Tiffany and Daniel invited us to party that they and their friends were throwing on the S. S. Jeremiah O’Brien on Saturday night. We got there REALLY late, because Hairy had to work at the gallery, and Manda and I still had to put together some kind of costume to wear, sewing on buttons and cutting out collars at the last minute. Everything turned out fine, and we had so much fun trying to take a million pictures during the last hour of the party! Costumes: success! Except, for some reason, my nylons were REALLY SHINY.
Here are my fav photos:

Tiff made her own mermaid costume! I’m sad Hairy didn’t get the bottom of her costume with the mermaid tail!

That’s us trying to mimic some mannequins at F21 we saw earlier that day!
Outfits: (we tried to buy pieces that would be usable even after Halloween)
$5 sailor hats from some shop online that we sewed golden bows and buttons to.
Dresses: H&M, and we added gold buttons from JoAnn Fabrics
Coats: Converse All Star from Target
Collars: pieces of fabric cut out about 5 minutes before we left the house
Here’s a video of us exploring the ship!
And I’ll put the rest of the photos behind a cut!

Here are some failed jumping photos! It was really hard to time the jumps because it was actually really dark and the camera didn’t know what the heck it was shooting. At the end we just kept jumping up and down over and over again and I couldn’t stop laughing!