(Thanks, Unique Vintage, for sponsoring this post!)

I had a little adventure! Manda and I went to Dolores Park on a Lemon Drop #CYClemondrop to leave some lemon stress balls out for people to take during tax-time and National Stress Awareness month. Don’t forget you can make some, too!
I decided it would be a fun outing to try out the sunny yellow dress that Unique Vintage sent to me as part of the Style Society. This is a longer length of dress than I’m usually used to wearing, but I really liked it because I felt comfortable going out without leggings or tights (I have a thing about my knees!). It has a soft yellow background with white polka dots and some cute navy blue anchors. Also the back has some stretch in it for the perfect fit.
Manda took my outfit photos. I’m pretty used to taking them on my own with a tripod, so I felt kind of weird posing in front of someone else, while all these people walked by wondering what we were doing! I need to get more used to this and just not care! The dress was really fun to wear, though, since it’s so swingy and flowy and twirly. Also you can squat down in the grass and string labels to lemons without your butt hanging out!
I mentioned on Instagram that I sort of Iron Chef my outfits. I started with the dress and knew I needed a cardigan, and the only cheery one that I had was that pink floral one from Forever 21. Then I grabbed this Fatally Feminine circus cookie necklace to tie in the pink. Since we were adventuring, I put on my trusty boots from UNIF. I feel like normally you’d feel pressured to wear a dainty shoe with a dress like this, but I am a die-hard black boot lover, and I think it worked out ok!
I also recently received some fun retro bags from Sun Jellies! I’d been following them on Instagram for some time, and I was so surprised and excited when they offered to send me some to check out! This photo makes the bag look a lot smaller than it actually is, but it carries quite a bit! It was perfect for our lemons, tags, and tools. I’ll show you more photos from our Lemon Drop below the cut! (Also stay tuned for the April giveaway later this afternoon!)
Outfit details: Dress – c/o Unique Vintage, Necklace – Fatally Feminine, Boots – UNIF, Bag – c/o Sun Jellies, Cardigan – Forever21? (ages go!)
Before we left, I made some labels for our lemons. I wanted to emphasize that these were for people to take with them and keep, so I put PICK ME on them. We also laminated them in case they caught some fog overnight.
We picked a tree with branches we could reach and that was also sort of at the edge of the park near a walkway. There were a lot of people walking by and glancing at what we were up to.
I was really lucky to have a partner in crime on this day! Lemon Crew of two! I hope you guys have as much fun as we did on your Lemon Drops! If you happen to do something similar, don’t forget to tag #CYClemondrop on social media so we can all see!
Here’s a lil 15-second video I put up on Instagram!