Do you have photos of yourself in a scarf or accessory I made?

Hey gang!

I had this idea for my Renegade booth to put product photos in picture frames and sprinkle them throughout the booth (it goes with the general theme). But all the photos I have are mostly of ME, and I don’t want to bombard my booth with MY FACE.

I know you some of you guys have sent me photos before, but if you could do it again, so I have them all in one place, that would be awesome. The higher resolution the better, for a better print out. The photos won’t be humongous. I bought some cute 4×6 frames from Target for them.

If you don’t want your face in my booth, I totally understand! But if you do, that would be rad!!

You can email them to me at twinkie @ or leave a link here in a blog comment or my contact form.

Thanks, guys!!!!!

10 Comments on “Do you have photos of yourself in a scarf or accessory I made?”

  • Kimmi


    I must get all my tissue boxes together for a group photo!! :O

  • Jules Chan


    How about my young nieces?

    • TwinkieChan


      That would definitely be cool!

  • Bliz


    I don’t have anything I bought of yours, minus your crochet book. I did make a few of your scarves. I could take a picture of me wearing what I made from your book. Would that be okay?

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi! That would be great, too! Thank you!!

  • Elizabeth Meredith


    I’ll send you a pic with my goodies soon!!! Can’t wait to see pics of your booth!

  • Nicole


    I have a sugar cookie pin, your book, and a cupcake pin I bought from you in NY. Will those be ok?

    • Nicole


      *Oh, and a little white pin that said drawing on it. I still have the box you gave it to me in (and bag).

  • Jewel


    I was wondering if you got my email. My picture is the one withe the bacon and eggs scarf.

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