my black buttons and mitten yarn, but I also came away with these gingerbread gems, 10 each! Don’t know what I want to use them for yet, but it seemed an important “investment”!

I also got these:

Buttons fish

They remind me of Swedish Fish!

And also these:

Buttons cheezits

Yup, Cheez Its!!!! (sorta)

I tend to become obsessed with buttons every now and then, which is dangerous, because then I hoard them and never use them!!! Years and years ago I had a set of Ritz cracker buttons, and now I have no idea where they are. SAD!!

WIWT 12.9.08

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WIWT 12.9.08, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.

Sorry about the crazy hair in this one. I kind of had no idea it was so messed up until I looked at the pics just now!! Haha.

Today I wore a handmade dress by ohladysolo on eBay. I bought two from her! I loved this little Eiffel Tower print and the pretty blue color! The cardigan is from Old Navy, the sweater clips from PeptoGirl, and the necklace from applenoggin on Etsy.

I have been working on finishing up a special order. This is one of 3 scarves. I rarely do cupcake scarves with strawberries, so this was a fun break from cherries!


And this week I’m focusing on one more shop update for the holidays, and then, onto gifts!

More soon!

Candy Gangsta

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Candy Gangsta, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.

I just got my rings in from stoopidgerl. They are giant AND I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry it’s only a photobooth pic. I haven’t been home much the past few days. Today I hung out with Manda and we actually went to THE MALL. We are not really mallrats, so we thought it was kinda funny. I bought face cream and hair goo, and we went crazy looking at stuff in Betsey Johnson. There was this cute coat on sale, and I was like, “Maybe we can share it.” And Manda said it would be like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Coat! Unfortch, none of the sizes really fit or flattered us perfectly, so the dream is dead.

Then we Mexercized and ate fro yo at Yogurtland with Hairy.

Tomorrow we are having further adventures: The Academy of Science! I have to remember to ask Hairy to charge his point and shoot so we can document the day!

It’s 5am. That means BEDTIME!!!

WIWT extravaganza & Giney Luncheon

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WIWT 12.4.08

Ugh. I know this blog has become a wiwt-fest, but sometimes I feel like my life is too boring otherwise for actual blogging and photos!

Here are more entries with no bottoms because I’m just wearing jeans these days.

Sparkly pink striped dress: from www.GoJane.com

Cardigan: Target
Necklace: applenoggin.etsy.com
Hair flower: Tarina Tarantino

I wore this to go to lunch with my friend Margaret and my mom. We ate yummy greek food at Evvia! We were very loud and talked about marriage and babies and stuff like that, and at some point my mom said the word “vagina” really loudly in public while business people in button-ups and khakis were eating their slovaki and baklavas. Hilarious. It explains a lot about me, I think! Haha!

I don’t think about the colors in my outfit being very loud, but Margaret was also in a hot pink track jacket, and my mom came into the restaurant in this adorable and giant white coat with huge polka dots all over it. We must have been quite a sight in relation to the earth tones and navys of most of the other diners.

WIWT 12.5.08

This is from today. I went to Manda’s house in the morning to work on our hoodies, and somehow the rest of the day ran away from me, and I feel really badly that I didn’t get very much work done. Ugh. This is why I end up working until 5am! And I had to get up earlier than usual the past two days so I have been on full-throttle sleep dep. ZZzzzz.

Shirt: www.Postlapsaria.com

Cardigan: Old Navy

Necklace: applenoggin.etsy.com

Tonight I hope to wrap up a special order (I really don’t do many of these but she was really nice and has been waiting a LONG time and also she keeps touching base with me WHICH IS KEY!), and this weekend I want to work one more shop update for Xmas. Here’s to hopin!

p.s. oooooh I just opened some fun mail! Pics tomorrow.

WIWT 12.3.08

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WIWT 12.3.08, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.

When I don’t want to get out of bed and feel like I want to be a huge slob and exude COMFORT, my favorite go-to outfit is a dress over pants.

I know that in many circles, this is an incredibly UNstyley choice, but I have to admit, it’s a standard of mine, because you get the cuteness of the dress, but the utility of the jeans!

So you can’t see the jeans in this pic, but they are there, providing warmth! The dress was a bday gift from Hairy. At first I didn’t thikn I could rock this orange (it’s much brighter than the peach pictured), but it’s growing on me. The dress is exquisite and adorable, and has huge giant pockets! I just bought the little grey hoodie from Becky’s livejournal. I love that when I went to see what size it was, it basically said “13 years old.” Haha, perfect!

Dress: www.MyRebe.com
Hoodie: Y.d.
Necklace: www.KidPirate.com

So, the Twinkie Chan-ifesto that I threw together with some of my infamous childlike graphics is going over pretty well, and I’ve been putting together my (rather meager) press.

Today I trekked to Joanne’s Fabrics (that place was packed!) to pick up some raw materials for some holiday hoodies that I am going to be working on with Manda starting tomorrow morning. Exciting!

I’m also aiming for another shop update next week, so don’t fret, there will be more to buy before Xmas!

Oh also, here’s a clip of Bibi being 47 lbs!! WOW!!! She’s a big girl. Also Bibi watching Star Wars. And me trying to coordinate a trip to see Twilight!

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