The Wizard of Oz Crochet: Book release party and art show Friday!

Screen Shot 2013-11-14 at 5.50.31 PMSeattle!!!! Please go to Schmancy this Friday night, November 15, 5-8pm, to celebrate the launch of Kristen’s new super awesome crochet book, The Wizard of Oz Crochet. I have two patterns in the book, so you’ll have to pick up a copy to see which ones ;). This thing is actually a KIT which comes with a hook and some yarn, so it’s a super great gift!

If you’re in Seattle, please go and take photos of the very special Oz-inspired crochet painting I just finished. I ran it over to Fed Ex and didn’t have time to take any photos of it. Sad!! So you have to go and take lots of photos for me :).

Photo on 11-14-13 at 5.45 PM #2

5 Comments on “The Wizard of Oz Crochet: Book release party and art show Friday!”

  • J2


    I wish I could go!! It’s going to be the PERF prezzie for my friend who has the 1936 movie memorized! And I need one, too: I reached my goal to read all 14 of the original series by L. Frank Baum last year. Thanks for letting us know! \(^o^)/

    • TwinkieChan


      Well at least you can still buy the book anywhere online! 😉

      • Grace


        WOW! I thought I was the only person IN THE WORLD who knew about that Oz series!!! It’s like, the best books EVER!!!!!!!

  • Heather


    I got mine in the mail last week and I have yet to try this out. I was so excited to get it!!!

  • Lee


    Such a sweet homage to one of the classics <3
    Congrats on your contribution! Super cool <3

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