My Pieces for Plush You! 2012

The Plush You! show opens at Schmancy in Seattle on Friday, October 12, and I’ll be there! Hope to see you locals there, too! Schmancy has been posting preview pictures of plush on Instagram, and it looks like it’s going to be an awesome show.

I sort of stretched the idea of a “plush toy” into making tissue box cozy buddies! Looks like plush. Gives you kleenex. Win win!

I didn’t get a chance to photograph all 3 together. The Milk Carton Buddy was a late-bloomer and was actually completed and shipped a week after his other 2 friends!

Cheeseburger Buddy was born first. I have been wanting to make a burger tissue cozy forever! I will probably start to offer these on Etsy in a non-monster style.

Here’s his lady-friend, Birthday Cake Buddy! I was excited to make her, because I love the birthday candle so much. Also I was happy to use a pattern from Sugar On Top to create her frosting decorations. I think it looks like a little girl wearing a dress!

Milk Carton Buddy was born last. He was fun to make because his tissue comes out the top of his carton, like you’re about to pour out some tissues for yourself. I kind of flip-flopped between this idea and having the tissue come out of his mouth like his friends, but I thought it would be a nice contrast to have something a little different for the show.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get a pic of them together when I’m in Seattle!

53 Comments on “My Pieces for Plush You! 2012”

  • Tamara


    OMG THE MILK ONE IS SO GOOD. well, they are all good, but MILK. SPOUT. I die.

    • TwinkieChan


      I am glad you like him! I was afraid he was the Boring One. hehe

  • KittyArr


    Your Awesome!
    These are so adorable!!!

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you so much!

  • Michelle


    You never fail to surprise me! I Love these!

    My blog:

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you! 🙂

  • Caz


    they are soooo adorable!! I love the milk carton 😀

    • TwinkieChan


      Yay! As I mentioned above to someone, I was afraid people would find that one boring compared to the others!

  • AnneKo


    Amazing job ! <3
    I think that Cheeseburger Buddy is the funniest while Milk Carton Buddy is the cutest. 🙂

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you! Yay! 🙂

  • RachelG


    I love all three of these! You’re so stinkin’ imaginative and creative, it just isn’t fair!

    • TwinkieChan


      Aw you can do it too! 😉

  • Nickie


    Birthday cake is so fancy and sweet – I love all the details! You’ve taken a boring old grandma crochet project and turned it into something fantastic! 🙂

    • TwinkieChan


      Aw thanks for really getting what I’m trying to do! heheh

  • … Senor Dokoburgerkun is entirely too awesome.

    • TwinkieChan


      I didn’t know you had a blog until now! Adding to blog reader!!!

  • Danielle


    Those are all so darn cute! I love that the tissues come out of the little milk guy’s spout.

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you!! Do you think you’ll go to REnegade HOliday this year? I think I’ll try to make more tissue buddies, and you can see them in person! 🙂

      • Danielle


        We’ve never gone to the Holiday one but that surely sounds like a possibility since you’ll be there!

  • Cara


    These are TOO adorable! I can’t even pick which one I like most!!!

  • Joddles (Lady Boganesque) Crellin


    I ♥ the Milk carton! My man and I were like “OMG it looks sort of like the milk carton off Coffee and TV by Blur!” such a awesome song, one of my faves! and the Hamburger is awesome! and the Cake one! LOL They are all Fab, but the Milk one is just ace!
    Here”s the vid 🙂

    • Nicky


      I thought the same exact thing! Blur FTW! Also I NEED the milk carton, its my favorite out of the three 😀

  • Ellen Barth


    They are all so creative! It’s hard to pick a favorite. Maybe the birthday cake!

  • Sue



  • Mimi From ALabama


    I’m so glad my coworker Shiloh told me about you… I love your work… And my daughter is already asking me to tackle someof your things in your book. I cant wait

  • Megan G.


    Oh my gosh, these are all so cute! I especially love the milk one, looks like he’s trying to pour you a glass with tissues! Simply adorable, you’re amazing!

  • Becky


    ZOMG! I want one for my classroom!!! (I can’t decide if I love the milk or the cheeseburger the most…arg!) My art students would love it, not to mention it would make me giggle every time I looked at it!

  • Hm, not sure if my previous comment went through. Anyway, you’re going to be in SEATTLE! I definitely want to come see you (in a totally non-weirdo kinda way) and I’m pretty sure any show at Schmancy is going to be totally awesome. Soooo I tried really hard to find info on the show, and I might just be a total idiot, but I can’t find the details anywhere!! Help?!

    • TwinkieChan


      You are not an idiot hehe. It’s true. I can’t really find a promo poster for it, but I don’t wanna bug Kristen about it either, as I’ve bugged her a bit already about other stuff…!!! It’s Friday Oct 12 at the store from 5-9. I only just found posted info at the DevoutDolls site.

      • Thank you!!! I’m assuming it’s open to the public – it better be, since I plan to be there! =D

        • TwinkieChan


          I’m pretty sure it is!

  • kittee


    i love the tissue monsters! almost makes me wish i actually bought tissues!

    • TwinkieChan


      KITTEE, what do you blow your nose in?!?!! 😛

      • kittee


        toilet paper or hankies!!

  • Barny


    love the milk one! these are so great, yummy monsters! awesome design! i agree about cake lady, all the decs suit so well!


  • Sami


    Too cute! 😀

  • om FRIGGIN god! I already had a stroke on Instagram this morning over the milk but holy cow bells! Im head over heels about this collection – i dont even know what the say! You Rock Hard….seriously!

  • Happy user


    So cute^_^ Cheeseburger Buddy is great! Nope? I don’t like it? I LOVE it:)

  • Anya


    YES, I LOVE THESE!!! The cheeseburger monster is hilarious! And the milk carton is really clever. I can’t decide which one I like more…. I want one for my office to perk up my day! You should totally make these and sell them on your Etsy, I will buy one right away (especially since I have bad fall allergies lol)!

  • princess bubblegum


    These are AWESOME! Please sell them on Etsy! 🙂 x

  • Vixie


    Ooh, love the milk! So super cute!

  • How do you write with the crochet chains like how you wrote “Milk”? Is there a tutorial you could point me towards or what that technique is called?

    • Twinkie Chan!


      See if you can find tutorials for surface crocheting. Or surface slip stitch 🙂

      • Ah finally a name to put to it! Thank you so much!

  • KimmieKat


    These might be my most favorite things you’ve ever made- the possibilities are endless, and your talent is unparalleled

  • Belen


    the milk one is just so awesome, gee, they all are, i really like how they sit

  • Lisa D


    ZOMG! You are giving me crochet envy so badly!! Massively cute <3

    • TwinkieChan


      Aw thank you so much!

  • Cami


    OMG These are totally incredible. 🙂 I love your creativity and no one crochets quite like you! 🙂

  • Marie


    These are awesome! Any chance you’ll sell the patterns? I’d love to make them!

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi! I made them and sold them as art pieces, so I feel kinda weird about giving away the pattern for them, but I’ll probably get over it eventually and do it, just not right now 🙂

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