October Blog Sponsor Giveaway

Giveaway Oct2014Hi! It’s the 15th of the month, so it’s time to launch a new blog sponsor giveaway!

Thanks so much to my generous sponsors for offering us these wonderful goodies!

PLEASE NOTE, we are changing things up a bit this month and trying something new. We have THIRTEEN awesome prizes for October, and I will be drawing THREE winners. The FIRST winner can choose his/her favorite 6 prizes. The SECOND winner can choose his/her favorite 4 prizes. And the THIRD winner will win the remaining 3 prizes. I am open to feedback on how you all feel about this, but an initial Facebook survey seemed to tell me that you guys like to share, which is great! 🙂

1. A $30 gift certificate for any jewelry or lighter in Delicia’s Castle! She is currently having a 10% off everything sale in her shop with the code: sunnydays.  She also sells at the Kansas City, MO West Bottoms First Friday event in Nook & Cranny.  Their next show is November 7, 8 & 9.


2. A tiny adorable pumpkin bear from Mohu! Yes, a wee bear wearing a wee pumpkin hat! Mohu is also having a sale: you can use the code PUMPKINPUMPKIN to get 10% off, and a free amigurumi pumpkin. There are more details over here: http://blog.mohumohu.com/post/99759947677/free-pumpkins

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3. A ‘Jump dem bones necklace’ and a Bat Bow from Louby Kapow! Aannnd for my readers (that’s you!), here’s a spooky spectacular 25% coupon for use in Louby’s Etsy shop valid until midnight 31 Oct! Just use code TWINKIEHALLOWEEN25 when you check out!


4. Two pairs of Halloween earrings from Dina Fragola – pumpkins and bats!


5. Get festive with these kawaii candy corn earrings from ScrawnyGirl! They are handmade + hypo-allergenic + nickel free.

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6. A set of SIX Halloween plush jelly beans and some Halloween themed postcards from Scrumptious Delight! Mini plush jelly beans come in ghost, pumpkin and monster “flavours.” Follow the ScrumptiousDelight instagram for an additional giveaway soon!

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7. A gorgeous beanie from Quiet TigerHand-knit and topped with a handmade pom pom. Quiet Tiger is also vending at Renegade Craft Fair San Francisco (me, too!) Nov 8-9, so come visit us!

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8. A set of 4 totally awesome Little Kaijuu buttons from The Pink Samurai! “Kaijuu” means “monster” in Japanese, and these classic movie monsters have never looked so cute. Becky from The Pink Samurai  also has two embroidery classes coming up this Saturday the 18th at Craft in Austin! Folks can sign up for both workshops, Intro to Embroidery and Embroidery your own Cardigan, at Leaf District.

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9. A $30 gift certificate to A Little Geeky, who is also celebrating her new line of super awesome neck ties!

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10. A hand-knit My Little Pony chibi from Knit Kritters! Check out the pony options that you get to choose from!


11. A roll of wrapping paper of your choice, designed by PetitsPixels from her Spoonflower shop!

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12. A pair of Nutella Earrings from Unicorn Crafts! These yummy earrings are sweet enough to eat but will look better worn on your ear. Follow Unicorn Crafts on Instagram (instagram.com/unicorncrafts) for another chance to win! 

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13. A $25 gift certificate for anything in Glamasaurus’ shopAlso anyone can use the code TWINKIEA3S8 for 10% off your order.

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Just follow the Rafflecopter widget below for all of your chances to win! (p.s If you are new to Rafflecopter and think it’s weird, I just ran into this hand dandy guide.)

Giveaway is open worldwide, for ages 18 & over, and will run for a week until next Wednesday night, October 22nd, at midnight PST. Winner is chosen randomly via Rafflecopter/Random.org, and winner must reply to my email within 3 days, or I will randomly choose a new winner. Good luck! P.S. Please make sure my email address can get through your spam filters! twinkie@twinkiechan.com

a Rafflecopter giveaway

97 Comments on “October Blog Sponsor Giveaway”

  • Chelsey Sierra


    I have to work this Halloween. 🙁

  • Chelsea


    For halloween, my fiancé and I go to our favorite restaurant and stuff our faces with yummy desserts and candy.

  • Emily


    Bah I love kawaii spooky things :3

  • Yasmine


    Taking my brothers trick or treating, party with college friends and going to a Hallowe’en theme park with bestie!

  • Heidi V


    Taking my kids trick or treating!

  • munkeypoo626


    Taking the kids trick or treating. Hopefully, it’s not as cold as usual.

  • I’ll be at work on Halloween 🙁 BUT I work in a performing arts theatre and we’re doing Rocky Horror, so things could be worse 😉 And I’ll still get to wear my Aquaman costume!

  • Amber


    Trick or treating! Also hoping it’s not cold

  • Erin


    Movie marathon with my buds

  • Ruth


    I’m taking my little Incredible Hulk trick or treating. I’ll be dressed as Tank Girl!

  • Erma Mejia


    this contest I am determined to win! October is my luckiest month!

  • hadhemi


    hey there ^^ we dont celebrate halloween here ,but i love all the hollween movies they air ,so i would say ,with a horror movie 😀

  • lacey


    My plans are to get dressed up, watch a scary movie, and hand out candy.

  • Lucy


    Trick or treating with my buddies!

  • Nikki Colborn


    Scary movie marathon!

  • Bianca


    That Glamasaurus brooch is gorgeous!!

  • Kylie


    Omg I want all the spooky halloween themed cuteness!

  • Tawny


    I’ll definitley be taking my kids out for trick or treating. I just finished making their costumes. My little girl is Princess Belle and my boy is Ash Ketchum from Pokemon.

  • Rin


    I wish I had Halloween plans. It is definitely my favourite holiday of the year (and always has been) but I’ve been cheering myself up by calling it a season. Mind, for me it starts September 1st and ends somewhere around August 31st… So it helps! I mean, I DO dress up a lot and you should see my home decor… ;D

    • TwinkieChan


      I’ll be in LA and then flying home on Halloween…. but I’ll be coming home from Hello Kitty Con, so that’s sort of dress-uppy/Halloweenish, even though I haven’t sorted out an outfit at all yet! heheh.For some reason, Halloween isn’t my super favorite. I think it’s because it seems too stressful to come up with a good costume in the middle of the holiday season for someone who has to crochet so much for other people! 😛

      • Rin


        Wow, I can imagine! I’m in a weird place in life where I’m prepping costumes all year for basically no reason, and on Halloween I buy a crappy premade one… Because I refuse to be stressed about such an awesome holiday!

  • Cariann


    I’m watching scary movies with my boyfriend :3

  • Jennifer


    Dressing up as Alice for a Halloween party

  • For Halloween, I’m watching The Shining with my hubs.

  • Ashley


    My plans for Halloween are going to Virginia to see my sister and go trick or treating with my three nieces! I’m going to dress up as a minion 🙂

  • Dottie Lou


    I am going to dress up and hand out candy! I love seeing the little kids!

  • indijana


    Oh I really hope so! First there is a sibling birthday party me and my girlfriend’s going to, then we’ll go out and shake our behinds 😀

  • amanda


    taking my son, who is dressing up as Beetlejuice, trick or treating!

  • Chu


    Imtataking my kids out trick or treating, little Pikachu and Hello Kitty of course!

  • Tranifer


    I’m going to be in a wedding on Halloween, which will be fun, but no dress up for me 🙁

  • Elizabeth


    I will be at oni-con – an anime convention this year!

    • TwinkieChan


      I’ll be at Hello Kitty con for part of that day!

  • Eréndira


    I don’t celebrate Halloween, but I’ll be getting ready my altar for “El dia de muertos” 😀

  • Candice Miller


    Such cute stuff this time around!

  • Sarah M.


    Going trick or treating with my girls 🙂

  • Rachel Ballew


    Those prizes are all amazing! Good luck to all!

  • Rachel Ballew


    I don’t have any plans for Halloween, but am hoping that some friends come to visit!

  • Hannah


    I do not have any plans that I know of right now. I do plan to eat candy though :3

  • Ruby


    I’m 7 months pregnant and I have a four year old so we’ll be wobbling from house to house trick or treating!

  • Kelsey


    I don’t have any plans! D: But I will be dressed (maybe) as a candy corn witch and handing out candy to little kids, so it’s better than nothing!

  • Diana S


    Taking my kiddos treak o treating for 2 hours and then hanging out at home handing out candy ourselfs

  • Linda


    I am going to a party with friends

  • Lisa Hoffman


    These prizes are so cute!!

  • Lisa Hoffman


    My Halloween plans are passing out candy and watching movies with the hubster 😀

  • kara demeio


    Im still wondering where i should stay to help hand out candy since our street will be too quiet..my friend invited me to join elsewhere at her home. Mabe i ll just wear wings or a cloak,cape..?

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