New Yummy You! item in the shop! Tako (Octopus) Scarf!

SlideOctopus5I’m really honestly so excited to announce that we have a BRAND NEW scarf in the Yummy You! shop for all my sushi-lovers, beach-combers, and mermaid-dreamers!

We received so many requests to produce this Tako Scarf, and now it’s finally here! WOOHOO!

IMG_8369We had a whirlwind day of some super-fast ninja-style photoshooting with model Shannie Bee and photog/MUAH Crazy Spork I Am. Dance studio Dance Boulevard in San Jose was nice enough to let us invade one of their rooms for a little bit!

IMG_8506These ladies are so amazing. I just showed up with a suitcase full of stuff, and they did all the rest (okay, I did the driving, I helped!). At first we were going for a nautical/sailor theme, and then we also wanted to throw in a little mermaid magic. All the photos (to me) told the story of a mermaid dreaming of things she would do if she were human, like attending a human party, having a picnic on the grass, or learning how to dance.

I think we’ll be posting the full sets from these photos on the Yummy You! Facebook page throughout the week.

Until then, sea you at the mermaid picnic! RSVP ASAP at 🙂

7 Comments on “New Yummy You! item in the shop! Tako (Octopus) Scarf!”

  • Natalie


    Aaaahhhh I love this! I think this might be my favorite thing I’ve seen of yours so far (and that’s saying alot)! Can’t wait to see the rest of the pics 🙂

  • Lee


    Where’s the time machine?!!

  • Shannon



  • Maegan


    I want to make this. Do you think you’ll make a pattern for it?

    • TwinkieChan


      Oh! Nobody has asked about it before. Yes, I should do that, although I have this super long back list of patterns to prep also !

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