London Part 2: Cakeholes & Beef Curtains

Hairy obviously is a big foodie and loves to check out farmers markets and food stands. He took us to Burrough Market on a Friday afternoon. I got a fresh green juice filled with all manner of green things, and then we walked about, taking it all in.

Sorry this entry is so dirty.

Okay, let me tell you about this cheese. Hairy went ape for it. It’s called raclette. They have half-wheels of it baking under a heating element, and the top layer starts to melt all over the place. Then they scrape the melty cheese over potatoes and stuff. The smell is STRONG. I love me all kinds of cheese, but the air around this cheese cart really smelled like a barn. We didn’t have the scrapey potato cheese, but a grilled cheese sammich instead. It was good, albeit stinky.

I needed something for my sweet tooth, so I picked up an almond croissant at this baked goods table that had the most amazing English muffins.

We’re so used to seeing the stupid English muffins from the store, that these humongous fresh ones seemed so magical!

The market itself was sort of nestled underneath the train overhead.

After the market, we checked out the Brick Lane area as suggested by my kind Twitter pals, and I bought a cute dress. Then we had to hoof it to meet with my cousin YanYan and her hubby Alex to have dinner at their favorite Italian place.

They are like the nicest hosts ever! Upon arriving at our hotel a few days earlier, reception told me I had a package waiting at the concierge, and it turned out to be a giant bag of chips and cookies and a bottle of water and a sweet card and a subway pass and London maps. Too much right? SO NICE!

Aside from visiting one of my favorite cities, I really got to spend a lot of time with family on this trip, which is a treat, and I felt very lucky, especially since we are so spread out all over the world. I hadn’t seen YanYan since I can’t even remember. Over 10 years. Maybe over 15. I am hoping we get to see her again sooner than that!

22 Comments on “London Part 2: Cakeholes & Beef Curtains”

  • zambicandy


    OH DEAR GOD. I am SO jealousssss!! That looks so amazing and tasty D:

    You brought me home some right? ; ; RIGHT

    • I didn’t bring ME home any of it!! heheh

  • Catherine


    Sounds like you are having an amazing time. My Dad is Swiss and he makes Raclette sometimes at home!! Best meal ever! It’s d’lish! Talk to you soon! XOXO

  • Jaymi


    BEEF CURTAIN!!!!! Cake hole! That is hilarious. I love it!

    And those english muffins – yum, I die.

    • Seriously. Who can eat a Thomas’ English after that!

  • Jules Chan


    Thats so funny, you found stuff over there that I’ve never even heard of!! And I forgot to tell you to have a Sausage Roll for me from Greggs the bakers, oh well next time : P

    • Ah bummer! Hairy was crazy for anything with sausage in it!

  • kat


    i love borough market so much and they do pieminister pies there which i thoroughly recommend.
    what were beef curtains?

    • I don’t think we ever found out what they actually were… we just giggled and took a pic of the sign!

  • Sylvette Marie


    Wao that food looks very Yummy πŸ™‚

    Twinkie I have a question I love your Yummy You bag that one you have on your dinner with your cousing.

    Are you goin to do more of this bags for sale I really want one πŸ™‚

    Im just asking πŸ˜›

    Hugs Twinkie
    Your ciber friend Sylvette

    • Hi!!! It took me so long to handpaint it, that I don’t think I would paint more for sale. I hope that maybe we will produce something similar via Yummy You mass production. Cross your fingers!

  • tetcutiepie


    Haha, aw that picture may look dirrrtay but it’s a cute one of you two!

    Dayum, those english muffins are SERIOUS! I might have to go up to Borough Market!

    You want all kinds of stinky cheese – go to France! I found it hilarious to actually see men strolling down the street with big baguettes + probably their cheese in their grocery bag! So french, but so true! Soooo many cheeses, Hairy would probably be in heaven!

    YanYan was very lovely when we met her! Not surprising she’s as thoughtful as she seems by having a cool gift package waiting for you!

    I completely understand about getting to spend time with family. I don’t have a big family at all. Only 3 aunts, and 1 cousin… having moved to the UK, I try my best to visit my mom (she’s moved to Seattle from Cali) when I can… but you know, a transatlantic flight like that can really hurt the funds at times…

    So I hope you get to visit her again soon too πŸ™‚ Or her to you in much sunnier weather!

    • We were in France last year or maybe the year before…but for some reason, we didn’t eat that much cheese. What were we thinking!?

  • Kayleigh


    Hahahaha beef curtains! Oh dear!

    One thing about England that is super awesome is our food markets, so I’m glad you got to sample some of our delights.

    • I’d never been to any before!! So yummy!

  • Frances


    Oh man, Burrough Market is one of my favourite places in London. I have to really control myself to preventing me buying EVERYTHING (cheese! olive oil! bread! meat! pesto! hummous! ALL THE EDIBLE THINGS!)

    Smart move going on a Friday – Saturdays there are mad.

    • The lines for some of the stands were already so long!

  • Elysse!


    Haha raclette. We ate that in Switzerland when I was a pre-teen, and my sister gained a ton of weight. When we came back from our trip, our parents didnt recognize us in the airport because she was chubby and I had dyed my hair black. HA!

    • She got fat solely on cheeese!?!! Ahhhh what a life.

  • I love raclette! There are two types, french and swiss. I like the swiss better because the french one has a rind like brie. I love it cold and pungent or melted on bread when it is milder. I’m pretty sure you can get the swiss version at trader joes.

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