Behind the Scenes: Yummy You! Photo Shoot at Cafe50s in L.A.

We had a lot of Yummy You! fun on Monday night in L.A. with models Jessi Jae Joplin and Stephanie, and photographer Irene Yuen at the super cute Cafe50s. I felt super duper lucky to be around such a gracious and cheerful group of ladies, and the staff at the restaurant were also amazing and upbeat and didn’t yell at us or get mad or anything!

I was in town for the Craft & Hobby Association show for a meeting and asked Irene as soon as my meeting was confirmed if she thought it would be possible to also throw together a last-minute photo shoot while I was there.  I am a big ignoramus when it comes to organizing a shoot, because I’m usually just shooting myself with a remote in my house! It was a little crazy on Monday afternoon, trying to coordinate the shoot while also at the CHA show, but everything turned out really well….EVEN after I failed to give Jessi and Irene the address to the cafe so they ended up at a different Cafe50s. DOH. MY BAD!!!

Here are just a few behind the scenes Instagram snaps from that evening.

Here we all are after the shoot!

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I took this one right after asking them if they had decided what to order. All good photoshoots involve french fries and milkshakes!

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Earlier on, Irene had txtd that she didn’t know whether to eat before the shoot or not, because she wasn’t hungry but knew that shooting in a diner would make her hungry. I told her I would feed her french fries while she shot. Also, I felt it would be proper for me to wipe her brow.

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Here’s a pic I stole from Stephanie wearing her cupcake scarf!
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The really surprising part of the evening for me was that when diners had to pass us on their way out, they all were curious about who we were and what we were doing, and they all commented that everyone looked really cute and wanted to know where they could buy the goodies. I was paranoid that they would all hate us for ruining their meals or something, but as it turns out, the whole thing was just a big happyfest. Yay!

Stay tuned for the legit photos! They are gonna be ridiculously cute!

6 Comments on “Behind the Scenes: Yummy You! Photo Shoot at Cafe50s in L.A.”

  • Sami


    Can’t wait to see the results from the shoot

    I always appreciate fries shoved in my face too XD

  • YES! Love – you never dissapoint 🙂 cant wait to see the finished pics – it looks like a happyfest! love it!

  • C.Ann



  • I love that fellow diners got into it- people get up in arms about EVERYTHING these days, so it’s absolutely refreshing to hear that there are people out there who can take adventure as it comes! Good for them! Looking forward to seeing the photos!

  • Neko


    When are you gonna post the photos? I’m so excited! ^u^

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi! I will when I get them :). The photog has been very busy and hasn’t had the chance to edit them yet.

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