Little Prawn (or Shrimp!) Amigurumi Crochet Pattern

Hello, friends! I know it has been super quiet on my blog, but that’s life with a full-time job… and a small attempt at a social life… plus maybe some sleep.

I do have some more surprises coming up, so don’t fret!

For now, I have a new pattern in my Etsy shop: this cute shrimp / prawn!

I guess it’s technically a prawn. Google the difference between the two. When it comes to how the different plates on the body overlap each other, this fella falls more into the prawn category.

I originally created this pattern for my friend Eat Me Do. You can read about that on this post here. Since they sold out, people have been asking me for the pattern throughout the years. To be honest, I’m not 100% happy with the pattern, but I haven’t taken the time to fix it. There’s nothing WRONG with it exactly, it’s just me being super anal about certain parts of it. BUT ANYWAY. It’s still a dang cute project, and I can’t wait to see all of yours!! And yes, everyone is saying that it would make a really cute cat toy. I don’t have a cat, so that’s not really my thing, but I can see how that would make a lot of sense, and you should do it up.

Each lil shimp prawn guy only takes about 10 yards of yarn, so it’s a great stash-buster and something you can finish in one sitting. Remember to tag me if you post photos so I can see!

11 Comments on “Little Prawn (or Shrimp!) Amigurumi Crochet Pattern”

  • Erica


    What a darling pattern! I can’t wait to make one.

  • Karen Brathwaite


    Greetings Ms. Twinkie, that sure looks like one heck of a shrimp.
    I know you have been super busy with the job, but if you have the pattern I would like to use it to learn some new stitches. Thank you for the update and may God bless you and your family.

  • Elizabeth


    Hello, I just purchased the shrimp pattern from your etsy shop. When/if you fix the pattern as you suggested, will you provide that to those who have already purchased the current version of the pattern?

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi! I have so many other projects I need to get to, that I doubt I will re-visit this pattern (I haven’t for years). Again, there’s nothing really wrong with it, or else I wouldn’t have listed it :).

      • Hanna


        I would love to buy this pattern for this little Shrimp but it says it’s sold

        • TwinkieChan


          Hi there – Etsy doesn’t notify me when listings sell out. I just renewed it 🙂

  • eloi


    alguien podría compartir el patron por favor:(

    • TwinkieChan


      There is a link to purchase the pattern on Etsy. Thank you!

  • Paula


    I wanna try this for my boyfriend’s birthday as a birthday gift! But i wanna make it as a key chain, any idea how I can manage to do it?

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