Quality Control Session: Mini Cake Hair Clip

So I’ve been working on these mini cake hair clips, right?

I always have a difficult time choosing between the alligator clip and the french clip. I think the alligator clips are easier on the hair and easier to put on and take off, but I also think the french clip provides more stability for a 3D piece, and that’s why I use the french clips on the ice cream hair clips. I’m still trying to decide what to use on the mini cakes. I am thinking I might let people choose and just attach-to-order, although I’m still leaning strongly toward the french clip to avoid any wobbling.

At first I had the alligator clip on it, and I wasn’t a fan of the resulting wobbliness. Then I tried to rip off the alligator clip. That didn’t work very well. I kind of had to cut it off, and then use the glue and the new french clip to “mend” the slices I’d made through the crochet!

Here’s me testing out the french clip. Check out the rigorous dedication I have for bringing you quality product. πŸ™‚



31 Comments on “Quality Control Session: Mini Cake Hair Clip”

  • Sylvette Marie


    I like better the aligator its more easy to put and take off.

    happy saturday twinkie πŸ™‚

  • Jenny Whoo


    Hahahaha- I love the video sound effects! πŸ™‚ I personally tend to prefer the alligators, but I understand what you’re saying about stability. Go with the french!

  • Maggi


    I prefer alligator over french too but if the french keeps it more stable, I would go with that!

  • Amie


    You should use the french clips! I love the cake clip!! Really cute! Good work!! πŸ™‚

  • caz


    Im not a fan of the french because it tends to rip out my hair or get stuck πŸ˜› but if the aligator really is very unstable it might have to be the price we pay to look cute in your stuff πŸ™‚

    • Yeah they rip out my hair, too, but it sometimes seems the better option that having your hair clip fall out of your hair a hundred times a day πŸ˜›

  • Irit


    Aren’t there clips that can be sewn on, instead of glued on? That might solve the problem. πŸ™‚

    • Mmm it’s not really an issue of how the clip is attached, but more what kind of base of stability the actual clip has, like how much surface area it has, etc!

    • Ah Thank you so much! πŸ™‚ I ship everything out on Monday!

  • Cami


    Love the video! Good know that you are so diligently ensuring quality! πŸ™‚

    • I try as best I can! Nothing is perfect of course, but I hope that all my items are useful and long-lasting!

  • I think the french ones are more stable, especially if you have fine hair. They grab it better. I have fairly fine hair and have tried in the past to use the alligators and they just fall and fall…

    • I also think about putting stuff on to plastic headbands, but it seems not many ppl want to buy headbands either.

  • McKayla


    Hahahahah. I like alligator clips, the french clips are kinda weird to get in your hair if it’s thick.

    ps. loooove the video. Hahahahah.

    • Yeah I overall prefer alligator as they are easier on the hair, but sometimes it just doesn’t work πŸ˜›

  • haha, i vote french clips. alligeters are only good for little things.

    • I have some alligators on some fairly large, decorated bows, but yeah, they just don’t seem to work on my funky crocheted hair stuff!

  • The cramped hand


    I like the french clips.The alligators just slid out of my hair.
    Wish you made super small cakes like those for my Standard Poodle she looks so cute with clips in but those big things she would rip right out.

    • Hehe yeah I don’t really work on a small scale very well. I’m just not good at crochet with floss and such like.

  • Summer


    I prefer the alligator clip but for those cute cakes, I’d probably go with the French just for stability. Btw, the cakes are super cute!
    ( (
    ( ^.^)

    • Alligators also tend to have this weird part sticking up on the end that you open and close it with your fingers, that I think can be better hidden under a bow, but is sometimes hard to hide under a 3d object with a flat bottom! I at first put alligators under the ice creams, but the french just worked so much better!

      • Summer


        Ah, that’s right! I didn’t think about the alligator skewing the crochet part. I can’t wait to see your finished product, you are awesome!

  • tetcutiepie


    Haha! I like the dedication! You don’t want your customer to have a crappy product that’s gonna look/feel bad!

    Hmmm, alligator clips tend to slide down my hair or just don’t want to stay in my hair, but that might just be me not using them properly or something…? So I’d personally say to go with the french so you know it’ll stay put, plus stability is an essential for something that might be too heavy or big for something smaller/thinner ala alligator clip.

    • I find that alligator clips with teeth stay on a lot better!!! But yeah, some of them are definitely slidey if they were not lined with felt or ribbon or fabric or something πŸ˜›

  • Acrylicana


    Now that is some serious testing. πŸ˜€
    I’ve heard customers like the alligator clip because it latches on better to thicker hair. Though I wonder how those with straight hair or thinner hair feel.

    • I wish I felt like the alligator clips worked better! I’ve tried several kinds, lined them with felt…I dunno, I give up! even though I prefer them on other hair bows!

  • Catherine


    I prefer alligator clips too. I would LOVE to see some of these in mini sizes for people with pee size heads like me LOL. I put the ice cream one on and it looks freakish on me bc of my peanut head. I would love to buy some cutsie dessert hair clips in small mini sizes πŸ™‚ XOXO

    • Hee hee yeah I think they look good for people who have big hairdo’s or big hair in general, or if you put your hair in a high pony tail. Maybe you could play with your hair styles a bit more with it up or in buns or something and then try? Play a little! πŸ™‚

      I’m not very good at working on a small scale. I feel like I’m too clumsy πŸ˜›

  • Michelle


    Love the quality control video. LOL! As for clips, I would prefer the french because my hair is very thick and those clips work better in my hair than the alligator ones. So it wouldn’t just be your cake or scoop stability, but also stability in my hair. So you’d have to think about the different hair textures out there and what would be a good medium in which clip to use. But maybe a clip per order would work well too.

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