Crocheted Cakes for Jenny Lemons

Jenny Lemons, one of my favorite shops in San Francisco, is celebrating its 4th birthday this month. You know how much I love to crochet cake, so I was excited to crochet some scrumptious bday cake for the store. I whipped up 4 new, one of a kind cakes, plus 1 cake that I had made for my own birthday last year. You can buy them at Jenny Lemons and also online at

This one is inspired by classic birthday sheet cake and is perfect for anyone, especially your favorite person, (insert name here).

This cake is inspired by a birthday cake I recently crocheted for my mom! It seemed like a relatively fancy cake compared to the others, which is why it’s 100% gucci.

I don’t know if the clown cake is exactly a memory from my own childhood, but it just FEELS like it is! A little bit wacky and a little bit tacky, this cake definitely went the way of more is more.

I have a lot of heart-shaped cake forms left over from this year’s heart cake pattern launch, so I gave the same shape a little twist with a goofy happy face and lots and lots of frosting ruffles.

Last but not least, my birthday cake! Because crocheting fake cakes is obviously hot girl shit.

My elbow has been super painful lately and I need to take a break from crocheting, but I have so many cakes I want to make!

8 Comments on “Crocheted Cakes for Jenny Lemons”

  • Man Lee



    • TwinkieChan


      I made mom one!

      • Man Lee


        I’m jealous!

  • Erin


    I love the clown and the “hot girl shit” cakes!

  • Ashley


    I’m just finding your blog/patterns. I went to Jenny Lemons’ site to buy these, but they are no longer there! Are they still available?

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi! I’m so sorry. They sold out very quickly! I love making them and plan to make more, but am taking a break from heavy crocheting right now to heal an elbow injury from….too much crocheting 😉

  • Brittany


    These cakes are all beautiful! I would love to buy the patterns for most of them if you put them on your Etsy store 🙂

    • TwinkieChan


      I do have a heart-shaped cake and clown cake pattern in my Etsy shop now 🙂

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