Fun Stuff Round Up!

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I decided to do occasional round ups of fun stuff to share cute or funny or weird stuff that I find and/or love!

1. Artist Nouar now has an etsy shop open where you can buy some prints!

2. Check out some of Jon Lajoie’s funny music videos on YouTube. Ganked from Gala Darling’s tweet.

3. Super cute Sweet Tooth Tunic at

4. Um, I canNOT believe this amazing dress is STILL available at I’mYourPresent. What’s wrong with you people!?

5. Totally amazing Chanel cake made by DebbieDoesCakes on Flickr. She is amazing! Go drool!

6. Cute green playsuit made by LooseTeeth on etsy!

7. Uh, have you seen anything CUTER?!!! Adorable plush box of Valentine’s chocolates from She only made 10 sets!

8. Check out really cute prints by primpedpaperie on etsy.

Happy New Year!

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So Manda, Hairy, and I spent NYE in Lake Tahoe with my bro bro and his friends. My bro organized the whole thing, and I still owe him a check (which I had in my purse the whole time)!

Here’s my wicked video montage!!!

We drove up on Wednesday night, and it took ten thousand years due to traffic. Then we got dressed to go to the casino Mont Bleu. We were going to be walking a mile in the snow, so none of us really went dressy or supercute. We wanted to be WARM!

Here is Manda in her 70s top and HUGE glasses!

And then Hairy in her big glasses.

There’s me in the big glasses, altho not my favorite pic!

Here’s me and Manda inside the really dorky convention room at Mont Bleu.

And the three of us hating the long line for the bar!

Not many more pictures from the rest of that night. We went into the club “Blu” for the NYE countdown, but it was really smushy in there, so then we went to the Pure Lounge to hang out a bit. Then we hit the slot machines and ate some food at 3 in the morning.

The next day, we woke up late, and went to frolic in the snow!

Manda bought us surprise matching hats!!!!! I love mine and would wear it all the time except it smashes my hair and I look really bad with smashed hair.

Mando jumping pics!

We found this abandoned snow man and decided to adopt him.

Here’s Manda’s snow angel:

Manda ended up making her own snow man, SnowManda.

After frolicking, we got cookies at the Nestle shop, and then ate pizza ordered from Pizza Hut. There was an hour-plus wait at the places we tried to eat at, so we gave up!!!! Then Manda stayed in to read, and Hairy and I walked to the movie theater to watch The Day The Earth Stood Still.

The next day, it was SNOWING!! We ate inside this funny little lodgey/chalet place called Heidi’s for breakfast and then we started the long, trafficky, snowy, trek home. At one point, Manda and I were dying to pee, and we ended up stopping at a place that said CAFE, but there was actually no cafe, and only a sled rental place. We paid $10 to pretend to be customers so we could use the bathroom instead of the portapotty outiside.

On the way home, we stopped at SIZZLER in Sacramento for dinner, because we thought it would be funny. ENDLESS SALAD BAR, FTW.

Happy New Year!!!! This should be an interesting one.

(for Hairy’s re-cap of the weekend, go to his blog entry.

Your Daily Snuggle Pic

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Doggies are SOOOOO cute!

I got some shrink plastic in the mail today. I want to make Bibi brooches! Or Bibi medallions. We’ll see.

ALso before I got dressed or did my hair, I was running through some possibilities for NYE.

This was before I knew that I’d probably have to walk a mile in my NYE outfit in subzero weather to get to the club we are going to in Tahoe.

I obviously need to re-think my options.

Today I cut some felt out for a custom hoodie.

I wanted to take a pic for her before sewing anything on, in case she hates it!

Future craft plans: finish some other custom/trade projects, plan a new menu for new and never-seen-before Valentine’s day goodies, work on new t-shirt designs and other surprise stuff with the new Wacom tablet I got for xmas! woo!

WIWT, cookies, & pups

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WIWT 12.29.08

My long-sleeved kitty dress by I’m Your Present! I am trying to be REAAAAAALLY good at not buy anything from her for a bit (or any clothing at the moment)!

Today I finished baking up the peppermint swirl cookies. At first I wanted to bring them to my folks’ house on Xmas day, but I ran out of time and the dough has been in the fridge. I finally rolled up the layers and stuck them in the oven!

pswirl cookie

I found the dough not too pliable, even after I left it out to warm for a bit, and everything kept crackling and crumbling!!! So I ended up with a bit of air in my layers, which is sad (holes in cookies!). Also, I didn’t really prefer the flavor. I think I need it sweeter and more pepperminty!

Also I’ve never ever worked with nonpareils before AND THEY GET EVERYWHERES!!!!!!!

Today I also caught the pups cuddling in front of the space heater. Sorry it’s so dark. Bibi’s face is resting on Bunny for a while until Bibi gets curious and decides to come over and say hi.

Aside from baking cookies, I ended up eating a peanut butter brownie and left over stuffing today. I LOVE LEFTOVER STUFFING!!!

What is your favorite holiday leftover?

Getcha WIWT 10.28.08!

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WIWT 10.28.08, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.

Hey gals,

Remember this sweater?

A couple of you were interested in it but it didn’t seem to be available at Forever21 at the time….

but it is now!!!

It comes in three different colors. Enjoy!

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