My new calling: greeting card writer! Hire me now!

eloThis weekend I went to my buddy Elysse‘s bridal shower in Sausalito (this is a photo that I stole from her buddy Nicole). I forgot to take a photo, but I tried to wrap my present in what I perceived to be a more grown up style, which turned into an explosion from the floral aisle at Michaels involving ribbon, raffia, fake flowers, and plastic pears. To balance this elegance out, I made this card:


You know, when you’re cruising the greeting card aisle, and you just can’t find anything that perfectly represents the sentiment inside your heart: go home and make it.

This horse head mask isn’t entirely random. It was actually on Elysse’s registry, which made me love her and her fiance’ Peter a million times more, and of course, I got it for them. What I did not love was that apparently it was gonna take like 8 million years to send the horse mask from the particular place I ordered it from. I didn’t really notice this until the night before the shower, and I was freaking out like, WHERE IS MY GOSHDANG FREAKY HORSE HEAD MASK?!??! Anyway, to make up for this party foul, I also made some paper horse heads with real yarn hair accents, so she and Peter could practice before the real deal arrives.


5 Comments on “My new calling: greeting card writer! Hire me now!”

  • kimmi


    Those homemade horse heads are givinv me life. Also the word Sausolito mads me hungry.

  • Yvonne Shipley


    Oh my goodness!!! You are so creative and silly which = über awesomeness!

  • Vanessa


    HAHAHAHAHAHA! This reminds me of when my sister sold her paper unicorn horn at a party for $20. Who thinks of making stuff like that?

  • Ellie


    This is hilarious! Love the card! xxx

  • Fiona


    ahh you’re the best, love it 🙂

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