I bumped into the most awesome website ever just now: THE CEREAL PROJECT. I LOVE CEREAL. I love it with milk. I love it without milk. I love it during the day. I love it at night. Cereal is the perfect food. Right now my favorites are Cap’n Crunch, Honeycomb, Honey Bunches of Oats with Peaches, Cocoa Puffs, Froot Loops, Corn Pops, Kix, ok I like a lot of them.
Here is what The Cereal Project is all about:
“The Cereal Project is an ongoing effort to document every breakfast cereal ever produced in the U.S. which has received a near-nationwide distribution. From Granula (not Granola), the first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal ever produced in 1863, to the cereals being introduced to grocery stores as we speak, the Cereal Project aims to present pictures and descriptions of EVERY breakfast cereal including old favorites and failures that have long since been discontinued. So far, we have tracked down over 1,375 different cereals.”
Even the site has an awesome design: it looks like a cereal box!

They offer cereal coupons and also fun stuff like old cereal commercials and make your own cereal box print-outs!
Some cereals I always wish I could have eaten:

Do you have some nostalgic cereal favs?
I was thinking, if I had a cereal, it would be Choco Pup, where the cereal looks like Bibi’s face and tastes like cookies n cream. OR. Yummy YarnBall Crunch, with oversized cereal balls with a yarn ball texture. OR. Very Berry Basket, where the little cereals look like strawberries with green tops. OR…