“Cupcakes by Jess” & Her Custom Cupcake Hat

A little bit ago I posted a pic of a two-colored cupcake slouchy hat, and I thought I’d share how that came to be.

Jess from Cupcakes by Jess in the UK contacted me about making her a custom cupcake hat with colors from her logo and tattoo.

She requested a pink and mint frosting with a chocolate cake.

I hope Jess loves her new hat!

If you’re near Norfolk and have a sweet tooth, please check out her cupcakes!

She also wanted me to give a shout out to her tattoo artist Gemma Osborn at Sub Rosa Tattoo Parlor in Norwich.

Happy Monday! Can’t to show you the neat tissue box cozies I have been working on for Plush You! in Seattle, October 12!

18 Comments on ““Cupcakes by Jess” & Her Custom Cupcake Hat”

  • Sarah


    OMG this is too freaking cute!!! I die.

  • Elysse


    I saw the title of this post, immediately thought this post was going to be about another person stealing your designs and selling them, and was ready to come say “that bitch!”… I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get to say something mean! Haha

    • TwinkieChan


      Oh I could send you lotttttts of links of the sort you desire!

  • Sami


    The hat looks perfect for her! 😀

  • This is adorably perfect! You did such an amazing job re-creating the cuppy!

  • Jessica


    Sweet!!!!! (oo is that a pun<) That hat will look so cute on her!!!!!! 😀

  • Marieminx7


    I love the new swirl slouchy cupcakes hat. I’d love to get it with a matching set of mitt Warner’s and a cupcake coffee cozy. I adore everything you did on the dual color cupcake. If I can get these things done, it would be wonderful. I would love to go over pricesand other specifics In a convienient manner, email/text/phone.

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi Hi! Unfortunately, I don’t think the swirl would work very well on the mitts and the coffee cup cozy. They are just constructed differently, and I’m not sure I could replicate that design on them.

  • Whoa. Both the slouch hat and the tattoo are fantastic! This is why I can’t just freakin’ get a tattoo even though I really want to. TOO MANY GOOD IDEAS, CAN’T DECIDE!!

    P.S. Your “Cupcakes by Jess” link didn’t work for me.

    • TwinkieChan


      It will probably come to you one day. I was like that for a long time as well. It’s worth the wait 🙂

      Hmm. I just checked the link and I think the URL is right. I tried going to her site and it’s not working for me either. I think it may be something with her server?

  • Pamela


    Hi, I am struggling with this hat, do I work the 2hdc or the Hdc2tog depending if I’m working row 2 or row 3 into the chain 2 or the stitch before the chain 2?


    • TwinkieChan


      HI, I haven’t offered the pattern for this hat, so am not really offering pattern support for it at this time.

      • Ashley Hutson


        Hello, huge fan. I have admired your cupcake slouchy hats for longggg time now. Do you think you would ever offer the pattern for purchase??

        • TwinkieChan


          Hi! Yes, it’s on my list! 🙂 Each pattern just takes a while to shoot and prep, and my list is long….

          • Ashlet Hutson


            Oh flipping awesome, I can’t wait! Ty

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