Your caramel macchi-R2, Mr. Lucas.

Okay, so I crochet food-themed stuff, but upon rare occasion, I’ll do something a little different because I enjoy the challenge.

One of my customers (I dunno if you wanna be anonymous or if you want me to link your blog or tumblr!), asked if an R2D2 coffee cup cozy would be possible. She asked me this months and months ago, and I sketched a few ideas, but never had time to execute them.

Until now! I think he came out pretty cool!

I used acrylic yarn, a small red button, a silver eyelet, and a safety eye with the post snapped off. He’s washable and totally usable!

This is a one-off project, and I won’t be making more. If you want to try to crochet your own R2 cozy, find a basic pattern for a coffee cup cozy, make a semi-circle for his head, and the legs… well, okay, I’ll give ya the pattern I threw together behind the cut ;). I apologize in advance if there are any errors. Nobody has tested the pattern yet!

R2D2 Coffee Cup Cozy (modeled using a Starbucks tall-sized cup)

Yarns used:
Vanna’s Choice in White
Vanna’s Choice in Silver Heather
Vanna’s Choice in Colonial Blue
A teeny tiny bit of Vanna’s Choic in Aqua for accents
(You could easily substitute the worsted weight yarns of your choice)
I used an H hook for this project.


With white yarn, ch 32 and sl st to 1st ch to form loop, making sure there are no twists in your chain.
Rounds 1-4: Ch 1 and sc in same st. Work 31 more sc evenly around. Sl st to 1st sc to join. (32 sts)
Round 5: Ch 1 and work (2 sc) into same st. Work 15 sc evenly. Work (2 sc) in next st, and 15 sc evenly around. Sl st to 1st sc to join. (34 sts)
Rounds 6-8: Ch 1 and sc in same st. Work 33 more sc evenly around. Sl st to 1st sc to join. (34 sts)
Round 9: Ch 1 and work (2 sc) into the same st. Work 16 sc evenly. Work (2 sc) into next st, and 16 sc evenly around. Sl st to 1st sc to join. (36 sts)
Rounds 10-11: Ch 1 and work sc in the same st. Work 35 more sc evenly around. Sl st to 1st sc to join. (36 sts) Break off and weave in ends.
You should have a tube that grows wider at the top to accommodate the shape of a paper cup. I often have an empty cup with me when I make cozies, so I can fit the cozy as I go. You want it to be snug enough to stay on while the cup is full of liquid, but you also want to be able to get it on and off fairly easily.

With grey yarn, ch 10.
Row 1: Sk 1st ch and work 9 sc evenly across. (9 sts)
Row 2: Ch 1, turn. (2 sc), 7 sc, (2 sc). (11 sts)
Row 3: Ch 1, turn. (2 sc), (2 sc), 7 sc, (2 sc), (2 sc). (15 sts)
Rows 4-5: Ch 1, turn. Sc evenly across. (15) Don’t break off yet. Create an sc border around the top to even the curve out on the top of R2’s head. You can eyeball it, or follow what I did below:
Along the edge of Rows 1-5, work (2 sc), 1 sc, (2 sc), (2 sc), 1 sc, then across the top of Row 1, work 9 sc, then along the side, work 1 sc, (2 sc), (2 sc), 2 sc. Sl st to 1st sc of Row 5. Break off leaving enough yarn to whipstitch the bottom, straight edge of R2’s head to the top of his body. There will be a seam on his body, so remember to keep the seam in the back and sew his head onto the front.

Legs: Make 2. He technically has 3, so you can make 3 if you like and sew the 3rd leg to the back of the cozy.
With white yarn, either make a magic circle or ch 3 and sl st to 1st ch to form a loop.
Round 1: Ch 1 and work 6 sc into the loop. Don’t join rounds. (6 sts)
Round 2: Work [(2 sc), 1 sc] 3 times. (9 sts)
Rounds 3-4: Work 9 sc evenly around. (9 sts)
Round 5: Work [sc2tog, 1 sc] 3 times. (6 sts)
Rounds 6-10: Work 6 sc evenly around. (6 sts)
Round 11: Work (2 sc) 6 times. (12 sts)
Rounds 12-13: Work 12 sc evenly around. (13 sts).
Break off leaving about 10 inches of yarn for sewing. Squish the leg flat and sew the bottom closed in a straight line.

Before sewing his legs on, you might want to embellish them with blue yarn first. I just went crazy with some random embroidering (clearly, I am not an embroidery person). You could also cut out blue felt pieces. The same comment goes for the rest of his decorations. Using washable fabric glue and cutting out felt would probably be the easiest/quickest way to put on the details, but you could also go crazy with embroidery like I did. Buttons and other findings are also a fun way to embellish!

This pattern is intended for your personal use only and not for creating items to sell. Please do not sell this pattern or re-post it without my permission. I posted the pattern simply to celebrate your love for Star Wars. Thank you!

75 Comments on “Your caramel macchi-R2, Mr. Lucas.”

  • Corrie


    This is SO cool! You’re so inspirational! <3

    • Aw thanks! 😛 So much room for goofy stuff in this world!

  • Meeow


    soooo cute – I love R2D2 ^^

    • While I was looking for reference photos, I ran into a LOT of fun R2D2 themed stuff!

      • Meeow


        there is so much funny R2D2 Stuff – my favorite is the R2D2 trashcan 😀 And I give my boyfriend a R2D2 alarm clock for his birthday 😀

  • So cute, Thanks so much for the pattern!

    • Let me know if you end up trying it out! 🙂

  • Natalie


    The force is strong in this Twinkie Chan. You have impressed by grouchy husband immensely.

  • vanessa cottoncandy


    thank u for the pattern <3 I'm totally going to make this 😀

    • Show me a photo if you do! And please let me know if there are errors or weird spots in the patter! 🙂

  • RachelG


    Thank you for sharing the pattern. I NEED an R2D2 cozy.

    • People are worried about the white getting coffee stained….but I’ve used a crocheted cup cozy many times and have never really gotten any coffee on it anyway!

  • Bailey


    YES! Thank you! This is ah-ma-zing. I’m so super cereal.

  • Serena


    Oh my god this is so cool! I wish I could knit.

    • Find a friend who does and will make you things! 😉

  • Alice


    So cute!!!! In totally going to make one! Thanks so much for the pattern :3

  • Rachael


    This is amazing! I may learn to crochet purely for the purpose of making an R2D2 coffee cosy! What a talent you have that you can just get a suggestion and crochet it up!

    • It doesn’t work all the time, but this one turned out pretty ok 🙂

  • Nicole R


    Thanks Twinkie you’re the best! This pattern is intergalactic!

  • Thanks for sharing your pattern, he’s brilliant! 🙂



    Holy, I am surprised you posted the pattern! You are so so soo sooo generous!! Not many would do that, and do you have any suggestions or a really good basic coffee cozy pattern, I could use for the base?

    • Well I don’t intend to sell more than just the one piece as I don’t want to step on Star Wars toes! So I figured, people could just make them for each other as presents 🙂

  • I just watched Nara and Miss Kika’s proposal video and in the credits it says “Twinkie Chan(Stephanie Lee)” Your name is Stephanie Lee?

    • Yup! I was not in fact actually named after a snack cake.

      • My friend was actually named Twinkie so I didn’t think it was weird that your name was Twinkie. So how did you come up with you name?

        • It’s a word used to describe Asian kids who grew up in America: yellow on the outside, white on the inside :P. Chan is my mom’s maiden name.

  • Brilliant! I thought about making an R2D2 coffee cup cozy but was too lazy, now I can do it b/c you’ve made life much easier for me and this is 100x’s cuter than I would have made it 🙂

    I’m sure my nerdy friends thank you in advance!

    • Show me pics if you make it! 😉

  • Maggi


    Holy smokes, I’ve GOT to try this one ASAP! Thanks for posting this!

  • Kimi


    Oh my gosh! This is so awesome I don’t know how I missed this post! I can’t wait to make a little R2D2 and bust him out next time I go get a macchiato!

  • Sasha Swayne


    I will say you did a fabulous job on this pattern! Tried and true my friend! I’ve gotten the body an the head done along with one leg! Ill be doing three.. But of course I super suck at embroidery! I only had embroidery floss to make tiny grant squares for a bracelet! Thanks Twinkie Chan!!

  • Summer


    Thank you so much for this! My brother is a Star Wars freak so I really wanted to make this for him for Xmas, so thanks to you I did! He turned out pretty good! I took pictures if you want me to email them. Thanks again as I could never have done this without your pattern! It worked great!

    • TwinkieChan


      Yay! I would actually love to see photos 🙂 twinkie at

  • I will be making this over the next week, will send photos when done. Also I think the pattern could be changed nicely to make some fingerless gloves- If all goes well with the cosy I will make gloves next 😀
    Love you Twinkie! xxx

    p.s. I found you originally years ago because I wanted to make a crochet Twinkie for a friend 🙂

    • TwinkieChan


      Yay! I can’t wait to see!

  • Tia


    Thank you so much for the pattern!! I made one for a friend and he loves it!!

    • TwinkieChan


      He looks great!!! Thank you so much for sharing your photo With me!! 🙂

  • Monika


    I’m going to attempt this soon! wish me luck!

  • Monika


    I’m going to attempt this soon! wish me luck!

  • Carey


    You. Are. Awesome! Thank you for this pattern, I can’t wait to try it!


  • Katie


    This is an awesome pattern, but I was wondering how you did the larger blue face pieces.

    • TwinkieChan


      Most of it is just random embroidery. I know the bigger piece on top is crocheted, but it looks like I just winged it and didn’t get a chance to write down the pattern. Most people have been using blue felt for all the blue decorations.

      • Katie


        Okay, thanks! I will wing it and see what I can do. 🙂

  • Jenny P



    I`m a fan of R2D2.
    Thanks for sharing the pattern. I`ll place this one on my to do list 🙂

    And I deff need to follow you on your lovely blog 🙂

    Sunny greetings from Denmark.

  • Mrash


    I love this!!! Thank you for sharing it! This will definitely be my next project! 🙂

  • ¡¡qué hermoso trabajo!!! la verdad yo llevo este patrón para hacerlo, me encantó ¡¡¡felicitaciones!!!

  • JudiT65


    This is terrific! I am always looking for something STAR WARS for my son. The “cozie” is something he can use or put up with his collections. Thanks for posting it. Will be looking out for more of your crocheting ideas.

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you for checking it out!!! 😀 I know that it’s rare that I ever have anything that’s boy-friendly hehehe 😉

  • Sara Hurtado


    Hi! I love this is it possible to special order this? I looked on your etsy and didnt see it. My sister in law would die for this!!!

    • TwinkieChan


      Hello! I don’t offer this for sale because I don’t feel right about selling Star Wars items without some kind of official approval or license. Sorry about that! Maybe you can bribe a friend who crochets 😉

  • Thanks for the pattern! I made one for my husband for Christmas and he really liked it 🙂

    • TwinkieChan


      Yay! I’m so glad!! 🙂

  • Stephanie B.


    I love, love , love this!!!!! Wish I could follow you through Feedly or Word Press.

  • Heather


    I love, love, love this! Thank you for sharing the pattern!

  • Pingback: Star Wars DIY
  • Jacqueline


    I made it and its sooooo cute!

    Thank you!

    • TwinkieChan


      YAY!!! <3

  • Gail


    Would this fit an ice cold cup?

  • Gail


    I am making this for a gift. It is perfect. I do have a question. What size hook did you use? I am thinking a 4 or 5

    • TwinkieChan


      I usually use an H hook 🙂

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