Lately, I’ve been finding it hard to blog, because, I can’t blog about the stuff I’m making/designing yet, but then I spend nearly 24/7 working, so I don’t have much left to say :P.
We recently went to dinner at Salt House for my sister in law Jaci’s bday. She has been talking about wanting an “apple jacket”, “wrapple,” or apple cozy to protect her apples in transit to work. I remembered this at the very last minute and didn’t have time to order a complete apple jacket, so instead, I downloaded a pattern from pukashell on Etsy and made my own. The pattern produced the larger green cozy, and then I modified it to create the smaller red one to fit the tiny organic Pink Ladies I got at Whole Foods! I also made her an owl coffee cup cozy since owls are Jaci’s jam.
Speaking of coffee cup cozies, I do believe all my cozies at Red Velvet sold out in like 2 hours. Thanks so much, guys! I super appreciate it!!!! I do plan to sell coffee cup cozies in my Etsy shop when I get a breather!!!
In other news, I just snapped some new photos for ShanaLogic. I thought this one was funny. Pumped for cupcakes! You can get your own cupcake dress right here!
Aaaaand while I was taking this photo, I asked Hairy if I looked like a bird:
Don’t worry. I didn’t send Shana that one…. HAHHA.
Also, usually while I snap photos, Bibi likes to be all up in my business.
She kept bringing over toys to play fetch with her….. her bouncy ball, her stinky rope, AND her tuggy/ball rope. She is a cutie. When she sits down, her belly hits the floor. You gotta love her.
I want to do a line of shirts with her image with positive sayings like, “My wrinkles are rad” or “My bell-bell is bad ass” or something. I dunno. It’s a work in progress! “My farts are the bomb.”