WIWT: 7th Grade Came Callin’

Soooo, I wasn’t really on board with wearing oversized shirts and leggings until I very recently realized that this was my uniform in junior high. Holy flashbacks!

I was actually made fun of for not wearing jeans like everybody else, but I thought jeans were really uncomfortable and weird, and I would much rather show up to school in what would pass for pajamas. These days, I live in my jeans, so it has been comfy but strange to run around in leggings today without a dress or a pair of shorts over them!

Also, I have ALWAYS been anti-Uggs, espesh when girls wear them with a mini skirt or Daisy Dukes. That just makes no sense to me. However, when I saw this polka dot pair, I had couldn’t resist. I don’t wear them out of the house, though. They’re my House Fuggs, and they keep my feet warmz when socks don’t cut it.

Shirt: Coco de Coeur
Leopard Leggings: Betsey Johnson, bought at FredFlare
Shoes: Refuse to be Usual
Socks: Sock Dreams
Cardi: Target

At first I tried to take pics in Photobooth, but it’s always so grainy. So then I strung them together to make this animated gif. Sorry the cardigan got all weird and pixely and funky. GIFS! SHEESH! Just think of it as *:.:**.:.*sparkle*:.:**.:.*.

16 Comments on “WIWT: 7th Grade Came Callin’”

  • Janna Lynn


    Oh my gosh…so cute! I love leggings with dresses and whatnot…so comfy…I also love uggs, basically anything comfy! I adore your ensemble! Hearts, Janna Lynn

    • I think my beef with Uggs is that they are usually brown, and I never really liked brown. When I saw the silver ones come out, I was really tempted, tho!! HEhehh

  • Acrylicana


    Everything’s so cute and fun! 😀
    It’s funny how we become anti-whatever over time. Glad to see I wasn’t the only one wearing leggings when they stopped being cool. Really glad they came back into fashion.

    Get some sequined leggings if you don’t have them already. They seem awfully dressy for the world, but I assure you, bringing the glitz along is the WAY TO BE!

    • I seriously lusted after some Bestey Johnson sequin leggings, but they were sooo spendy and I never took the time to find a different brand.

      Good reminder, though!!!

      • Acrylicana


        Hunt for the red october! I mean, shop teen stores. I don’t know if Wet Seal still has them in stock, but that’s where I got mine (black sequin). Wish I could find some in every colour. And then metallic and wet leather looking ones.

        Feed the animals? SPARKLE PANTS!
        Hit the post office? SPARKLE PANTS!
        On the elliptical? SPARKLE PANTS!

        • “Feed the animals? SPARKLE PANTS!
          Hit the post office? SPARKLE PANTS!
          On the elliptical? SPARKLE PANTS!”

          OMG, this has to be part of the chorus to your new hit dance song. Please make it happen!!! I can see the music video now. IT’s a winner.

          • Acrylicana


            My new career awaits!

  • Aaaw, I wear my ugg booties with little skirts and little shorts and very thick tights… It’s such a comfy and warm combination… Makes me feel like a kid who can jump around in puddles!

    It’s strange to think that one of the most creative and open-minded girls I admire for their fashion hates my style! Booo!

    I’ll take my mini and my comfy moon boots elsewhere, teehee!

    • I don’t begrudge people wearing what makes them feel good, but, let’s be honest, we can’t all LOVE everything. That’s just not real! 😛 That’s having zero opinion on anything!

  • tetcutiepie


    I’m trying to get into the habit of wearing baggy tops, like those hanky hem ones, cause it looks stylish and hides my jelly belly :p

    I envy people who can put an outfit together (like yourself)! I would never have picked those leggings to go, but somehow, it works!

    I checked out where you got the tee and saw the Tokyolux site… Now I want the Donut Pullover! But not sure what size to order, gah!

    • It comes pretty big and baggy and comfy, I think. Maybe think more like unisex/men’s sizing?

      I have had trouble with baggy tops, cuz I like to wear boot cut jeans or jeans with a slight flare, and I don’t that a baggy shirt would complement that! 😛

      I have been watching other bloggers mix and match patterns, so I’m trying to do it, too. Like, at first I had on white socks, and that just wasn’t cutting to for me!

      • tetcutiepie


        Ah now it makes sense! Yeah I wouldn’t wear a baggy top with flare jeans either… I also don’t like how some tops, the bottom hem flares out! Or it only me that has that problem…? 😛

        Haha! Yes, the pink socks ‘tie in’ the pink cardi better, compared to white socks with the white top. I always like to tie in my shoes to my shirt, so there’s a nice balance on the top and bottom. But I don’t own that many shoes, sooo I instead try and accomodate with a hairband/hairclip! I just realized I sound ridic saying what I try to do clothes-wise!

        I have no clue, haha! You keep doing your thang your way Twinkie!

  • MaDonna


    i have that cardi in black but .. where is it?! i want it for a tomorrow outfit. i want coco decouer shirts 🙁
    i love twinkieeee

  • caz


    Totally loving the leopard print leggings…iv been toying witht he idea of leggings but im too used to jeans now haha!!

  • Michelle


    Ok that outfit is super cute. I would totally wear that outfit. And those Uggs are cute, but I agree with them being house shoes. I wouldn’t wear any outside either.

  • Claudieboo


    You Never fail to put a smile on my face ~ EVER! You have an awesome style I am soooooooo jealous of 😉

    Your cardi looks good in the gif too… before I even read what you wrote I kinda got excited over sparkles! ♥^_^♥

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