The Storybook Crochet World of Missy-Ville

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A few years ago, a fellow crocheter messaged me on Facebook to give me a heads-up on a legal crochet-related matter that she thought I might want to know about. Since then, we have volleyed some messages back and forth, and she asked if she could send me a surprise. Her website is Missy-ville Custo Cro-Ami Designs, and her work is pretty amazing!

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The package Missy sent me contained what appeared to be two big books. Already cute, right? And when you open them up…

Screen Shot 2015-03-22 at 5.24.05 PM… there are dolls inside!! Both Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake are extremely detailed, and you can really tell how much work and thought and love went into each one.

If you are interested in her work, check out what is available in her shop or request a custom project!

Thank you, Missy! <3

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9 Comments on “The Storybook Crochet World of Missy-Ville”

  • Bianca Alicia


    How did she doe the eyes!?! They look so good!

    • TwinkieChan


      They’re handpainted!

  • Janet Weidner


    Oh My Goodness!!!! What talent!!! They are adorable!! <3 <3

    • TwinkieChan


      She’s a pro!

    • TwinkieChan



  • That is the most magical package I’ve ever seen. So creative to store them in books and such incredible work in those dolls.

  • diana


    I love the boxes! And your dolls are truly the best. Beautiful and detailed work 🙂

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi! Oh these are not my dolls. They are by Missyville 🙂

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