Circus Animal Cookie Rice Krispy Treats!

CA1I was googling images of Circus Animal Cookies for research (pattern for brooches coming soon in a fun new book I contributed to!), and I ran into a photo of Circus Animal Cookie Rice Krispy Treats! Two great things that go great together!!!

CA2Manda’s bday was last weekend, and we went on a short road trip with my cousin and his bestie to L.A. and San Diego, so I made these the night before as bday road snacks!

ca3I think I pressed mine into the pan too vigorously, so I squished everything down super compactly.  I have no idea why I did this. Anyway, don’t do that.

ca5I think the trick with these is that you need to add the cookies in before the cereal mixture gets too cold and stiff, but if you add them too quickly, then all the frosting will melt off the cookies and you’ll just have a big sticky pink mess (which is not the end of the world, I suppose!).

ca4I looked around for recipes and used this one from the Domestic Rebel. I wanted to try out her secret ingredient: 1/4 cup of dry sugar cookie mix in the melted marshmallows! I’ll admit I may not have the most sophisticated palette, so I didn’t feel like the sugar cookie mix added a lot, so if I made these again, I’d probably leave that part out.

ca6This is a super quick and dirty project with a highly festive pay off!  It’s not one for the health nuts, but I was never one of those, so here’s to adding more sugar and carbs into our sugar and carbs!







2 Comments on “Circus Animal Cookie Rice Krispy Treats!”

  • Jenny Patriksson


    They look yummy!!!!

    Sounds kinda sticky.
    I would get very sick if I eat just 1 square or two 🙁
    Is it possible to roll them into small, cute, little balls?
    Can they be frozen down?
    Or would that just turn into a yucky mush?
    I bet it was a lovely snack 😀

  • These own! I can’t wait to make some! Can’t wait to see this book And pattern to!

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