WIWT: Pastel Rainbow Accessory Explosion

Ok, this is not super over the top, but it is way more accessorizing than my usual. I have never really worn cat/mouse/bunny ears before, and while I think it is a really fun look, I’m not sure it would be my go-to? Maybe with less other stuff!


This is kind of a fake WIWT. It’s more of a “What I Tried On Today To See What It Looks Like and to Play with Some of My Stuff.” I am getting old and cellulite-y, and bare legs really aren’t on the agenda for me, but I can pretend in a photo!

pastel1pastel3This floral collar is pretty amazing. The flowers are made of PAPER.

pastel4YUK Clothing is a new brand by my buddy Kate in the UK. I’m not sure if it’s still secret or not, but I know who is designing some YUK tshirts, and it’s gonna be amazing. Can’t wait to see more! I put my YUK brooch on a purse by Spank!


These sparkly ears came in my goodiebag from Blogcademy LA a few weeks ago. I need to blog separately about that!


Okay, let’s talk about the shoes. Sorry they are chopped off in so many of my photos. I can never master how to properly take an outfit photo inside a room with limited space.  I need to lower the camera so there’s less room above my head and more room under my feets! Anyway! The shoes are Hello Kitty flats, and they are the first thing I ever bought off Fab.com after my brother showed them to me. I love them!

Dress: Miracle Eye, Collar: Locketship, Ears: c/o Crown & Glory, Brooch: c/o Yuk Clothing, Purse: Spank!, Shoes: Sanrio (and on sale!)


14 Comments on “WIWT: Pastel Rainbow Accessory Explosion”

  • Marlena


    Ahhh, this is a super rad outfit. ♥ ♥ ♥

  • ella


    so sweeeeeeeeet!

  • Yasmine


    The shoes are the best bit! They are TOO cute!!

    • TwinkieChan


      I love the shoes! Eventho wearing flats makes me feel like I waddle like a duck 😛

  • Katie


    I love the rainbow pastel dress!

    I cannot image you with cat ears but mouse ears yes!

  • Katie


    I love the rainbow pastel dress!

    I cannot image you with cat ears but mouse ears yes!

  • Sami


    Cutest outfit!!

  • Tara


    Those shoes are amazing! I love them!

  • Ellie


    Oh my good god!! This outfit deserves a 10 outta 10 for major cuteness!!!! I luuuuurrrrrvvvveeeeee the shoes so much!! I want them!

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you, Ellie!

  • MaDonna



    • TwinkieChan



  • Selam


    Is your awesome tattoo permanent? Like, did you get it done at a tattoo parlor?

    • TwinkieChan



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